// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== var set, array, array2; module("SC.SelectionSet#indexSetForSource", { setup: function() { set = SC.SelectionSet.create(); array = '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.w(); array2 = 'a b c d e f g h i k l m'.w(); } }); test("empty selection set", function() { equals(set.indexSetForSource(array), null, 'should return null for source not in set'); equals(set.indexSetForSource(array2), null, 'should return null for source not in set (2)'); }); test("selection set if index range is added", function() { var ret; set.add(array, 3,4); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); ok(ret, 'should return an index set for the array'); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(3,4), 'should be index set that was added'); set.remove(array,3,1); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(4,3), 'should return new index set when membership changes'); set.add(array,10,1); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(4,3).add(10,1), 'should return combined index set when multiple items are added'); }); test("selection set if objects in index set are added", function() { var ret ; set.addObjects(["0", 'a']); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0,1), 'should return index set with objects found in set interpolated'); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array2); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0,1), 'should return index set with objects found in set interpolated (2)'); set.removeObject("0"); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); equals(ret, null, 'should return null when matching objects are removed'); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array2); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0,1), 'removing other objects should not effect'); }); test("selection set if objects and ranged are added", function() { var ret ; set.add(array, 4,3).addObjects(["0", 'a']); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0,1).add(4,3), 'should return index set with objects found in set interpolated'); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array2); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0,1), 'should return index set with objects found in set interpolated (2)'); set.removeObject("0"); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(4,3), 'should return just range when objects are removed'); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array2); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0,1), 'removing other objects should not effect'); }); // .......................................................... // SPECIAL CASES // test("add and remove source", function() { set.add(array, 3,4).remove(array, 3,4); equals(set.indexSetForSource(array), null, 'should return null for source not in set'); }); test("looking up indexSet for source when objects are added should recache when source content changes", function() { var obj = array.objectAt(0), ret; set = SC.SelectionSet.create().addObject(obj); ret = set.indexSetForSource(array); same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(0), 'should return index set with item at 0'); array.removeObject(obj).pushObject(obj); // move obj to end. ret = set.indexSetForSource(array) ; same(ret, SC.IndexSet.create(array.indexOf(obj)), 'should return index set with item at end'); });