# frozen_string_literal: true require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'arx/version' require 'arx/categories' require 'arx/query/query' require 'arx/query/validate' require 'arx/entities/author' require 'arx/entities/category' require 'arx/entities/paper' # A Ruby interface for querying academic papers on the arXiv search API. module Arx # The arXiv search API endpoint. ENDPOINT = 'http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?' class << self # Performs a search query for papers on the arXiv search API. # # @param ids [Array<String>] The IDs of the arXiv papers to restrict the query to. # @param sort_by [Symbol] The sorting criteria for the returned results (see {Query::SORT_BY}). # @param sort_order [Symbol] The sorting order for the returned results (see {Query::SORT_ORDER}). # @return [Array<Paper>, Paper] The {Paper}(s) found by the search query. def search(*ids, sort_by: :relevance, sort_order: :descending) query = Query.new(*ids, sort_by: sort_by, sort_order: sort_order) yield query if block_given? document = Nokogiri::XML open(ENDPOINT + query.to_s + '&max_results=10000') document.remove_namespaces! results = Paper.parse(document, single: false).reject {|paper| paper.id.empty?} raise MissingPaper.new(ids.first) if results.empty? && ids.size == 1 ids.size == 1 && results.size == 1 ? results.first : results end alias_method :find, :search alias_method :get, :search end end # Performs a search query for papers on the arXiv search API. # # @note This is an alias of the {Arx.search} method. # @see Arx.search # @param ids [Array<String>] The IDs of the arXiv papers to restrict the query to. # @param sort_by [Symbol] The sorting criteria for the returned results (see {Arx::Query::SORT_BY}). # @param sort_order [Symbol] The sorting order for the returned results (see {Arx::Query::SORT_ORDER}). # @return [Array<Paper>, Paper] The {Arx::Paper}(s) found by the search query. def Arx(*ids, sort_by: :relevance, sort_order: :descending, &block) if block_given? Arx.search *ids, sort_by: sort_by, sort_order: sort_order, &block else Arx.search *ids, sort_by: sort_by, sort_order: sort_order end end