require 'spec_helper' require 'em-http' describe Pusher do # The behaviour should be the same when using the Client object, or the # 'global' client delegated through the Pusher class [lambda { Pusher }, lambda { }].each do |client_gen| before :each do @client = end describe 'default configuration' do it 'should be preconfigured for api host' do expect( eq('') end it 'should be preconfigured for port 80' do expect(@client.port).to eq(80) end it 'should use standard logger if no other logger if defined' do Pusher.logger.debug('foo') expect(Pusher.logger).to be_kind_of(Logger) end end describe 'logging configuration' do it "can be configured to use any logger" do logger = double("ALogger") expect(logger).to receive(:debug).with('foo') Pusher.logger = logger Pusher.logger.debug('foo') Pusher.logger = nil end end describe "configuration using url" do it "should be possible to configure everything by setting the url" do @client.url = "test://" expect(@client.scheme).to eq('test') expect( eq('') expect(@client.port).to eq(8080) expect(@client.key).to eq('somekey') expect(@client.secret).to eq('somesecret') expect(@client.app_id).to eq('87') end it "should override scheme and port when setting encrypted=true after url" do @client.url = "" @client.encrypted = true expect(@client.scheme).to eq('https') expect(@client.port).to eq(443) end it "should fail on bad urls" do expect { @client.url = "gopher/somekey:somesecret@://\apps\87" }.to raise_error(URI::InvalidURIError) end it "should raise exception if app_id is not configured" do @client.app_id = nil expect { @client.url }.to raise_error(Pusher::ConfigurationError) end end describe 'configuring the cluster' do it 'should set a new default host' do @client.cluster = 'eu' expect( eq('') end it 'should be overridden by host if it comes after' do @client.cluster = 'eu' = '' expect( eq('') end it 'should be overridden by url if it comes after' do @client.cluster = 'eu' @client.url = "" expect( eq('') end it 'should get override the url configuration if it comes after' do @client.url = "" @client.cluster = 'eu' expect( eq('') end it 'should overrie by the host configuration if it comes after' do = '' @client.cluster = 'eu' expect( eq('') end end describe 'configuring a http proxy' do it "should be possible to configure everything by setting the http_proxy" do @client.http_proxy = '' expect(@client.proxy).to eq({:scheme => 'http', :host => '', :port => 8080, :user => 'someuser', :password => 'somepassword'}) end end describe 'configuring from env' do it "works" do url = "" ENV['PUSHER_URL'] = url client = Pusher::Client.from_env expect(client.key).to eq("somekey") expect(client.secret).to eq("somesecret") expect(client.app_id).to eq("87") expect(client.url.to_s).to eq("") ENV['PUSHER_URL'] = nil end end describe 'when configured' do before :each do @client.app_id = '20' @client.key = '12345678900000001' @client.secret = '12345678900000001' end describe '#[]' do before do @channel = @client['test_channel'] end it 'should return a channel' do expect(@channel).to be_kind_of(Pusher::Channel) end it "should raise exception if app_id is not configured" do @client.app_id = nil expect { @channel.trigger!('foo', 'bar') }.to raise_error(Pusher::ConfigurationError) end end describe '#channels' do it "should call the correct URL and symbolise response correctly" do api_path = %r{/apps/20/channels} stub_request(:get, api_path).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode('channels' => { "channel1" => {}, "channel2" => {} }) }) expect(@client.channels).to eq({ :channels => { "channel1" => {}, "channel2" => {} } }) end end describe '#channel_info' do it "should call correct URL and symbolise response" do api_path = %r{/apps/20/channels/mychannel} stub_request(:get, api_path).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({ 'occupied' => false, }) }) expect(@client.channel_info('mychannel')).to eq({ :occupied => false, }) end end describe '#channel_users' do it "should call correct URL and symbolise response" do api_path = %r{/apps/20/channels/mychannel/users} stub_request(:get, api_path).