require 'spec_helper' describe RubyConf do before do RubyConf.clear end subject { RubyConf } describe "lambda arguments" do it "accepts arguments for lambdas" do RubyConf.define("lambda args", :as => :Hannibal) do silence_of_the lambda { |clarise, fava, chianti| "Hello #{clarise}. I'd like to eat your liver with #{fava} beans, and a nice #{chianti}." } end Hannibal.silence_of_the('Cow', 'refried', 'glass of milk').should == "Hello Cow. I'd like to eat your liver with refried beans, and a nice glass of milk." RubyConf.define("single lambda arg", :as => :Argue) do you_are_a lambda { |meanie| "Why are you such a jerk, #{meanie}" } end Argue.you_are_a('My Love?').should == "Why are you such a jerk, My Love?" RubyConf.define(:LambdaToString) do no_args -> { "none" } one_arg ->(arg) { "one|#{arg.inspect}" } var_args ->(*args) { "var|#{args.inspect}" } multi_args ->(one,two) { "multi|#{one.inspect}|#{two.inspect}" } multi_var_args ->(one,*two,three) { "multivar|#{one.inspect}|#{two.inspect}|#{three.inspect}" } end LambdaToString.to_s.should == "[LambdaToString]\n\nmulti_args: multi|nil|nil\n\nmulti_var_args: multivar|nil|[nil]|nil\n\nno_args: none\n\none_arg: one|nil\n\nvar_args: var|[nil]\n\n" end end describe ".root" do it "has a heirarchy" do RubyConf.define "RootTest" do outer do middle do inner do val value end end end end RootTest.outer.middle.inner.val.should == "value" RootTest.__rc_parent.should be_nil RootTest.outer.__rc_parent.should == RootTest RootTest.outer.middle.__rc_parent.should == RootTest.outer RootTest.outer.middle.inner.__rc_parent.should == RootTest.outer.middle RootTest.__rc_root.should == RootTest RootTest.outer.__rc_root.should == RootTest RootTest.outer.middle.__rc_root == RootTest RootTest.outer.middle.inner.__rc_root.should == RootTest RootTest.outer.detach RootTest.outer.__rc_root.should == RootTest.outer RootTest.outer.middle.__rc_root == RootTest.outer RootTest.outer.middle.inner.__rc_root.should == RootTest.outer RootTest.outer.middle.detach RootTest.outer.middle.__rc_root == RootTest.outer.middle RootTest.outer.middle.inner.__rc_root.should == RootTest.outer.middle end it "sets self properly in nested procs" do RubyConf.define "SelfSetTest" do val proc { self } outer do val proc { self } middle do val proc { self } inner do val proc { self } end end end end SelfSetTest.val.should == SelfSetTest SelfSetTest.outer.val.should == SelfSetTest SelfSetTest.outer.middle.val.should == SelfSetTest SelfSetTest.outer.middle.inner.val.should == SelfSetTest end end describe ".to_s" do it "prints out the config in a human readable way" do RubyConf.define("some shapes", :as => :Shapes) { defaults { position { px 10; py 20 }; size { width 100; height 200 }; rotation lambda { '90 degrees' } } other { sides 4; color blue like the color of the sea before a storm } triangle(:inherits => 'defaults') { named :rectangle; size { width 5 }; rotation '180 degrees' } square(:inherits => defaults) { named :rectangle; size { width 50 } } circle(:inherits => [:defaults, :other]) { sides 0; rotation lambda { 'who could possibly tell?' }; fits { pegs { round lambda { "yes" }; square lambda { "no" } } } } polygon { sides 'many'; details { named 'somename'; actual_sides 100; discussion { seems? 'like a lot of damn sides' } } } dafuq? { holy fuck this is some god damn evil fucking black sorcery!; how the hell did he make this happen?; mason is some kind of sorcerer; this is freaking me out man; srsly dude } } Shapes.inspect.should == '[some shapes] circle: { color: "blue like the color of the sea before a storm", fits: { pegs: { round: "yes", square: "no" } }, position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "who could possibly tell?", sides: 0, size: { height: 200, width: 100 } }, dafuq: { holy: "fuck this is some god damn evil fucking black sorcery", how: "the hell did he make this happen", mason: "is some kind of sorcerer", srsly: "dude", this: "is freaking me out man" }, defaults: { position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "90 