module Daru module Plotting module DataFrame module NyaplotLibrary # Plots a DataFrame with Nyaplot on IRuby using the given options. Yields # the corresponding Nyaplot::Plot object and the Nyaplot::Diagram object # to the block, if it is specified. See the nyaplot docs for info on how to # further use these objects. # # Detailed instructions on use of the plotting API can be found in the # notebooks whose links you can find in the README. # # == Options # # * +:type+ - Type of plot. Can be :scatter, :bar, :histogram, :line or :box. # * +:x+ - Vector to be used for X co-ordinates. # * +:y+ - Vector to be used for Y co-ordinates. # # == Usage # # Simple bar chart # df ={a:['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], b:[10,20,30,40,50]}) # df.plot type: :bar, x: :a, y: :b def plot opts={}, &block if opts[:categorized] plot_with_category(opts, &block) else plot_without_category(opts, &block) end end private def plot_without_category opts options = {type: :scatter}.merge(opts) plot = types = extract_option :type, options diagram = case when !([:scatter, :bar, :line, :histogram] & types).empty? plot_regular_diagrams plot, opts when types.include?(:box) plot_box_diagram plot else raise ArgumentError, "Unidentified plot types: #{types}" end yield(plot, diagram) if block_given? end def plot_with_category opts case type = opts[:type] when :scatter, :line plot = category_opts = opts[:categorized] type = opts[:type] x, y = opts[:x], opts[:y] cat_dv = self[category_opts[:by]] diagrams = create_categorized_diagrams plot, cat_dv, x, y, type apply_variant_to_diagrams diagrams, category_opts, type plot.legend true yield plot, *diagrams if block_given? else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported type #{type}" end end def create_categorized_diagrams plot, cat_dv, x, y, type do |cat| x_vec = self[x].where(cat_dv.eq cat) y_vec = self[y].where(cat_dv.eq cat) df = [x_vec, y_vec], order: [x, y] nyaplot_df = df.to_nyaplotdf plot.add_with_df(nyaplot_df, type, x, y) end end def apply_variant_to_diagrams diagrams, category_opts, type method = category_opts[:method] cat_dv = self[category_opts[:by]] # If user has mentioned custom color, size, shape use them variant = if category_opts[method] category_opts[method].cycle else send("get_#{method}".to_sym, type) end do |d, cat| d.title cat d.send(method, d.tooltip_contents [cat]*cat_dv.count(cat) if type == :scatter end end SHAPES = %w(circle triangle-up diamond square triangle-down cross).freeze def get_shape type validate_type type, :scatter SHAPES.cycle end def get_size type validate_type type, :scatter (50..550).step(100).cycle end def get_color(*) Nyaplot::Colors.qual.cycle end def get_stroke_width type validate_type type, :line (2..16).step(2).cycle end def validate_type type, *types raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option for #{type} type" unless types.include? type end def single_diagram? options options[:x] && options[:x].is_a?(Symbol) end def plot_regular_diagrams plot, opts if single_diagram? opts add_single_diagram plot, opts else add_multiple_diagrams plot, opts end end def plot_box_diagram plot numeric = only_numerics(clone: false).reject_values(*Daru::MISSING_VALUES) plot.add_with_df(numeric.to_nyaplotdf, :box, *numeric.vectors.to_a) end def add_single_diagram plot, options args = [ to_nyaplotdf, options[:type], options[:x] ] args << options[:y] if options[:y] plot.add_with_df(*args) end def add_multiple_diagrams plot, options types = extract_option :type, options x_vecs = extract_option :x, options y_vecs = extract_option :y, options nyaplot_df = to_nyaplotdf total = x_vecs.size types = types.size < total ? types*total : types, y_vecs).map do |t, xv, yv| plot.add_with_df(nyaplot_df, t, xv, yv) end end def extract_option opt, options if options[opt] o = options[opt] o.is_a?(Array) ? o : [o] else options.keys .select { |a| a =~"\\A#{opt}") } .sort .map { |a| options[a] } end end end end end end