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({ 'users' => [{ 'id' => 1 }] }) }) expect(@client.channel_users('mychannel')).to eq({ :users => [{ 'id' => 1}] }) end end describe '#authenticate' do before :each do @custom_data = {:uid => 123, :info => {:name => 'Foo'}} end it 'should return a hash with signature including custom data and data as json string' do allow(MultiJson).to receive(:encode).with(@custom_data).and_return 'a json string' response = @client.authenticate('test_channel', '1.1', @custom_data) expect(response).to eq({ :auth => "12345678900000001:#{hmac(@client.secret, "1.1:test_channel:a json string")}", :channel_data => 'a json string' }) end end describe '#trigger' do before :each do @api_path = %r{/apps/20/events} stub_request(:post, @api_path).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({}) }) end it "should call correct URL" do expect(@client.trigger(['mychannel'], 'event', {'some' => 'data'})). to eq({}) end it "should not allow too many channels" do expect { @client.trigger((0..11).map{|i| 'mychannel#{i}'}, 'event', {'some' => 'data'}, { :socket_id => "12.34" })}.to raise_error(Pusher::Error) end it "should pass any parameters in the body of the request" do @client.trigger(['mychannel', 'c2'], 'event', {'some' => 'data'}, { :socket_id => "12.34" }) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| parsed = MultiJson.decode(req.body) expect(parsed["name"]).to eq('event') expect(parsed["channels"]).to eq(["mychannel", "c2"]) expect(parsed["socket_id"]).to eq('12.34') } end it "should convert non string data to JSON before posting" do @client.trigger(['mychannel'], 'event', {'some' => 'data'}) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| expect(MultiJson.decode(req.body)["data"]).to eq('{"some":"data"}') } end it "should accept a single channel as well as an array" do @client.trigger('mychannel', 'event', {'some' => 'data'}) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| expect(MultiJson.decode(req.body)["channels"]).to eq(['mychannel']) } end %w[app_id key secret].each do |key| it "should fail in missing #{key}" do @client.public_send("#{key}=", nil) expect { @client.trigger('mychannel', 'event', {'some' => 'data'}) }.to raise_error(Pusher::ConfigurationError) expect(WebMock).not_to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| expect(MultiJson.decode(req.body)["channels"]).to eq(['mychannel']) } end end end describe '#trigger_batch' do before :each do @api_path = %r{/apps/20/batch_events} stub_request(:post, @api_path).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({}) }) end it "should call correct URL" do expect(@client.trigger_batch(channel: 'mychannel', name: 'event', data: {'some' => 'data'})). to eq({}) end it "should convert non string data to JSON before posting" do @client.trigger_batch( {channel: 'mychannel', name: 'event', data: {'some' => 'data'}}, {channel: 'mychannel', name: 'event', data: 'already encoded'}, ) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| parsed = MultiJson.decode(req.body) expect(parsed).to eq( "batch" => [ { "channel" => "mychannel", "name" => "event", "data" => "{\"some\":\"data\"}"}, { "channel" => "mychannel", "name" => "event", "data" => "already encoded"} ] ) } end end describe '#trigger_async' do before :each do @api_path = %r{/apps/20/events} stub_request(:post, @api_path).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({}) }) end it "should call correct URL" do { @client.trigger_async('mychannel', 'event', {'some' => 'data'}).callback { |r| expect(r).to eq({}) EM.stop } } end it "should pass any parameters in the body of the request" do { @client.trigger_async('mychannel', 'event', {'some' => 'data'}, { :socket_id => "12.34" }).callback { expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| expect(MultiJson.decode(req.body)["socket_id"]).to eq('12.34') } EM.stop } } end it "should convert non string data to JSON before posting" do { @client.trigger_async('mychannel', 'event', {'some' => 'data'}).callback { expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @api_path).with { |req| expect(MultiJson.decode(req.body)["data"]).to eq('{"some":"data"}') } EM.stop } } end end [:get, :post].each do |verb| describe "##{verb}" do before :each do @url_regexp = %r{} stub_request(verb, @url_regexp). