 * Copyright (c) 2016, M.Naruoka (fenrir)
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors
 *   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
 *   without specific prior written permission.

#ifndef __GPS_H__
#define __GPS_H__

/** @file
 * @brief GPS ICD definitions including C/A code, time, ephemeris, ...

#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <bitset>

#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>

#include "WGS84.h"

#include "coordinate.h"

#include "util/bit_counter.h"

#ifdef pow2
#define pow2(x) ((x)*(x))
#ifdef pow3
#define pow3(x) ((x)*(x)*(x))

template <class FloatT = double>
class GPS_Signal {
    typedef FloatT float_t;

    class PRN {
        typedef std::bitset<10> content_t;
        content_t content;
        void reset(){content.set();}
        PRN() : content() {reset();}
        PRN(const unsigned long &init) : content(init) {}
        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PRN &prn){
          out << const_cast<PRN &>(prn).content;
          return out;
    class G1 : public PRN {
        G1() : PRN() {}
        bool get() const {return PRN::content[9];}
        void next(){
          bool tmp(PRN::content[2] ^ PRN::content[9]);
          PRN::content <<= 1;
          PRN::content[0] = tmp;
    class G2 : public PRN {
        const int _selector1, _selector2;
        G2(int selector1, int selector2) : PRN(), _selector1(selector1), _selector2(selector2) {}
        bool get() const {return PRN::content[_selector1] ^ PRN::content[_selector2];}
        void next(){
          bool tmp(PRN::content[1]
                     ^ PRN::content[2]
                     ^ PRN::content[5]
                     ^ PRN::content[7]
                     ^ PRN::content[8]
                     ^ PRN::content[9]);
          PRN::content <<= 1;
          PRN::content[0] = tmp;
        static G2 get_G2(const int &prn){
            case  1: return G2(1, 5);
            case  2: return G2(2, 6);
            case  3: return G2(3, 7);
            case  4: return G2(4, 8);
            case  5: return G2(0, 8);
            case  6: return G2(1, 9);
            case  7: return G2(0, 7);
            case  8: return G2(1, 8);
            case  9: return G2(2, 9);
            case 10: return G2(1, 2);
            case 11: return G2(2, 3);
            case 12: return G2(4, 5);
            case 13: return G2(5, 6);
            case 14: return G2(6, 7);
            case 15: return G2(7, 8);
            case 16: return G2(8, 9);
            case 17: return G2(0, 3);
            case 18: return G2(1, 4);
            case 19: return G2(2, 5);
            case 20: return G2(3, 6);
            case 21: return G2(4, 7);
            case 22: return G2(5, 8);
            case 23: return G2(0, 2);
            case 24: return G2(3, 5);
            case 25: return G2(4, 6);
            case 26: return G2(5, 7);
            case 27: return G2(6, 8);
            case 28: return G2(7, 9);
            case 29: return G2(0, 5);
            case 30: return G2(1, 6);
            case 31: return G2(2, 7);
            case 32: return G2(3, 8);
            case 33: return G2(4, 9);
            case 34: return G2(3, 9);
            case 35: return G2(0, 6);
            case 36: return G2(1, 7);
            default:  return G2(3, 9);

    class CA_Code {
        typedef FloatT float_t;
        static const float_t FREQENCY;
        static const float_t length_1chip() {
          static const float_t res(1. / FREQENCY);
          return res;
        G1 g1;
        G2 g2;
        CA_Code(const int &prn) : g1(), g2(G2::get_G2(prn)){}
        bool get() const {return g1.get() ^ g2.get();}
        int get_multi() const {return get() ? 1 : -1;}
        void next(){

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_Signal<FloatT>::float_t GPS_Signal<FloatT>::CA_Code::FREQENCY = 1.023E6;

template <class FloatT = double>
struct GPS_Time {
  typedef FloatT float_t;
  static const unsigned int seconds_day = 60U * 60 * 24;
  static const unsigned int seconds_week = (60U * 60 * 24) * 7;
  static const int days_of_month[];
   * Check whether leap year
   * @param year
   * @return true when leap year, otherwise false
  static inline  bool is_leap_year(const int &year) {
    return (year % 400 == 0) || ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0));

  struct leap_year_prop_res_t {
    int extra_days; ///< extra leap years since 1980
    bool is_leap_year; ///< true when leap year

