require 'rails_helper' describe MessageTrain::MessagesController do include_context 'loaded site' include ControllerMacros routes { MessageTrain::Engine.routes } # This should return the minimal set of attributes required to create a valid # Dog. As you add validations to Dog, be sure to # adjust the attributes here as well. let(:valid_attributes) do { subject: 'Test Subject', recipients_to_save: { 'users' => 'second-user, third-user' }, draft: false } end let(:draft_attributes) do { subject: 'Test Subject', recipients_to_save: { 'users' => '' } } end let(:invalid_attributes) do { subject: nil } end before do login_user first_user end describe 'GET #show' do before do get :show, box_division: 'in', id:, format: :json end it_should_behave_like 'a successful page', which_renders: 'show' context 'loads box into @box' do subject { assigns(:box) } it { should be_a MessageTrain::Box } end context 'loads message into @message' do subject { assigns(:message) } it { should eq unread_message } end end describe 'GET #new' do before do get( :new, box_division: 'in', conversation_id: unread_message.message_train_conversation_id ) end it_should_behave_like 'a successful page', which_renders: 'new' context 'loads box into @box' do subject { assigns(:box) } it { should be_a MessageTrain::Box } end context 'loads message into @message' do subject { assigns(:message) } it { should be_a_new MessageTrain::Message } its(:subject) { should eq 'Re: Unread Conversation' } end end describe 'GET #edit' do describe 'as someone other than the owner' do before do get :edit, box_division: 'in', id: end it_should_behave_like 'a 404 Not Found error' end describe 'as the owner' do describe 'when message is a not a draft' do before do get :edit, box_division: 'in', id: end it_should_behave_like 'a 404 Not Found error' end describe 'when message is a draft' do before do get :edit, box_division: 'in', id: end it_should_behave_like 'a successful page', which_renders: 'edit' context 'loads requested message into @message' do subject { assigns(:message) } it { should eq draft_message } end end end end describe 'POST #create' do describe 'with valid attributes' do describe 'when draft' do before do post :create, box_division: 'in', message: draft_attributes end it_should_behave_like 'a redirect to', '/box/drafts' it_should_behave_like 'a response without error' context "sets the flash with an alert of the messages's draft status" do subject { flash[:alert] } it { should eq 'Message saved as draft.' } end end describe 'when not draft' do before do post :create, box_division: 'in', message: valid_attributes end it_should_behave_like 'a redirect to', '/box/sent' it_should_behave_like 'a response without error' context "sets the flash with a notice of the messages's creation" do subject { flash[:notice] } it { should eq 'Message sent.' } end end end describe 'with valid attributes, counting' do it 'results in a new conversation' do expect do post(:create, box_division: 'in', message: valid_attributes) change { MessageTrain::Conversation.count }.by(1) end it 'results in a new message' do expect do post(:create, box_division: 'in', message: valid_attributes) change { MessageTrain::Message.count }.by(1) end it 'results in new receipts' do expect do post(:create, box_division: 'in', message: valid_attributes) change { MessageTrain::Receipt.count }.by(3) end it 'results in email notifications' do expect do post(:create, box_division: 'in', message: valid_attributes) change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(2) end end describe 'with invalid params' do before do post :create, box_division: 'in', message: invalid_attributes end it_should_behave_like 'a successful page', which_renders: 'new' context 'loads the given message into @message' do subject { assigns(:message) } it { should be_a_new(MessageTrain::Message).with(invalid_attributes) } end context "sets the flash with the message's errors" do subject { flash[:error] } it { should eq "Subject can't be blank" } end end describe 'with invalid params, counting' do it 'does not result in a new message' do expect do post :create, box_division: 'in', message: invalid_attributes end.to_not change { MessageTrain::Message.count } end end end describe 'PUT #update' do describe 'as someone other than the owner' do before do put( :update, box_division: 'in', id:, message: valid_attributes ) end it_should_behave_like 'a 404 Not Found error' end describe 'as the owner' do describe 'with invalid params' do before do put( :update, box_division: 'in', id:, message: invalid_attributes ) end it_should_behave_like 'a successful page', which_renders: 'edit' context 'loads the given message into @message' do subject { assigns(:message) } it { should eq draft_message } end context 'does not update @message' do subject { draft_message.reload } its(:subject) { should eq 'This should turn into a draft' } end context "sets the flash with the message's errors" do subject { flash[:error] } it { should eq "Subject can't be blank" } end end describe 'with valid params' do describe 'when not a draft' do before do put( :update, box_division: 'in', id:, message: valid_attributes ) end it_should_behave_like 'a 404 Not Found error' end describe 'when a draft' do describe 'and updating to not draft' do before do put( :update, box_division: 'in', id:, message: valid_attributes ) end it_should_behave_like 'a redirect to', '/box/sent' it_should_behave_like 'a response without error' context 'updates @message' do subject { draft_message.reload } its(:subject) { should eq 'Test Subject' } end context 'sets no alert' do subject { flash[:alert] } it { should be nil } end context "sets the flash with a notice of the message's update" do subject { flash[:notice] } it { should eq 'Message sent.' } end end describe 'and updating but keeping as a draft' do let(:edited_draft_message) do { id:, subject: 'Still a draft', draft: 'Save As Draft' } end before do put( :update, box_division: 'in', id:, message: edited_draft_message ) end it_should_behave_like( 'a redirect matching', %r{/box/in/conversations/\d+} ) it_should_behave_like 'a response without error' context 'updates @message' do subject { draft_message.reload } its(:subject) { should eq 'Still a draft' } end context 'sets no notice' do subject { flash[:notice] } it { should be nil } end context "sets the flash with a alert of the message's update" do subject { flash[:alert] } it { should eq 'Message saved as draft.' } end end end end end end end