## # Include this module in classes where you want monitoring capabilities module Hallmonitor module Monitored module ClassMethods def timer_for(method_sym, options={}) metric_name = options[:metric_name] || "#{self.underscore(self.name)}.#{method_sym.to_s}.time" self.send(:define_method, "#{method_sym.to_s}_with_hallmonitor_timer") do |*args| watch(metric_name) do self.send("#{method_sym.to_s}_without_hallmonitor_timer".to_sym, *args) end end alias_method "#{method_sym.to_s}_without_hallmonitor_timer".to_sym, method_sym alias_method method_sym, "#{method_sym.to_s}_with_hallmonitor_timer".to_sym end def count_for(method_sym, options={}) metric_name = options[:metric_name] || "#{self.underscore(self.name)}.#{method_sym.to_s}.count" self.send(:define_method, "#{method_sym.to_s}_with_hallmonitor_counter") do |*args| emit(metric_name) self.send("#{method_sym.to_s}_without_hallmonitor_counter".to_sym, *args) end alias_method "#{method_sym.to_s}_without_hallmonitor_counter".to_sym, method_sym alias_method method_sym, "#{method_sym.to_s}_with_hallmonitor_counter".to_sym end def underscore(value) word = value.dup word.gsub!(/::/, '/') word.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2') word.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2') word.tr!("-", "_") word.downcase! word end end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end ## # Emits an event: either self or an event if one is passed in, or constructs # a base event from the passed in param # If the parameter is a #Hallmonitor::Event, it will be emitted as is. # Otherwise, a new Hallmonitor::Event will be created with the parameter and emitted. def emit(event = nil) to_emit = self; if(!event.nil?) to_emit = event.kind_of?(Hallmonitor::Event) ? event : Hallmonitor::Event.new(event) end # If we were given a block, then we want to execute that if block_given? yield(to_emit) end Outputter.output(to_emit) end ## # Executes and times a block of code and emits a Hallmonitor::TimedEvent def watch(name) event = Hallmonitor::TimedEvent.new(name) event.start = Time.now yield(event) event.stop = Time.now emit(event) end end end