   * Check leap year property
   * The return values are;
   * 1) extra_days equals to years which can be divided by 4, but are not leap years
   * since 1980 (the first GPS year), and before (and except for) this_year.
   * 2) is_leap_year equals to whether this_year is leap year or not.
   * @param this_year check target
   * @param skip_init_leap_year_check whether skip initial check whether this_year is leap year or not.
   * @return leap year property
  static leap_year_prop_res_t leap_year_prop(const int &this_year, const bool &skip_init_leap_year_check = false){
    leap_year_prop_res_t res = {0, skip_init_leap_year_check || (this_year % 4 == 0)};
    do{ // check leap year
      std::div_t y_400(std::div(this_year, 400));
      if((y_400.quot -= 5) < 0){break;} // year < 2000
      res.extra_days += (y_400.quot * 3); // no leap year; [2100, 2200, 2300], [2500, ...
      if(y_400.rem == 0){break;}
      std::div_t y_100(std::div(y_400.rem, 100));
      res.extra_days += y_100.quot;
      if(y_100.rem == 0){ // when this_year is just 2100, 2200, 2300, or 2500, ...
        res.is_leap_year = false;
    return res;

  int week;
  float_t seconds;
  GPS_Time() {}
  GPS_Time(const GPS_Time &t)
      : week(t.week), seconds(t.seconds) {}
  GPS_Time(const int &_week, const float_t &_seconds)
      : week(_week), seconds(_seconds) {}
  GPS_Time &canonicalize(){
    int quot(std::floor(seconds / seconds_week));
    week += quot;
    seconds -= (quot * (int)seconds_week);
    return *this;
  GPS_Time(const std::tm &t, const float_t &leap_seconds = 0) {
    int days(-6);
    int y(t.tm_year + 1900); // tm_year is year minus 1900
    bool leap_year;
      leap_year_prop_res_t prop(leap_year_prop(y));
      days -= prop.extra_days;
      leap_year = prop.is_leap_year;

    y -= 1980; // base is 1980/1/6
    days += y * 365 + ((y + 3) / 4);
    for(int i(0); i < t.tm_mon; i++){
      days += days_of_month[i];
      if((i == 1) && leap_year){days++;}
    days += t.tm_mday;
    std::div_t week_day(std::div(days, 7));
    week = week_day.quot;
    seconds = leap_seconds + week_day.rem * seconds_day
        + t.tm_hour * 60 * 60
        + t.tm_min * 60
        + t.tm_sec;
  static GPS_Time now(const float_t &leap_seconds = 0) {
    time_t timer;
    std::tm t;
    time(&timer); // Current serial time, then convert the time to struct
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
    gmtime_s(&t, &timer);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
    gmtime_r(&timer, &t);
    t = *gmtime(&timer);
    return GPS_Time(t, leap_seconds);
  float_t serialize() const {
    return seconds + (float_t)seconds_week * week;
  GPS_Time &operator+=(const float_t &sec){
    seconds += sec;
    return *this;
  GPS_Time &operator-=(const float_t &sec){
    return operator+=(-sec);
  GPS_Time operator+(const float_t &sec) const {
    GPS_Time t(*this);
    return (t += sec);
  GPS_Time operator-(const float_t &sec) const {
    return operator+(-sec);
   * Get interval in unit of second
  float_t operator-(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    float_t res(seconds - t.seconds);
    res += ((float_t)week - t.week) * seconds_week;
    return res;
  friend float_t operator+(float_t v, const GPS_Time &t){
    return v + (((float_t)t.week * seconds_week) + t.seconds);
  friend float_t operator-(float_t v, const GPS_Time &t){
    return v - (((float_t)t.week * seconds_week) + t.seconds);
  bool operator<(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return ((week < t.week) ? true : ((week > t.week) ? false : (seconds < t.seconds)));
  bool operator>(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return t.operator<(*this);
  bool operator==(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return (week == t.week) && (seconds == t.seconds);
  bool operator!=(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return !(operator==(t));
  bool operator<=(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return ((week < t.week) ? true : ((week > t.week) ? false : (seconds <= t.seconds)));
  bool operator>=(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return t.operator<=(*this);
   * Convert to std::tm struct
   * @param leap_seconds If offset of GPS time relative to UTC is known,
   * specify it by using this parameter.
   * As of Jan. 1st, 2022, +18 seconds are specified.
  std::tm c_tm(const float_t &leap_seconds = 0) const {
    std::tm t;
    GPS_Time mod_t((*this) - leap_seconds);
    std::div_t min_sec(std::div((int)mod_t.seconds, 60));
    t.tm_sec = min_sec.rem;
    std::div_t hr_min(std::div(min_sec.quot, 60));
    t.tm_min = hr_min.rem;
    std::div_t day_hr(std::div(hr_min.quot, 24));
    t.tm_hour = day_hr.rem;
    t.tm_wday = t.tm_mday = day_hr.quot;

