# Alephant::Broker Brokers requests for rendered templates, retrieved from S3 or a HTML endpoint. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/BBC-News/alephant-broker.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/BBC-News/alephant-broker)[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/alephant-broker.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/alephant-broker) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'alephant-broker' And then execute: bundle install Or install it yourself as: gem install alephant-broker ## Usage The **Broker** is capable of retrieving rendered templates from either [S3](http://aws.amazon.com/s3/) or a HTML endpoint (e.g. [alephant-publisher-request](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-publisher-request)). This must be decided when creating an instance of the **Broker**, as a **load strategy** is given as a parameter (see below for examples). ### Barebones ##### S3 Load Strategy ```ruby require 'alephant/broker' config = { :s3_bucket_id => 'test_bucket', :s3_object_path => 'foo', :lookup_table_name => 'test_lookup' } request = { 'PATH_INFO' => '/component/foo', 'QUERY_STRING' => 'variant=bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET' } Alephant::Broker::Application.new( Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::S3.new, config ).call(request).tap do |response| puts "status: #{response.status}" puts "content: #{response.content}" end ``` ##### HTML Load Strategy ```ruby require 'alephant/broker' class UrlGenerator < Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::HTTP::URL def generate(id, options) "http://example-api.com/data?id=#{id}" end end request = { 'PATH_INFO' => '/component/foo', 'QUERY_STRING' => 'variant=bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET' } Alephant::Broker::Application.new( Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::HTTP.new(UrlGenerator.new), {} ).call(request).tap do |response| puts "status: #{response.status}" puts "content: #{response.content}" end ``` **Note** The HTML load strategy relies upon being given a URLGenerator, which is used to generate the URL of the HTML endpoint (see below for example). The class must: * be implemented within your own application. * extend [`Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::HTTP::URL`](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-broker/blob/master/lib/alephant/broker/load_strategy/http.rb#L9-L13). * include a `#generate` method which takes `id` (string) and `options` (hash) as parameters. ```ruby require 'alephant/broker' require 'rack' class UrlGenerator < Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::HTTP::URL def generate(id, options) "http://api.my-app.com/component/#{id}?#{to_query_string(options)}" end private def to_query_string(hash) Rack::Utils.build_query hash end end ``` ##### Revalidate Strategy ```ruby require 'alephant/broker' config = { :s3_bucket_id => 'test_bucket', :s3_object_path => 'foo', :lookup_table_name => 'test_lookup', :sqs_queue_name => 'test_queue', :elasticache_config_endpoint => 'test_elisticache' :revalidate_cache_ttl => 30 } Alephant::Broker::Application.new( Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::Revalidate::Strategy.new, config ).call(request).tap do |response| puts "status: #{response.status}" puts "content: #{response.content}" end ``` The "Revalidate" strategy uses the following process flow: ![https://github.com/BBC-News/Documentation/blob/master/Alephant/Diagrams/Alephant%20Revalidate%20Broker.png?raw=true](https://github.com/BBC-News/Documentation/blob/master/Alephant/Diagrams/Alephant%20Revalidate%20Broker.png?raw=true) And uses the following AWS resources: * S3 - for storage of rendered components * DynamoDB - for recording S3 component locations * Elasticache - for caching S3 content and recording "inflight" messages * SQS - for communication between the broker and renderer ### Rack App Create **config.ru** using example below, and then run: rackup config.ru ```ruby require 'alephant/broker' require 'alephant/broker/load_strategy/http' class UrlGenerator < Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::HTTP::URL def generate(id, options) "http://example-api.com/data?id=#{id}" end end run Alephant::Broker::Application.new( Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::HTTP.new(UrlGenerator.new), {} ) ``` ### Cache version number The broker looks for a configuration value `elasticache_cache_version` and if it exists it uses it to construct the cache key. This allows the cache to be busted if the data in the cache changes, or for any other reason that it needs to be invalidated. This version is added as a header to the response in the following format: `X-Cache-Version: {CACHE_VERSION}` ## Contributing 1. [Fork it!]( http://github.com/bbc-news/alephant-broker/fork) 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Create a new [Pull Request](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-broker/pulls). Feel free to create a new [issue](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-broker/issues/new) if you find a bug.