 * ext-helloworld.js
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
 * Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
	This is a very basic SVG-Edit extension. It adds a "Hello World" button in
	the left panel. Clicking on the button, and then the canvas will show the
 	user the point on the canvas that was clicked on.
methodDraw.addExtension("Hello World", function() {

		return {
			name: "Hello World",
			// For more notes on how to make an icon file, see the source of
			// the hellorworld-icon.xml
			svgicons: "extensions/helloworld-icon.xml",
			// Multiple buttons can be added in this array
			buttons: [{
				// Must match the icon ID in helloworld-icon.xml
				id: "hello_world", 
				// This indicates that the button will be added to the "mode"
				// button panel on the left side
				type: "mode", 
				// Tooltip text
				title: "Say 'Hello World'", 
				// Events
				events: {
					'click': function() {
						// The action taken when the button is clicked on.
						// For "mode" buttons, any other button will 
						// automatically be de-pressed.
			// This is triggered when the main mouse button is pressed down 
			// on the editor canvas (not the tool panels)
			mouseDown: function() {
				// Check the mode on mousedown
				if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "hello_world") {
					// The returned object must include "started" with 
					// a value of true in order for mouseUp to be triggered
					return {started: true};
			// This is triggered from anywhere, but "started" must have been set
			// to true (see above). Note that "opts" is an object with event info
			mouseUp: function(opts) {
				// Check the mode on mouseup
				if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "hello_world") {
					var zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
					// Get the actual coordinate by dividing by the zoom value
					var x = opts.mouse_x / zoom;
					var y = opts.mouse_y / zoom;
					var text = "Hello World!\n\nYou clicked here: " 
						+ x + ", " + y;
					// Show the text using the custom alert function