## ContactUs 1.0.0 (Jan 15th 2015) * Fix Rails 4.2 deliver_later deprecation. * Require Ruby 2+ ## ContactUs 0.5.4 (Jun 25th 2014) * Added Greek locale. ## ContactUs 0.5.3 (Jun 22nd 2014) * Updated line specs to Rspec 3 expect syntax. ## ContactUs 0.5.1 (Nov 19th 2013) * Require Rails >= 4 going forward. [Jeff Dutil] ## ContactUs 0.5.0 (Nov 19th 2013) * Require Ruby >= 1.9.3 going forward. [Jeff Dutil] * Updates for Rails 4 compatibility [flyerhzm] ## ContactUs 0.4.0 (Oct 29th 2012) * Add default rails form helper support and remove Formtastic dependency. [Jeff Dutil] * Added support for SimpleForm. [flyerhzm] * Added Japanese locale. [yosiyuki] * Added French locale. [bgantaume] * No longer copy default views & locales during installation. Copy manually with rake tasks when wanting to customize now. [Jeff Dutil] ## ContactUs 0.3.0 (May 15th 2012) * Changed route to /contact-us from /contact_us for seo. [Jeff Dutil] ## ContactUs 0.2.1 (May 4th 2012) * Use the users provided email address in the email notifications reply_to field. [Jeff Dutil] ## ContactUs 0.2.0 (February 25th 2012) * Added ContactUs.mailer_from setting in order to send from verified address, which is better practice than pretending the email is from the user. [Jeff Dutil] * Added ContactUs.require_name setting in order to ask for the name with the contact form. [Jeff Dutil] * Added ContactUs.require_subject setting in order to for the subject with the contact form. [Jeff Dutil] * Formtastic dependency updated to >= 2.1.0 in order to fix commit_button deprecation. [Jeff Dutil] ## ContactUs 0.1.5 (January 6th, 2012) * Added Chinese zh locale [kinopyo] ## ContactUs 0.1.4 (September 26th, 2011) * Added German locale * Email subject is now included in i18n ## ContactUs 0.1.3 (September 2, 2011) * Added Brazilian Portuguese locale [brunoarueira] * Added Spanish locale [igmarin] * Added Italian locale [igmarin] ## ContactUs 0.1.2 (August 18, 2011) * 100% Test Coverage under Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, REE, ruby-head, rbx-2.0 [Jeff Dutil]