degrees", size: { height: 200, width: 100 } }, other: { color: "blue like the color of the sea before a storm", sides: 4 }, polygon: { details: { actual_sides: 100, discussion: { seems: "like a lot of damn sides" }, named: "somename" }, sides: "many" }, square: { named: :rectangle, position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "90 degrees", size: { height: 200, width: 50 } }, triangle: { named: :rectangle, position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "180 degrees", size: { height: 200, width: 5 } }' Shapes.to_s.should == <<-TEXT [some shapes] circle: color: blue like the color of the sea before a storm fits: pegs: round: yes square: no position: px: 10 py: 20 rotation: who could possibly tell? sides: 0 size: height: 200 width: 100 dafuq: holy: fuck this is some god damn evil fucking black sorcery how: the hell did he make this happen mason: is some kind of sorcerer srsly: dude this: is freaking me out man defaults: position: px: 10 py: 20 rotation: 90 degrees size: height: 200 width: 100 other: color: blue like the color of the sea before a storm sides: 4 polygon: details: actual_sides: 100 discussion: seems: like a lot of damn sides named: somename sides: many square: named: rectangle position: px: 10 py: 20 rotation: 90 degrees size: height: 200 width: 50 triangle: named: rectangle position: px: 10 py: 20 rotation: 180 degrees size: height: 200 width: 5 TEXT end end describe ".define" do context "no arguments" do it "returns anonymous config" do config = subject.define do equality true end config.equality.should be_true end end context ":inherit" do let(:inherited_config) do RubyConf.define "inherited_config" do basic do movie "b" thing do origin "swamp" type "monster" end end laboritory :inherits => basic do thing do strong true end end city :inherits => basic do thing do origin "ocean" name "bob" end end chained :inherits => city do thing do origin "space" end end end end it "pre-loads a config with a existing config" do inherited_config.laboritory.thing.origin.should == inherited_config.basic.thing.origin end it "chains inherited configs" do == "b" inherited_config.chained.thing.origin.should == "space" == "bob" end it "does not overwrite values" do == "ocean" end end context ":as" do it "creates a global Constant" do subject.define "rails_database", :as => :RailsDatabase do production :host => 'localhost', :password => 'cake', :username => 'eggs2legit' end ::RailsDatabase.production[:host].should == 'localhost' ::RailsDatabase.production[:username].should_not be_nil ::RailsDatabase.production[:password].should_not be_nil end end it "can reopen configs" do config = subject.define do godzilla do spines false awesome true end end config.godzilla do spines true end config.godzilla.spines.should == true config.godzilla.awesome.should == true end it "returns a named config" do config = subject.define "a_name" do something "hi" end config.something.should == "hi" subject.a_name.something.should == 'hi' end it "can be chained" do subject.define "config", :as => :ChainedConfig do love_song (RubyConf.define "love_song" do title "in me all along" end) end ChainedConfig.love_song.title.should == 'in me all along' end it "can be chained using do blocks instead of RubyConf.define" do subject.define "config", :as => :MyConfig do turtles do teenage true mutant true ninja true raphael do mask "red" end end end MyConfig.turtles.mutant.should == true MyConfig.turtles.raphael.mask.should == "red" end describe "RubyConf" do it "can access configs using square brackets" do subject.define "config" do shredder "villain" end subject[:config].shredder.should == "villain" end end describe "RubyConf::Config" do it "can access attributes using square brackets" do subject.define "config" do splinter "the man" end subject[:config][:splinter].should == "the man" end end it "defines a new configuration with a given name" do subject.define "thing" do end subject.should respond_to(:thing) end