# encoding: utf-8 describe BestInPlace::Helper, type: :helper do describe "#best_in_place" do before do @user = User.new :name => "Lucia", :last_name => "Napoli", :email => "lucianapoli@gmail.com", :height => "5' 5\"", :address => "Via Roma 99", :zip => "25123", :country => "2", :receive_email => false, :birth_date => Time.now.utc.to_date, :description => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a lectus et lacus ultrices auctor. Morbi aliquet convallis tincidunt. Praesent enim libero, iaculis at commodo nec, fermentum a dolor. Quisque eget eros id felis lacinia faucibus feugiat et ante. Aenean justo nisi, aliquam vel egestas vel, porta in ligula. Etiam molestie, lacus eget tincidunt accumsan, elit justo rhoncus urna, nec pretium neque mi et lorem. Aliquam posuere, dolor quis pulvinar luctus, felis dolor tincidunt leo, eget pretium orci purus ac nibh. Ut enim sem, suscipit ac elementum vitae, sodales vel sem.", :money => 150 end it "should generate a proper id for namespaced models" do @car = Cuca::Car.create :model => "Ford" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @car, :model, url: helper.cuca_cars_path) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("id").value).to eq("best_in_place_cuca_car_#{@car.id}_model") end it "should generate a proper span" do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) span = nk.css("span") expect(span).not_to be_empty end it "should not allow both display_as and display_with option" do expect { helper.best_in_place(@user, :money, :display_with => :number_to_currency, :display_as => :custom) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "general properties" do before do @user.save nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) @span = nk.css("span") end context "when it's an ActiveRecord model" do it "should have a proper id" do expect(@span.attribute("id").value).to eq("best_in_place_user_#{@user.id}_name") end end it "should have the best_in_place class" do expect(@span.attribute("class").value).to eq("best_in_place") end it "should have the correct data-bip-attribute" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-attribute").value).to eq("name") end it "should have the correct data-bip-object" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-object").value).to eq("user") end it "should have no activator by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-activator")).to be_nil end it "should have no OK button text by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-ok-button")).to be_nil end it "should have no OK button class by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-ok-button-class")).to be_nil end it "should have no Cancel button text by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-cancel-button")).to be_nil end it "should have no Cancel button class by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-cancel-button-class")).to be_nil end it "should have no Use-Confirmation dialog option by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-confirm")).to be_nil end it "should have no inner_class by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-inner-class")).to be_nil end it "should have be sanitized by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-raw")).to be_nil end describe "url generation" do it "should have the correct default url" do @user.save! nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-url").value).to eq("/users/#{@user.id}") end it "should use the custom url specified in string format" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, url: "/custom/path" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-url").value).to eq("/custom/path") end it "should use the path given in a named_path format" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, url: helper.users_path nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-url").value).to eq("/users") end it "should use the given path in a hash format" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, url: {:controller => :users, :action => :edit, :id => 23} nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-url").value).to eq("/users/23/edit") end end describe "placeholder option" do it "should have no placeholder data by default" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-placeholder")).to be_nil end it "should show '' if the object responds with placeholder for the passed attribute" do expect(@user).to receive(:name).twice.and_return("") nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("") end it "should show '' if the object responds with an empty string for the passed attribute" do expect(@user).to receive(:name).twice.and_return("") nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("") end end it "should have the given inner_class" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :inner_class => "awesome" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-inner-class").value).to eq("awesome") end it "should have the given activator" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :activator => "awesome" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-activator").value).to eq("awesome") end it "should have the given OK button text" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :ok_button => "okay" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-ok-button").value).to eq("okay") end it "should have the given OK button class" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :ok_button => "okay", :ok_button_class => "okay-class" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-ok-button-class").value).to eq("okay-class") end it "should have the given Cancel button text" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :cancel_button => "nasty" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-cancel-button").value).to eq("nasty") end it "should have the given Cancel button class" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :cancel_button => "nasty", :cancel_button_class => "nasty-class" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-cancel-button-class").value).to eq("nasty-class") end it 'should have the given Confirmation dialog option' do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :confirm => "false" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute('data-bip-confirm').value).to eq('false') end it "should be raw" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, raw: true nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute('data-bip-raw').value).to eq('true') end it 'should not satinize if raw is true' do @user.description = '

Raw text

