require 'spec_helper' describe "With Prefixes" do let(:prefix_model) do{:foreign_key_id => "123", :name => "test"}) end before(:each) do PrefixModel.reload_class_attributes end context ".find" do it "should use the prefix to find a single record when given as a param" do PrefixModel.connection.expects(:get) .with( "/foreign/123/prefix_models/456.json" ) .returns({}) PrefixModel.find(456, :params => {:foreign_key_id => 123}) end it "should not use the prefix to find a single record when not given as a param to avoid automatic failure" do PrefixModel.connection.expects(:get) .with( "/prefix_models/456.json" ) .returns({}) PrefixModel.find(456) end end context "#create" do it "should use the prefix to create a new record" do prefix_model.send(:connection).expects(:post) .with( "/foreign/123/prefix_models.json", {"prefix_model" => {"name" => "test"}}.to_json, instance_of(Hash) ) end end context "#first" do it "should use the prefix to find records" do prefix_model.send(:connection).expects(:get) .with( "/foreign/123/prefix_models.json" ) .returns([]) PrefixModel.first(:params => {:foreign_key_id => 123}) end it "should not use the prefix to find records when not given as a param to avoid automatic failure" do prefix_model.send(:connection).expects(:get) .with( "/prefix_models.json" ) .returns([]) PrefixModel.first end end context "#destroy" do it "should use the prefix to destroy a record" do = 456 prefix_model.send(:connection).expects(:delete) .with( "/foreign/123/prefix_models/456.json", instance_of(Hash) ) prefix_model.destroy end end context "#update" do it "should use the prefix to update a record" do = 456 = "changed name" prefix_model.send(:connection).expects(:put) .with( "/foreign/123/prefix_models/456.json", {"prefix_model" => {"name" => "changed name"}}.to_json, instance_of(Hash) ) end end end