#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'third_base' Object.send(:remove_const, :Date) if Object.const_get(:Date) rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, :DateTime) if Object.const_get(:DateTime) rescue nil module ThirdBase MJD_JD = 2400001 LD_JD = 2299160 ITALY = 2299161 ENGLAND = 2361222 JULIAN = -100000000000000000000000000000000000 GREGORIAN = 100000000000000000000000000000000000 # Compatibility class methods for Date and DateTime, necessary because ruby doesn't # support multiple inheritance. module CompatClassMethods [ %w(os? julian?), %w(ns? gregorian?), %w(exist1? valid_jd?), %w(exist2? valid_ordinal?), %w(exist3? valid_date?), %w(exist? valid_date?), %w(existw? valid_commercial?), %w(new0 new!), %w(new1 jd), %w(new2 ordinal), %w(new3 new), %w(neww commercial) ].each{|old, new| module_eval("def #{old}(*args, &block); #{new}(*args, &block); end")} # Return the parts of the parsed date as a hash witht he following keys: # # * :hour : hour # * :mday : day of month # * :min : minute # * :mon : month # * :offset : time zone offset from UTC in seconds # * :sec : second # * :sec_fraction : fraction of a second # * :year : year # * :zone : time zone offset as string def _parse(str, comp=false) d = DateTime.parse(str) {:mon=>d.mon, :zone=>d.zone, :sec=>d.sec, :year=>d.year, :hour=>d.hour, :offset=>d.offset, :mday=>d.day, :min=>d.min, :sec_fraction=>d.usec/1000000.0} end # Converts an Astronomical Julian Date to an Astronomical Modified Julian Date (substracts an integer from ajd) def ajd_to_amjd(ajd) ajd - MJD_JD end # Converts an Astronomical Julian Date to a Julian Date (returns ajd, ignores of) def ajd_to_jd(ajd, of=0) ajd end # Converts an Astronomical Modified Julian Date to an Astronomical Julian Date (adds an integer to amjd) def amjd_to_ajd(amjd) amjd + MJD_JD end # Returns the julian date for the given civil date arguments, ignores sg. def civil_to_jd(year, mon, day, sg=nil) civil(year, mon, day).jd end # Returns the julian date for the given commercial date arguments, ignores sg. def commercial_to_jd(cwyear, cweek, cwday, sg=nil) commercial(cwyear, cweek, cwday).jd end # Returns the fraction of the date as an array of hours, minutes, seconds, and fraction on a second. def day_fraction_to_time(fr) hours, fr = (fr * 24).divmod(1) minutes, fr = (fr * 60).divmod(1) seconds, sec_fract = (fr * 60).divmod(1) [hours, minutes, seconds, sec_fract] end # True if jd is greater than sg, false otherwise. def gregorian?(jd, sg) jd > sg end # All years divisible by 4 are leap years in the Gregorian calendar, # except for years divisible by 100 and not by 400. def leap?(y) y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0 end alias gregorian_leap? leap? # Converts a Julian Date to an Astronomical Julian Date (returns j, ignores fr and of) def jd_to_ajd(j, fr, of=0) j end # Returns [year, month, day] for the given julian date, ignores sg. def jd_to_civil(j, sg=nil) jd(j).send(:civil) end # Returns [cwyear, cweek, cwday] for the given julian date, ignores sg. def jd_to_commercial(j, sg=nil) jd(j).send(:commercial) end # Converts a julian date to the number of days since the adoption of # the gregorian calendar in Italy (subtracts an integer from j). def jd_to_ld(j) j - LD_JD end # Convert a Julian Date to a Modified Julian Date (subtracts an integer from j). def jd_to_mjd(j) j - MJD_JD end # Returns [year, yday] for the given julian date, ignores sg. def jd_to_ordinal(j, sg=nil) jd(j).send(:ordinal) end # Returns the day of week for the given julian date. def jd_to_wday(j) jd(j).wday end # Returns true if jd is less than sg, false otherwise. def julian?(jd, sg) jd < sg end # All years divisible by 4 are leap years in the Julian calendar. def julian_leap?(y) y % 4 == 0 end # Converts a number of days since the adoption of the gregorian calendar in Italy # to a julian date (adds an integer to ld). def ld_to_jd(ld) ld + LD_JD end # Converts a Modified Julian Date to a Julian Date (adds an integer to mjd). def mjd_to_jd(mjd) mjd + MJD_JD end # Converts the given year and day of year to a julian date, ignores sg. def ordinal_to_jd(year, yday, sg=nil) ordinal(year, yday).jd end # Converts the given hour, minute, and second to a fraction of a day as a Float. def time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s) (h*3600 + min*60 + s)/86400.0 end # Return the julian date of the given year, month, and day if valid, or nil if not, ignores sg. def valid_civil?(year, mon, day, sg=nil) civil(year, mon, day).jd rescue nil end alias valid_date? valid_civil? # Return the julian date of the given commercial week year, commercial week, and commercial # week day if valid, or nil if not, ignores sg. def valid_commercial?(cwyear, cweek, cwday, sg=nil) commercial(cwyear, cweek, cwday).jd rescue nil end # Returns the julian date if valid (always returns jd, ignores sg). def valid_jd?(jd, sg=nil) jd end # Return the julian date of the given year and day of year if valid, or nil if not, ignores sg. def valid_ordinal?(year, yday, sg=nil) ordinal(year, yday).jd rescue nil end # Returns the fraction of the day if the time is valid, or nil if the time is not valid. def valid_time?