# =XMPP4R - XMPP Library for Ruby # # This file's copyright (c) 2009 by Pablo Lorenzzoni # License:: Ruby's license (see the LICENSE file) or GNU GPL, at your option. # Website::http://xmpp4r.github.io # # This was based on Observable module from Ruby. module ObservableThing require 'xmpp4r/observable/thread_store' # Adds an observer for some "thing". # # thing:: what will be observed. # observer:: the observer. # func:: the observer method that will be called (default: :update). def add_observer(thing, observer, func = :update) @things = {} unless defined? @things @things[thing] = {} unless ! @things[thing].nil? unless observer.respond_to? func raise NoMethodError, "observer does not respond to `#{func.to_s}'" end @things[thing][observer] = func unless @things[thing].include?(observer) end # Deletes an observer for some "thing". # # thing:: what has been observed. # observer:: the observer. def delete_observer(thing, observer) @things[thing].delete observer if defined? @things and ! @things[thing].nil? end # Delete observers for some "thing". # # thing:: what has been observed (if nil, deletes all observers). def delete_observers(thing = nil) if thing.nil? @things.clear if defined? @things else @things[thing].clear if defined? @things and ! @things[thing].nil? end end # Count the number of observers for some "thing". # # thing:: what has been observed (if nil, count all observers). def count_observers(thing = nil) return 0 if ! defined? @things size = 0 if thing.nil? @things.each { |thing, hash| size += hash.size } else size = @things[thing].size unless @things[thing].nil? end size end # Count the number of notifications for some "thing". # # thing:: what has been observed. def count_notifications(thing) return 0 if (! defined?(@things_counter)) or (! @things_counter.include?(thing)) @things_counter[thing] end # Change the state of some "thing". # # thing:: what will have the state changed. # state:: the state (default = true). def changed(thing, state = true) @things_state = {} unless defined? @things_state @things_state[thing] = state end # Check the state of some "thing". # # thing: what to have its state checked. def changed?(thing) if defined? @things_state and @things_state[thing] true else false end end # Notify all observers of "thing" about something. This will only be # enforced if the state of that "thing" is true. Also, if the observer # returns the Symbol :delete_me, it will be deleted after being notified. # # thing:: what has been observed. # args:: notification to be sent to the observers of "thing". def notify_observers(thing, *arg) if changed?(thing) if defined? @things and ! @things[thing].nil? @things[thing].each { |observer, func| increase_counter(thing) @thread_store = ThreadStore.new if ! defined? @thread_store @thread_store.add Thread.new { if observer.send(func, thing, *arg) == :delete_me delete_observer(thing, observer) end } } end changed(thing, false) end end # Is there pending notifications? def pending_notifications? return false if ! defined? @thread_store @thread_store.size > 0 end # Wait all notifications def wait_notifications sleep 1 while pending_notifications? end private def increase_counter(thing) @things_counter = {} unless defined? @things_counter @things_counter[thing] = 0 unless @things_counter.include?(thing) @things_counter[thing] += 1 end end # QObserver - simple observer-to-queue class class QObserver require 'thread' def initialize @queues = Hash.new end def inspect h = {} @queues.each do |q, queue| h[q] = queue.size end if h.length > 0 sprintf("#<%s:0x%x size=%s>", self.class.name, __id__, h.inspect) else sprintf("#<%s:0x%x>", self.class.name, __id__) end end # Return the queues we have registered def queues @queues.keys end # Received something in this queue? # # q:: queue def received?(q) @queues.include?(q) and ! @queues[q].empty? end # Get the contents of the queue in an array (or pass each item to the # given block. # # q:: queue def received(q) return nil if ! @queues.include?(q) if block_given? yield @queues[q].deq while ! @queues[q].empty? else a = [] a << @queues[q].deq while ! @queues[q].empty? return a end end # Get the size of a given queue # # q:: queue def size(q) @queues[q].size rescue 0 end # update method for our Observer # # thing:: what to be updated def update(thing, *args) @queues[thing] = Queue.new if ! @queues.include?(thing) @queues[thing].enq args end end