unless defined?(Sass::MERB_LOADED) Sass::MERB_LOADED = true module Sass::Plugin::Configuration # Different default options in a m environment. def default_options @default_options ||= begin version = Merb::VERSION.split('.').map {|n| n.to_i} if version[0] <= 0 && version[1] < 5 root = MERB_ROOT env = MERB_ENV else root = Merb.root.to_s env = Merb.environment end { :always_update => false, :template_location => root + '/public/stylesheets/sass', :css_location => root + '/public/stylesheets', :cache_location => root + '/tmp/sass-cache', :always_check => env != "production", :quiet => env != "production", :full_exception => env != "production" }.freeze end end end config = Merb::Plugins.config[:sass] || Merb::Plugins.config["sass"] || {} if defined? config.symbolize_keys! config.symbolize_keys! end Sass::Plugin.options.merge!(config) require 'sass/plugin/rack' class Sass::Plugin::MerbBootLoader < Merb::BootLoader after Merb::BootLoader::RackUpApplication def self.run # Apparently there's no better way than this to add Sass # to Merb's Rack stack. Merb::Config[:app] = Sass::Plugin::Rack.new(Merb::Config[:app]) end end end