' out = helper.best_in_place @user, :description, raw: true nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css('span') expect(span.css('h1')).to_not be_empty end describe "object_name" do it "should change the data-bip-object value" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, param: "my_user" nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-bip-object").value).to eq("my_user") end end it "should have html5 data attributes" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :data => { :foo => "awesome", :bar => "nasty" } nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.attribute("data-foo").value).to eq("awesome") expect(span.attribute("data-bar").value).to eq("nasty") end describe "display_as" do it "should render the address with a custom renderer" do expect(@user).to receive(:address_format).and_return("the result") out = helper.best_in_place @user, :address, :display_as => :address_format nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("the result") end end describe "display_with" do it "should render the money with the given view helper" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :money, :display_with => :number_to_currency nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("$150.00") end it "accepts a proc" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :name, :display_with => Proc.new { |v| v.upcase } nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("LUCIA") end it "should raise an error if the given helper can't be found" do expect { helper.best_in_place @user, :money, :display_with => :fk_number_to_currency }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should call the helper method with the given arguments" do out = helper.best_in_place @user, :money, :display_with => :number_to_currency, :helper_options => {:unit => "º"} nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(out) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("º150.00") end end describe "array-like objects" do it "should work with array-like objects in order to provide support to namespaces" do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place [:admin, @user], :name) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("Lucia") end end end context "with a text field attribute" do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) @span = nk.css("span") end it "should render the name as text" do expect(@span.text).to eq("Lucia") end it 'should have an input data-bip-type' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-type').value).to eq('input') end it 'should have no data-bip-collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection')).to be_nil end end context "with a date attribute" do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :birth_date, as: :date) @span = nk.css("span") end it "should render the date as text" do expect(@span.text).to eq(@user.birth_date.to_date.to_s) end it "should have a date data-bip-type" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-type").value).to eq("date") end it "should have no data-bip-collection" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-collection")).to be_nil end end context "with a boolean attribute" do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :receive_email, as: :checkbox) @span = nk.css("span") end it "should have a checkbox data-bip-type" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-type").value).to eq("checkbox") end it "should have the default data-bip-collection" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-collection").value).to eq("{\"true\":\"Yes\",\"false\":\"No\"}") end it "should render the current option as No" do expect(@span.text).to eq("No") end describe "custom hash collection" do before do @collection = {false: 'Nain', true: 'Da'} nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :receive_email, as: :checkbox, collection: @collection) @span = nk.css("span") end it "should show the message with the custom values" do expect(@span.text).to eq("Nain") end it "should render the proper data-bip-collection" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-collection").value).to eq(@collection.to_a.to_json) end end describe "custom array collection" do before do @good_collection = ['Net', 'Da'] @bad_collection = ['Maybe'] nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :receive_email, as: :checkbox, collection: @good_collection) @span = nk.css("span") end it "should show the message with the custom values" do expect(@span.text).to eq("Net") end it "should render the proper data-bip-collection" do expect(@span.attribute("data-bip-collection").value).to eq({false: @good_collection[0], true: @good_collection[1]}.to_json) end it "should raise an argument error on bad collection" do expect { helper.best_in_place @user, :receive_email, as: :checkbox, collection: @bad_collection }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end context 'with a select attribute' do before do @countries_hash = COUNTRIES_HASH @countries_hash_string_keys = COUNTRIES_HASH_STRING_KEYS @countries_array = COUNTRIES_ARRAY @countries_array_of_arrays = COUNTRIES_ARRAY_OF_ARRAYS @apostrophe_countries_hash = COUNTRIES_APOSTROPHE_HASH @apostrophe_countries_array = COUNTRIES_APOSTROPHE_ARRAY end describe 'with a hash parameter' do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :country, as: :select, collection: @countries_hash) @span = nk.css('span') end it 'should have a select data-bip-type' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-type').value).to eq('select') end it 'should have a proper data collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection').value).to eq(@countries_hash.to_a.to_json) end it 'should show the current country' do expect(@span.text).to eq('Italy') end it 'should include the proper data-bip-value' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-value').value).to eq('2') end context 'with hash string keys' do before do @user.country = 'it' @user.save nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :country, as: :select, collection: @countries_hash_string_keys) @span = nk.css('span') end it 'should have a proper data collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection').value).to eq(@countries_hash_string_keys.to_a.to_json) end it 'should show the current country' do expect(@span.text).to eq('Italy') end it 'should include the proper data-bip-value' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-value').value).to eq('it') end end context 'with an apostrophe in it' do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :country, as: :select, collection: @apostrophe_countries_hash) @span = nk.css('span') end it 'should have a proper data collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection').value).to eq(@apostrophe_countries_hash.to_a.to_json) end end end describe 'with an array parameter' do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :country, as: :select, collection: @countries_array) @span = nk.css('span') end it 'should have a proper data collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection').value).to eq(@countries_array.each_with_index.map{|a,i| [i+1,a]}.to_json) end it 'should show the current country' do expect(@span.text).to eq('Italy') end it 'should include the proper data-bip-value' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-value').value).to eq('2') end context 'with an apostrophe in it' do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :country, as: :select, collection: @apostrophe_countries_array) @span = nk.css('span') end it 'should have a proper data collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection').value).to eq(@apostrophe_countries_array.each_with_index.map{|a,i| [i+1,a]}.to_json) end end end describe 'with an array parameter' do before do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :country, as: :select, collection: @countries_array_of_arrays) @span = nk.css('span') end it 'should have a proper data collection' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-collection').value).to eq(@countries_array_of_arrays.to_json) end it 'should show the current country' do expect(@span.text).to eq('Italy') end it 'should include the proper data-bip-value' do expect(@span.attribute('data-bip-value').value).to eq('2') end end describe "with html parameters" do before do @attrs = {tabindex: 1, width: "300px", height: "24px"} nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name, @attrs) @span = nk.css("span") end it 'should pass through html attributes to the best_in_place span' do expect(@attrs.select {|key, value| @span.attribute(key.to_s) }).to eq(@attrs) end it 'should have the proper values set' do expect(@attrs.map {|key, value| @span.attribute(key.to_s).value }).to eq(@attrs.map {|key, value| value.to_s }) end end end context 'custom container' do before(:each) do @old_container = BestInPlace.container @user.save BestInPlace.container = :p end it 'should override container globally' do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name) expect(nk.css('p')).to_not be_empty end it 'should use the container params' do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place @user, :name, container: :div) expect(nk.css('div')).to_not be_empty end after(:each) do BestInPlace.container = @old_container end end end describe "#best_in_place_if" do context "when the parameters are valid" do before do @user = User.new :name => "Lucia", :last_name => "Napoli", :email => "lucianapoli@gmail.com", :height => "5' 5\"", :address => "Via Roma 99", :zip => "25123", :country => "2", :receive_email => false, :birth_date => Time.now.utc.to_date, :description => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a lectus et lacus ultrices auctor. Morbi aliquet convallis tincidunt. Praesent enim libero, iaculis at commodo nec, fermentum a dolor. Quisque eget eros id felis lacinia faucibus feugiat et ante. Aenean justo nisi, aliquam vel egestas vel, porta in ligula. Etiam molestie, lacus eget tincidunt accumsan, elit justo rhoncus urna, nec pretium neque mi et lorem. Aliquam posuere, dolor quis pulvinar luctus, felis dolor tincidunt leo, eget pretium orci purus ac nibh. Ut enim sem, suscipit ac elementum vitae, sodales vel sem.", :money => 150 @options = {} end context "when the condition is true" do before {@condition = true} it "should work with array-like objects in order to provide support to namespaces" do nk = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(helper.best_in_place_if @condition, [:admin, @user], :name) span = nk.css("span") expect(span.text).to eq("Lucia") end context "when the options parameter is left off" do it "should call best_in_place with the rest of the parameters and empty options" do expect(helper).to receive(:best_in_place).with(@user, :name, {}) helper.best_in_place_if @condition, @user, :name end end context "when the options parameter is included" do it "should call best_in_place with the rest of the parameters" do expect(helper).to receive(:best_in_place).with(@user, :name, @options) helper.best_in_place_if @condition, @user, :name, @options end end end context "when the condition is false" do before {@condition = false} it "should work with array-like objects in order to provide support to namespaces" do expect(helper.best_in_place_if(@condition, [:admin, @user], :name)).to eq "Lucia" end it "should return the value of the field when the options value is left off" do expect(helper.best_in_place_if(@condition, @user, :name)).to eq "Lucia" end it "should return the value of the field when the options value is included" do expect(helper.best_in_place_if(@condition, @user, :name, @options)).to eq "Lucia" end end end end end