Story: Test::Unit::TestCase extended by rspec with should methods As an RSpec adopter with existing Test::Unit tests I want to use should_* methods in a Test::Unit::TestCase So that I use RSpec with classes and methods that look more like RSpec examples Scenario Outline: TestCase with should methods Given a file named "test_case_with_should_methods.rb" with: """ require 'spec/autorun' require 'spec/test/unit' class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def should_pass_with_should 1.should == 1 end def should_fail_with_should 1.should == 2 end def should_pass_with_assert assert true end def should_fail_with_assert assert false end def test raise "This is not a real test" end def test_ify raise "This is a real test" end end """ When I run " test_case_with_should_methods.rb" Then the exit code should be 256 And the stdout should include "5 examples, 3 failures" Scenarios: Run with ruby and spec | Command | | ruby | | spec |