(h, min, s) h += 24 if h < 0 min += 60 if min < 0 s += 60 if s < 0 return unless ((0..23) === h && (0..59) === min && (0..59) === s) || (24 == h && 0 == min && 0 == s) time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s) end # Converts a time zone string to a offset from UTC in seconds. def zone_to_diff(zone) if m = /\A([+-](?:\d{4}|\d\d:\d\d))\z/.match(zone) x = m[1].gsub(':','') x[0..2].to_i*3600 + x[3..4].to_i*60 else 0 end end end # Compatibility instance methods for Date and DateTime, necessary because ruby doesn't # support multiple inheritance. module CompatInstanceMethods # Returns the Astronomical Julian Date for this date (alias for jd) def ajd jd end # Returns the Astronomical Modified Julian Date for this date (jd plus an integer) def amjd jd - MJD_JD end alias mjd amjd # Returns self. def gregorian self end alias england gregorian alias julian gregorian alias italy gregorian # True, since the gregorian calendar is always used. def gregorian? true end alias ns? gregorian? # False, since the gregorian calendar is never used. def julian? false end alias os? julian? # Returns the days since the date of the adoption of the gregorian calendar in Italy # (substracts an integer from jd). def ld jd - LD_JD end # Alias for day. def mday day end # Returns self, ignores sg. def new_start(sg=nil) self end alias newsg new_start # Returns 0, since the gregorian calendar is always used. def start 0 end alias sg start end # ThirdBase's top level Date compatibility class, striving to be as close as possible # to the standard Date class's API. class ::Date < Date extend CompatClassMethods include CompatInstanceMethods # Parse the date using strptime with the given format. def self._strptime(str, fmt='%F') strptime(str, fmt) end # Creates a new Date with the given year, month, and day of month, ignores sg. def self.civil(year=-4712, mon=1, day=1, sg=nil) super(year, mon, day) end # Creates a new Date with the given commercial week year, commercial week, and commercial week day, ignores sg. def self.commercial(cwyear=1582, cweek=41, cwday=5, sg=nil) super(cwyear, cweek, cwday) end # Creates a new Date with the given julian date, ignores sg. def self.jd(j=0, sg=nil) super(j) end # Creates a new Date with the given year and day of year, ignores sg. def self.ordinal(year=-4712, yday=1, sg=nil) super(year, yday) end # Parse given string using ThirdBase::Date's date parser, ignores comp and sg. def self.parse(str="-4712-01-01", comp=false, sg=nil) super(str) end # Parse given string using given format, ignores sg. def self.strptime(str="-4712-01-01", fmt='%F', sg=nil) super(str, fmt) end # Creates a new Date with today's date, ignores sg. def self.today(sg=nil) super() end # Returns a formatted string representing the date. def asctime strftime('%a %b %e 00:00:00 %Y') end alias ctime asctime # Returns 0.0, since Date don't have fractional days. def day_fraction 0.0 end end # ThirdBase's top level DateTime compatibility class, striving to be as close as possible # to the standard DateTime class's API. class ::DateTime < DateTime extend CompatClassMethods include CompatInstanceMethods # Parse the datetime using strptime with the given format. def self._strptime(str, fmt='%FT%T%z') strptime(str, fmt) end # Creates a new DateTime with the given year, month, day of month, hour, minute, second, and offset, ignores sg. def self.civil(year=-4712, mon=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, offset=0, sg=nil) super(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, 0, (offset*86400).to_i) end # Creates a new DateTime with the given commercial week year, commercial week, commercial week day, # hour, minute, second, and offset, ignores sg. def self.commercial(cwyear=1582, cweek=41, cwday=5, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, offset=0, sg=nil) super(cwyear, cweek, cwday, hour, min, sec, 0, (offset*86400).to_i) end # Creates a new DateTime with the given julian date, hour, minute, second, and offset, ignores sg. def self.jd(j=0, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, offset=0, sg=nil) super(j, hour, min, sec, 0, (offset*86400).to_i) end # Creates a new DateTime with the given year, day of year, hour, minute, second, and offset, ignores sg. def self.ordinal(year=-4712, yday=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, offset=0, sg=nil) super(year, yday, hour, min, sec, 0, (offset*86400).to_i) end # Parse given string using ThirdBase::DateTime's date parser, ignores comp and sg. def self.parse(str="-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", comp=false, sg=nil) super(str) end # Parse given string using given format, ignores sg. def self.strptime(str="-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", fmt='%FT%T%z', sg=nil) super(str, fmt) end # Creates a new DateTime with the current date and time, ignores sg. def self.now(sg=nil) super() end # Returns a formatted string representing the date. def asctime strftime('%c') end alias ctime asctime alias day_fraction fract # Returns a new DateTime with the same date and time as this datetime, but with a new offset. def new_offset(offset=0) self.class.new!(:civil=>civil, :parts=>time_parts, :offset=>(offset*86400).to_i) end alias newof new_offset # Return the offset as a Float representing the fraction of the day different from UTC. def offset @offset/86400.0 end alias of offset # Return the offset as a number of seconds from UTC. def offset_sec @offset end # The fraction of a second represented as a fraction of the entire day. def sec_fraction usec/86400000000.0 end end end $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'compat')) require 'date' require 'date/format' $:.shift