    t.tm_mday += 6 + (mod_t.week * 7);
    std::div_t days_4year(std::div(t.tm_mday, 366 + 365 * 3)); // standard day of years
    t.tm_mday = days_4year.rem;
    int y(days_4year.quot * 4 + 1980);
    bool leap_year;
      leap_year_prop_res_t prop(leap_year_prop(y, true));
      t.tm_mday += prop.extra_days;
      leap_year = prop.is_leap_year;

    // process remaining 4 years
    int doy[] = {
      leap_year ? 366 : 365,
      365, 365, 365
    for(unsigned i(0); i < sizeof(doy) / sizeof(doy[0]); ++i){
      if(t.tm_mday <= doy[i]){break;}
      t.tm_mday -= doy[i];

    // process current year
    leap_year = is_leap_year(y);
    t.tm_yday = t.tm_mday;
    t.tm_year = y - 1900; // tm_year is year minus 1900.
    for(t.tm_mon = 0; 
        t.tm_mday > days_of_month[t.tm_mon];
      if((t.tm_mon == 1) && leap_year){
        if(t.tm_mday == 29){break;}
      t.tm_mday -= days_of_month[t.tm_mon];
    t.tm_isdst = 0;
    return t;

  float_t year(const float_t &leap_seconds = 0) const {
    float_t days((seconds + leap_seconds) / seconds_day + (week * 7) + (6 - 1)); // days from 1980/1/1, whose 00:00:00 is just 0
    float_t year4;
    days = std::modf(days / (366 + 365 * 3), &year4) * (366 + 365 * 3);
    int year(1980 + (int)year4 * 4);
    bool leap_year;
      leap_year_prop_res_t prop(leap_year_prop(year, true));
      days += prop.extra_days;
      leap_year = prop.is_leap_year;

    // process remaining 4 years
    int doy[] = {
      leap_year ? 366 : 365,
      365, 365, 365,
      is_leap_year(year + 4) ? 366 : 365,
    std::size_t doy_i(0);
    for(; doy_i < sizeof(doy) / sizeof(doy[0]); ++doy_i){
      if(days <= doy[doy_i]){break;}
      days -= doy[doy_i];

    return days / doy[doy_i] + year;
   * When t >= self positive value will be returned,
   * otherwise(t  < self), negative.
  float_t interval(const unsigned int &t_week,
      const float_t &t_seconds) const {
    return t_seconds - seconds
        + ((float_t)t_week - week) * seconds_week;
  float_t interval(const GPS_Time &t) const {
    return interval(t.week, t.seconds);

