# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011 # Author :: Tom Statter # Date :: Aug 2011 # License:: MIT # # Details:: Export a model to Excel '97(-2007) file format. # # TOD : Can we switch between .xls and XSSF (POI implementation of Excel 2007 OOXML (.xlsx) file format.) # # module DataShift require 'exporter_base' if(Guards::jruby?) require 'jruby/jexcel_file' class ExcelExporter < ExporterBase attr_accessor :filename def initialize(filename) @filename = filename end # Create an Excel file from list of ActiveRecord objects def export(records, options = {}) raise ArgumentError.new('Please supply array of records to export') unless records.is_a? Array excel = JExcelFile.new() if(options[:sheet_name] ) excel.create_sheet( options[:sheet_name] ) else excel.create_sheet( records.first.class.name ) end excel.ar_to_headers(records) excel.ar_to_xls(records) # => :methods => List of methods to additionally export on each record excel.save( filename() ) end # Create an Excel file from list of ActiveRecord objects # Specify which associations to export via :with or :exclude # Possible values are : [:assignment, :belongs_to, :has_one, :has_many] # def export_with_associations(klass, items, options = {}) excel = JExcelFile.new() if(options[:sheet_name] ) excel.create_sheet( options[:sheet_name] ) else excel.create_sheet( items.first.class.name ) end MethodDictionary.find_operators( klass ) MethodDictionary.build_method_details( klass ) work_list = options[:with] || MethodDetail::supported_types_enum headers = [] puts "work_list : [#{work_list.inspect}]" details_mgr = MethodDictionary.method_details_mgrs[klass] data = [] # For each type belongs has_one, has_many etc find the operators # and create headers, then for each record call those operators work_list.each do |op_type| list_for_class_and_op = details_mgr.get_list(op_type) next if(list_for_class_and_op.nil? || list_for_class_and_op.empty?) # method_details = MethodDictionary.send("#{mdtype}_for", klass) list_for_class_and_op.each do |md| headers << "#{md.operator}" items.each do |i| data << i.send( md.operator ) end end excel.set_headers( headers ) row_index = 1 items.each do |datum| excel.create_row(row_index += 1) excel.ar_to_xls_row(1, datum) end excel.save( filename() ) end end end # ExcelGenerator else class ExcelExporter < ExporterBase def initialize(filename) raise DataShift::BadRuby, "Apologies but DataShift Excel facilities currently need JRuby. Please switch to, or install JRuby" end end end # jruby end # DataShift