module Vedeu

  module Colours

    # Provides a container for terminal escape sequences controlling
    # the foreground and background colours of a character or
    # collection of characters.
    # Vedeu uses HTML/CSS style notation (i.e. '#aadd00'), they can be
    # used at the stream level, the line level or for the whole
    # interface. Terminals generally support either 8, 16 or 256
    # colours, with few supporting full 24-bit colour (see notes
    # below).
    # Vedeu attempts to detect the colour depth using the `$TERM`
    # environment variable.
    # To set your `$TERM` variable to allow 256 colour support:
    # ```bash
    # echo "export TERM=xterm-256color" >> ~/.bashrc
    # ```
    # Notes:
    # Terminals which support the 24-bit colour mode include (but are
    # not limited to): iTerm2 (OSX), Gnome Terminal (Linux).
    # Setting your `$TERM` environment variable as above gets you up
    # to 256 colours, but when you then add the
    # `colour_mode 16_777_216` configuration to your client
    # application, it's really a hit and miss affair. iTerm2 renders
    # all the colours correctly as does Gnome Terminal. Terminator
    # (Linux) goes crazy though and defaults to 16 colours despite the
    # `$TERM` setting. This area needs more work in Vedeu.
    # @todo Fix colours in all terminals. (GL: 2015-04-13)
    class Colour

      # @!attribute [r] background
      # @return [Vedeu::Colours::Background]
      attr_reader :background

      # @!attribute [r] foreground
      # @return [Vedeu::Colours::Foreground]
      attr_reader :foreground

      # @param value [Vedeu::Colours::Colour|Hash<Symbol => void>]
      # @return [Object]
      def self.coerce(value)
        return value if value.is_a?(self)
        return new unless value.is_a?(Hash)

        if value[:colour] && value[:colour].is_a?(self)

        elsif value[:colour] && value[:colour].is_a?(Hash)

        elsif value[:background] || value[:foreground]



      # Returns a new instance of Vedeu::Colours::Colour.
      # @param attributes [Hash]
      # @option attributes background [String]
      # @option attributes foreground [String]
      # @return [Vedeu::Colours::Colour]
      def initialize(attributes = {})
        @background = Vedeu::Colours::Background.coerce(attributes[:background])
        @foreground = Vedeu::Colours::Foreground.coerce(attributes[:foreground])

      # Converts the value into a Vedeu::Colours::Background.
      # @param value [String]
      # @return [String]
      def background=(value)
        @background = Vedeu::Colours::Background.coerce(value)

      # An object is equal when its values are the same.
      # @param other [Vedeu::Views::Char]
      # @return [Boolean]
      def eql?(other)
        self.class == other.class && background == other.background &&
          foreground == other.foreground
      alias_method :==, :eql?

      # Converts the value into a Vedeu::Colours::Foreground.
      # @param value [String]
      # @return [String]
      def foreground=(value)
        @foreground = Vedeu::Colours::Foreground.coerce(value)

      # Returns both or either of the converted attributes into a
      # single escape sequence.
      # @return [String]
      def to_s
        foreground.to_s + background.to_s
      alias_method :to_str, :to_s

    end # Colour

  end # Colours

end # Vedeu