# frozen_string_literal: true # server utils to handle eDen Db class EDen @@mail = nil @@pass = nil class << self @@mail = nil @@pass = nil def db_access Database.db_access end def email_exist(data, message_id, ws) mail = data["email"] puts "mail : #{mail}" db = db_access puts "db : #{db}" user_table = db[:user] puts "user_table : #{user_table}" sanitized_email = sanitize_email(mail) puts "sanitized_email : #{sanitized_email}" user = user_table.where(email: sanitized_email).first puts "user : #{user}" # build the answer telling if email exist or not email_exists_response = !user.nil? puts "email_exists_response : #{email_exists_response}" # response return { data: {email_exist: email_exists_response}, message_id: message_id } end def terminal(data, message_id, ws) { data: { message: `#{data}` }, message_id: message_id } end def sanitize_email(email) invalid_chars_pattern = /[^a-zA-Z0-9.-@]+/ email.gsub(invalid_chars_pattern, '') end def metadata(msg, pid, message_id, ws) path = msg[:output_file] data = msg[:data] if msg[:read] command = "ffprobe -v error -show_entries format_tags=comment -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 #{path.shellescape}" Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| if wait_thr.value.success? output = stdout.read puts "Metadata for #{path}:" puts output else puts "Error reading metadata: #{stderr.read}" end end else custom_data = data.to_json comment_metadata = "-metadata comment=#{custom_data.shellescape}" # input_file = path temp_output_file = "./temp_#{File.basename(path)}" ffmpeg_cmd = "ffmpeg -i #{path.shellescape} #{comment_metadata} -codec copy #{temp_output_file.shellescape}" Open3.popen3(ffmpeg_cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| if wait_thr.value.success? FileUtils.mv(temp_output_file, path, force: true) puts "Metadata successfully added to #{path}" else puts "Error: #{stderr.read}" end end end ws.send({ :pid => pid, :return => msg, :message_id => message_id }.to_json) end def finished(msg, pid, message_id, ws) path = msg[:output_file] # metadata = msg[:metadata] # custom_data = metadata.to_json # comment_metadata = "-metadata comment=#{custom_data.shellescape}" input_file = path # temp_output_file = "./temp_#{File.basename(input_file)}" ##### write tag metadata(msg, pid, message_id, ws) ##### read tag msg[:read]=true metadata(msg, pid, message_id, ws) ws.send({ :pid => pid, :return => msg, :message_id => message_id }.to_json) end def stop_recording(params, message_id, ws) pid = params['pid'] if pid begin Process.getpgid(pid) # Vérifier si le processus est toujours actif Process.kill("SIGINT", pid) # puts "Recording stopped.#{pid} : #{pid.class}" rescue Errno::ESRCH # Le processus n'existe pas puts "Recording already stopped or PID not found." end else puts "No recording in progress.#{pid} : #{pid.class}" end { data: "process killed", message_id: message_id } end def record(data, message_id, ws) # # Command to start recording # # -c 1 indicates recording in mono # # rate 44.1k sets the sample rate to 44100 Hz # # trim 0 records audio for 'duration' seconds type = data['type'] name = data['name'] duration = data['duration'] media = data['media'] path = data['path'] data = data['data'] output_file = "#{path}/#{name}.#{type}" if media == 'audio' command = "rec -c 1 #{output_file} rate 44.1k trim 0 #{duration}" stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(command) pid = wait_thr.pid # Sauvegarder le PID du processus ffmpeg msg = { output_file: output_file, media: :audio, record: :stop, data: data } # puts "pid class : #{pid.class}" Thread.new { wait_thr.join; finished(msg, pid, message_id, ws) } elsif media == 'video' resolution = "1280x720" framerate = "30" video_device_index = "0" audio_device_index = "1" command = "ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate #{framerate} -video_size #{resolution} " + "-i \"#{video_device_index}:#{audio_device_index}\" -t #{duration} " + "-pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 1 -filter:a \"aresample=async=1\" #{output_file}" stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(command) pid = wait_thr.pid # save the pid msg = { output_file: output_file, media: :video, record: :stop, data: data } Thread.new { wait_thr.join; finished(msg, pid, message_id, ws) } else # nothing here end { pid: pid, return: "path : #{path} record : #{media} received : duration #{duration} : name: #{name}, pid: #{pid}", message_id: message_id } end def authentication(data, message_id, ws) # database connexion : db = db_access # retrieving data from the 'identity' table identity_items = db[:user] # retrieving sent data user_email = data["particles"]["email"] # data cleansing of superfluous characters sanitized_email = sanitize_email(user_email) # database search mail_exists = identity_items.where(email: sanitized_email).first # mail_exists = identity_items.where(email: user_email).first puts 'ok' if !mail_exists @@pass = nil puts "authentication @@pass : #{@@pass}" { return: 'Email non trouvé, erreur', message_id: message_id } else @@mail = user_email puts "authentication @@mail du else : #{@@mail}" puts "authentication @@pass du else : #{@@pass}" if @@mail && @@pass puts "authentication @@mail du else v2 : #{@@mail}" puts "authentication @@pass du else v2 : #{@@pass}" @@mail = nil @@pass = nil return { return: 'logged', mail_authorized: true, user_id: mail_exists[:user_id], message_id: message_id } # Send the user account template else return { return: 'Email trouvé, cherche mdp', mail_authorized: false, message_id: message_id } end end end def authorization(data, message_id, ws) # database connexion : db = db_access # retrieving data from the 'security' table security_items = db[:user] # retrieving sent data user_password = data["particles"]["password"] # database search user_exists = security_items.where(password: user_password).first puts "user_exists : #{user_exists}" if !user_exists @@mail = nil puts "authorization @@mail du else : #{@@mail}" return { return: 'Password non trouvé, erreur', message_id: message_id } else @@pass = user_password puts "authorization @@pass : #{@@pass}" puts "authorization @@mail du else : #{@@mail}" if @@mail && @@pass puts "authorization @@pass v2 : #{@@pass}" puts "authorization @@mail du else v2 : #{@@mail}" # reset variables containing mail and password @@mail = nil @@pass = nil # return { return: 'Password trouvé, cherche mdp', password_authorized: false, message_id: message_id } return { return: 'logged', password_authorized: true, user_id: user_exists[:user_id], message_id: message_id } # Send the user account template else return { return: 'Password trouvé, cherche mdp', password_authorized: false, message_id: message_id } end end end def localstorage(data, message_id, ws) # return test # ws.send(return_message.to_json) return { return: 'localstorage content received', authorized: true, message_id: message_id } end def historicize(data, message_id, ws) # return test # ws.send(return_message.to_json) return { return: 'item to historicize received', authorized: true, message_id: message_id } end def init_db(_data, message_id, ws) unless File.exist?("eden.sqlite3") Sequel.connect("sqlite://eden.sqlite3") end { data: { message: 'database_ready' }, message_id: message_id } end def create_db_table(data, message_id, ws) table = data['table'] type = data['type'] primary = data['primary'] Database.create_table(table, type) { data: { message: "table #{table} added" }, message_id: message_id } end def create_db_column(data, message_id, ws) table = data['table'] column = data['column'] type = data['type'] Database.create_column(table, column, type) { data: { message: "column #{column} with type : #{type} added" }, message_id: message_id } end def query(data, message_id, ws) identity_table = db_access[data['table'].to_sym] result = identity_table.send(:all).send(:select) { data: { table: data['table'], infos: result }, message_id: message_id } end def insert(data, message_id, ws) table = data['table'].to_sym particles = data['particles'] if db_access.table_exists?(table) schema = db_access.schema(table) insert_data = {} particles.each do |particle, value| particle_sym = particle.to_sym if schema.any? { |col_def| col_def.first == particle_sym } insert_data[particle_sym] = value else return { data: { message: "column not found: #{particle}" }, message_id: message_id } end end if insert_data.any? identity_table = db_access[table] identity_table.insert(insert_data) { data: { message: "Data inserted in table: #{table}" }, message_id: message_id } else { data: { message: "No valid columns provided" }, message_id: message_id } end else { data: { message: "table not found: #{table}" }, message_id: message_id } end end def file(data, message_id, ws) file_content = File.send(data['operation'], data['source'], data['value']).to_s file_content = file_content.gsub("'", "\"") file_content = file_content.gsub('#', '\x23') { data: "=> operation: #{data['operation']}, source: #{data['source']}, content: #{file_content}", message_id: message_id } end def safe_send(method_name, data, message_id, ws) method_sym = method_name.to_sym send(method_sym, data, message_id, ws) end end end