require 'testrbl/version' module Testrbl PATTERNS = [ /^(\s+)(should|test|it)\s+['"](.*)['"]\s+do\s*$/, /^(\s+)(context)\s+['"]?(.*?)['"]?\s+do\s*$/, /^(\s+)def\s+(test_)([a-z_\d]+)\s*$/ ] # copied from minitest MINITEST_NAME_RE = if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9""[^[[:word:]]]+") else /\W+/u end INTERPOLATION = /\\\#\\\{.*?\\\}/ def self.run_from_cli(argv) i_test, file, line = detect_usable(argv) if file and line file = "./#{file}" if file =~ /^[a-z]/ # fix 1.9 not being able to load local files run "#{ruby} #{i_test}#{file} -n '/#{pattern_from_file(File.readlines(file), line)}/'" elsif file run "#{ruby} #{i_test}#{file}" else # pass though # no bundle exec: projects with mini and unit-test do not run well via bundle exec testrb run "testrb #{{|a| a.include?(' ') ? "'#{a}'" : a }.join(' ')}" end end # useable e.g. via zeus def self.pattern_from_file(lines, line) search = lines[0..(line.to_i-1)].reverse last_spaces = " " * 100 found ={|line| pattern_from_line(line) }.compact patterns = do |spaces, name| last_spaces = spaces if spaces.size < last_spaces.size use = [] found_final = false patterns.each do |pattern| is_final = pattern.end_with?("$") next if is_final && found_final found_final = is_final use << pattern end return use.reverse.join(".*") if found.size > 0 raise "no test found before line #{line}" end private def self.detect_usable(argv) argv = argv.dup # do not mess up args i_test = "-Itest " if ((argv.delete("-I") and argv.delete("test")) or argv.delete("-Itest")) return unless argv.size == 1 if argv.first =~ /^(\S+):(\d+)$/ [i_test, $1, $2] elsif File.file?(argv.first) [i_test, argv.first, false] end end def self.ruby if File.file?("Gemfile") "ruby -rbundler/setup" # faster then bundle exec ruby else "ruby" end end def puts command STDOUT.flush # if exec fails horribly we at least see some output exec command end def self.pattern_from_line(line) PATTERNS.each do |r| next unless line =~ r whitespace, method, test_name = $1, $2, $3 return [whitespace, pattern_from_match(method, test_name)] end nil end def self.pattern_from_match(method, test_name) regex = Regexp.escape(test_name).gsub("\\ "," ").gsub(INTERPOLATION, ".*") if method == "should" optional_test_name = "(?:\(.*\))?" regex = "#{method} #{regex}\. #{optional_test_name}$" elsif method == "test" # test "xxx -_ yyy" # test-unit: "test: xxx -_ yyy" # activesupport: "test_xxx_-__yyy" regex = "^test(: |_)#{regex.gsub(" ", ".")}$" elsif method == "it" regex = "^test_\\d+_#{test_name}$" end regex.gsub("'", ".") end end