%@AV k!3,8-ep-\E$  3 F;S# 'H.[ #[<PJk$$  ' > T i      %{fn} can't be blank%{fn} can't be empty%{fn} doesn't match confirmation%{fn} has already been taken%{fn} is invalid%{fn} is not a number%{fn} is not included in the list%{fn} is reserved%{fn} is the wrong length (should be %d characters)%{fn} is too long (maximum is %d characters)%{fn} is too short (minimum is %d characters)%{fn} must be accepted%{num} error prohibited this %{record} from being saved%{num} errors prohibited this %{record} from being saved1 day%{num} days1 minute%{num} minutesThere was a problem with the following field:There were problems with the following fields:Validation failed: %{error_messages}about 1 hourabout %{num} hourshalf a minuteless than 10 secondsless than 20 secondsless than 5 secondsless than a minuteover 2 yearsProject-Id-Version: ruby-gettext 1.9.0 POT-Creation-Date: 2007-06-26 14:09+0900 PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-03 13:45+0200 Last-Translator: Runar Ingebrigtsen Language-Team: Norwegian MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %{fn} kan ikke være blank%{fn} kan ikke være tom%{fn} stemmer ikke med bekreftelsen%{fn} er allerede i bruk%{fn} er ugyldig%{fn} er ikke et tall%{fn} er ikke inkludert i listen%{fn} er reservert%{fn} er har gal lengde (skulle vært %d tegn)%{fn} er for lang (maks %d tegn)%{fn} er for kort (minimum %d tegn)%{fn} må godtasEn feil hindret denne %{record} fra lagring%{num} feil hindret denne %{record} fra lagringen dag%{num} dagerEtt minutt%{num} minutterVi har et problem med følgende felt:Vi har problemer med følgende felt:Validering feilet: %{error_messages}omtrent en timeomtrent %{num} timeret halvt minuttmindre enn 10 sekundermindre enn 20 sekundermindre enn 5 sekundermindre enn et minutt