it "sets a variable in new configuration with a given name to a value" do subject.define "thing" do honky true end subject.thing.honky.should be_true end describe "namespace with attribute with lambda arg" do before do subject.define 'with_llama' do get_wool lambda { @shear_count = @shear_count.to_i + 1 } end end it "should return the value of lambda" do subject.with_llama.get_wool.should == 1 end it "should return the value of lambda dynamicly" do subject.with_llama.get_wool.should == 1 subject.with_llama.get_wool.should == 2 subject.with_llama.get_wool.should == 3 end end describe "namespace with attribute with extra args" do before do subject.define "namespace" do attribute "hello", "tiny" , "tim" end end it "sets an array" do subject.namespace.attribute.should == %w(hello tiny tim) end end describe "namespaced to 'cake' with flour and water" do before do subject.define "cake" do flour "1 cup" water "1/3 cup" skim_milk "2/3 cup" end end it "cake has 1 cup of flour" do subject.cake.flour.should == '1 cup' end it "cake has 1 cup of water" do subject.cake.water.should == '1/3 cup' end it "responds to skim_milk" do subject.cake.should respond_to(:skim_milk) end it "can indicate the presence of an attribute when ending in ? and raises error for !" do subject.cake.bees.should == nil subject.cake.flour?.should be_true subject.cake.bees?.should be_false lambda do subject.cake.bees! end.should raise_error NameError end end end describe "Automatically sets the RAILS_CONF variable" do after do dir = Dir["./**/test_conf.rb.tmpl"].first[/^(.*?)\/test_conf.rb.tmpl$/, 1] File.delete("#{dir}/test_conf.rb") if File.exists?("#{dir}/test_conf.rb") end it "will autoload the first ruby-conf that it can find if none is provided" do dir = Dir["./**/test_conf.rb.tmpl"].first[/^(.*?)\/test_conf.rb.tmpl$/, 1] val = Random.rand.to_s File.write("#{dir}/test_conf.rb","#{dir}/test_conf.rb.tmpl").gsub('{{VALUE}}', val)) RUBY_CONF.should be_nil RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "FOUND AND LOADED BASIC CONFIG #{val}" loaded = RUBY_CONF.__rc_loaded_conf FileUtils.touch(loaded[:path], mtime: 100) File.mtime(loaded[:path]).to_i.should_not == loaded[:mtime] RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "FOUND AND LOADED BASIC CONFIG #{val}" RUBY_CONF.__rc_loaded_conf[:mtime].should == loaded[:mtime] val = Random.rand.to_s File.write("#{dir}/test_conf.rb","#{dir}/test_conf.rb.tmpl").gsub('{{VALUE}}', val)) FileUtils.touch(loaded[:path], mtime: 100) RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "FOUND AND LOADED BASIC CONFIG #{val}" RUBY_CONF.__rc_loaded_conf[:mtime].should_not == loaded[:mtime] RubyConf.clear module ::Rails def self.env() "foo" end end ::Object.const_defined?(:Rails).should be_true RUBY_CONF.should be_nil RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "FOUND AND LOADED RAILS ENV CONFIG #{val}" end it "sets the first unnamed config as default" do RUBY_CONF.should be_nil first = RubyConf.define { ident "first" } RUBY_CONF.should_not be_nil second = RubyConf.define { ident "second" } RUBY_CONF.__rc_conf.should == first RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "first" end it "sets the proper config based on Rails environment and detaches, if it exists" do module ::Rails def self.env() "foo" end end ::Object.const_defined?(:Rails).should be_true RUBY_CONF.should be_nil RubyConf.define do foo { ident "correct" } bar { ident "wrong" } end RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "correct" RubyConf.clear RUBY_CONF.should be_nil RubyConf.define do foo_conf { ident "correct" } bar_conf { ident "wrong" } end RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "correct" RubyConf.clear RUBY_CONF.should be_nil RubyConf.define do foo_config { ident "correct" } bar_config { ident "wrong" } end RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "correct" RubyConf.clear RUBY_CONF.should be_nil RubyConf.define do ident "correct" end RUBY_CONF.ident.should == "correct" end end end