class TopicsController < ApplicationController #cache topics.json caches_action :index, :cache_path => { {:ssl => request.ssl?, :app => params[:gbapp], :roles => current_roles.roles} } def index @app = Gbapplication.find_by_name(params[:gbapp]) if params[:gbapp] if @app.nil? logger.error "Gbapplication '#{params[:gbapp]}' not found" head :bad_request return end respond_to do |format| format.json do render :json => Topic.list(@app, current_ability, host_zone(, wms_host) end end end def show #TODO: obsolete? @topic = Topic.includes(:layers).find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.json do render :json => @topic.to_json(:include => :layers) end end end def query # optional parameter (default = false) to return only the feature nearest to the center of the search geometry, if no custom layer query is used nearest = params['nearest'] == 'true' @query_topics = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:infoQuery])['queryTopics'] #e.g. [{"layers"=>"lk25,grenzen,gemeindegrenzen,seen,wald,haltestellen", "divCls"=>"legmain", "level"=>"main", "topic"=>"BASISKARTEZH"}, {"layers"=>"", "divCls"=>"legover", "level"=>"over", "topic"=>"AVParzOverlayZH"}] @query_topics.each do |query_topic| topic = Topic.where(:name => query_topic['topic']).first authorize! :show, topic query_topic['topicobj'] = topic if params['bbox'] query_topic['results'] = topic.query(current_ability, query_topic, params['bbox'], nearest) elsif params['rect'] x1, y1, x2, y2 = params['rect'].split(',').collect(&:to_f) rect = "POLYGON((#{x1} #{y1}, #{x1} #{y2}, #{x2} #{y2}, #{x2} #{y1} ,#{x1} #{y1}))" query_topic['results'] = topic.query(current_ability, query_topic, rect, nearest) elsif params['circle'] query_topic['results'] = topic.query(current_ability, query_topic, params['circle'], nearest) elsif params['poly'] query_topic['results'] = topic.query(current_ability, query_topic, params['poly'], nearest) else # problem end end if params['bbox'] x1, y1, x2, y2 = (params['bbox']).split(',').collect(&:to_f) @xx = (x1 + x2) / 2.0 @yy = (y1 + y2) / 2.0 @height = 0 #Dtm.getHeight(params['bbox']) else @xx = 0 @yy = 0 @height = 0 end respond_to do |format| format.html { render :layout => false } format.json do render :json => prepJson end format.jsonp do render :json => prepJson, :callback => params[:callback] end end end def prepJson query_results = {} @query_topics.each do |query_topic| layer_results = {} query_topic['results'].each do |result| layer_results[result[0][:name]] = result end query_results[query_topic['topicobj'].name] = layer_results end { :results => query_results, :height => @height, :x => @xx, :y => @yy }.to_json end def legend #TODO: -> show?mode=legend @topic = Topic.includes(:layers).where(:name => params[:id]).first @topic ||= Topic.includes(:layers).find(params[:id]) authorize! :show, @topic render :layout => false end end