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "{}") end let(:call_api) { @client.send(verb, '/path') } it "should use http by default" do call_api expect(WebMock).to have_requested(verb, %r{}) end it "should use https if configured" do @client.encrypted = true call_api expect(WebMock).to have_requested(verb, %r{}) end it "should format the respose hash with symbols at first level" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({'something' => {'a' => 'hash'}}) }) expect(call_api).to eq({ :something => {'a' => 'hash'} }) end it "should catch all http exceptions and raise a Pusher::HTTPError wrapping the original error" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_raise(HTTPClient::TimeoutError) error = nil begin call_api rescue => e error = e end expect(error.class).to eq(Pusher::HTTPError) expect(error).to be_kind_of(Pusher::Error) expect(error.message).to eq('Exception from WebMock (HTTPClient::TimeoutError)') expect(error.original_error.class).to eq(HTTPClient::TimeoutError) end it "should raise Pusher::Error if call returns 400" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({:status => 400}) expect { call_api }.to raise_error(Pusher::Error) end it "should raise AuthenticationError if pusher returns 401" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({:status => 401}) expect { call_api }.to raise_error(Pusher::AuthenticationError) end it "should raise Pusher::Error if pusher returns 404" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({:status => 404}) expect { call_api }.to raise_error(Pusher::Error, '404 Not found (/apps/20/path)') end it "should raise Pusher::Error if pusher returns 407" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({:status => 407}) expect { call_api }.to raise_error(Pusher::Error, 'Proxy Authentication Required') end it "should raise Pusher::Error if pusher returns 500" do stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({:status => 500, :body => "some error"}) expect { call_api }.to raise_error(Pusher::Error, 'Unknown error (status code 500): some error') end end end describe "async calling without eventmachine" do [[:get, :get_async], [:post, :post_async]].each do |verb, method| describe "##{method}" do before :each do @url_regexp = %r{} stub_request(verb, @url_regexp). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "{}") end let(:call_api) { @client.send(method, '/path').tap { |c| # Allow the async thread (inside httpclient) to run while !c.finished? sleep 0.01 end } } it "should use http by default" do call_api expect(WebMock).to have_requested(verb, %r{}) end it "should use https if configured" do @client.encrypted = true call_api expect(WebMock).to have_requested(verb, %r{}) end # Note that the raw httpclient connection object is returned and # the response isn't handled (by handle_response) in the normal way. it "should return a httpclient connection object" do connection = call_api expect(connection.finished?).to be_truthy response = connection.pop expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect( eq("{}") end end end end describe "async calling with eventmachine" do [[:get, :get_async], [:post, :post_async]].each do |verb, method| describe "##{method}" do before :each do @url_regexp = %r{} stub_request(verb, @url_regexp). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "{}") end let(:call_api) { @client.send(method, '/path') } it "should use http by default" do { call_api.callback { expect(WebMock).to have_requested(verb, %r{}) EM.stop } } end it "should use https if configured" do { @client.encrypted = true call_api.callback { expect(WebMock).to have_requested(verb, %r{}) EM.stop } } end it "should format the respose hash with symbols at first level" do { stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({ :status => 200, :body => MultiJson.encode({'something' => {'a' => 'hash'}}) }) call_api.callback { |response| expect(response).to eq({ :something => {'a' => 'hash'} }) EM.stop } } end it "should errback with Pusher::Error on unsuccessful response" do { stub_request(verb, @url_regexp).to_return({:status => 400}) call_api.errback { |e| expect(e.class).to eq(Pusher::Error) EM.stop }.callback { fail } } end end end end end end describe 'configuring cluster' do it 'should allow clients to specify the cluster only with the default host' do client ={ :scheme => 'http', :cluster => 'eu', :port => 80 }) expect( eq('') end it 'should always have host override any supplied cluster value' do client ={ :scheme => 'http', :host => '', :cluster => 'eu', :port => 80 }) expect( eq('') end end end