  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const GPS_Time &t){
    out << t.week << " week " << t.seconds << " sec.";
    return out;

  struct leap_second_event_t {
    int tm_year; // year - 1900
    int tm_mon; // [0, 11]
    int tm_mday; // [1, 31]
    int leap_seconds;
    struct {
      int week;
      float_t seconds;
    } uncorrected, corrected; // to work around of "incomplete type" error within g++
        const int &year, const int &month, const int &day,
        const int &leap)
        : tm_year(year - 1900), tm_mon(month - 1), tm_mday(day),
        leap_seconds(leap) {
      std::tm t = {0};
      t.tm_year = tm_year;
      t.tm_mon = tm_mon;
      t.tm_mday = tm_mday;
      GPS_Time t_gps_uc(t), t_gps(t_gps_uc + leap);
      uncorrected.week = t_gps_uc.week;
      uncorrected.seconds = t_gps_uc.seconds;
      corrected.week = t_gps.week;
      corrected.seconds = t_gps.seconds;
  static const leap_second_event_t leap_second_events[];
  static int guess_leap_seconds(const std::tm &t) {
    for(const leap_second_event_t *i(&leap_second_events[0]); i->leap_seconds > 0; ++i){
      if(t.tm_year > i->tm_year){return i->leap_seconds;}
      if(t.tm_year < i->tm_year){continue;}
      if(t.tm_mon > i->tm_mon){return i->leap_seconds;}
      if(t.tm_mon < i->tm_mon){continue;}
      if(t.tm_mday >= i->tm_mday){return i->leap_seconds;}
    return 0;
  static int guess_leap_seconds(const GPS_Time<float_t> &uncorrected) {
    for(const leap_second_event_t *i(&leap_second_events[0]); i->leap_seconds > 0; ++i){
      if(uncorrected >= GPS_Time(i->uncorrected.week, i->uncorrected.seconds)){return i->leap_seconds;}
    return 0;

  int leap_seconds() const {
    // Treat *this as (normal) GPS time, to which leap seconds are added when it is converted from std::tm
    for(const leap_second_event_t *i(&leap_second_events[0]); i->leap_seconds > 0; ++i){
      if(*this >= GPS_Time(i->corrected.week, i->corrected.seconds)){return i->leap_seconds;}
    return 0;
  float_t julian_date() const {
    struct conv_t {
      static int ymd2jd(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day){
        // @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day#Converting_Gregorian_calendar_date_to_Julian_Day_Number
        return std::div(1461 * (year + 4800 + std::div(month - 14, 12).quot), 4).quot
            + std::div(367 * (month - 2 - 12 * std::div((month - 14), 12).quot), 12).quot
            - std::div(3 * std::div((year + 4900 + std::div(month - 14, 12).quot), 100).quot, 4).quot
            + day - 32075;
    // origin of Julian day is "noon (not midnight)" BC4713/1/1
    static const float_t t0(conv_t::ymd2jd(1980, 1, 6) - 0.5);
    // GPS Time is advanced by leap seconds compared with UTC.
    // The following calculation is incorrect for a day in which a leap second is inserted or truncated.
    // @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day#Julian_date_calculation
    return t0 + week * 7 + (seconds - leap_seconds()) / seconds_day;
  float_t julian_date_2000() const {
    static const std::tm tm_2000 = {0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 2000 - 1900};
    static const float_t jd2000(GPS_Time(tm_2000, 13).julian_date());
    return julian_date() - jd2000;
  std::tm utc() const {return c_tm(leap_seconds());}

  float_t greenwich_mean_sidereal_time_sec_ires1996(const float_t &delta_ut1 = float_t(0)) const {
    float_t jd2000(julian_date_2000() + delta_ut1 / seconds_day);
    float_t jd2000_day(float_t(0.5) + std::floor(jd2000 - 0.5)); // +/-0.5, +/-1.5, ...

    // @see Chapter 2 of Orbits(978-3540785217) by Xu Guochang
    // @see Chapter 5 of IERS Conventions (1996) https://www.iers.org/IERS/EN/Publications/TechnicalNotes/tn21.html
    float_t jc(jd2000_day / 36525), // Julian century
        jc2(std::pow(jc, 2)), jc3(std::pow(jc, 3));
    float_t gmst0(24110.54841 // = 6h 41m 50.54841s
        + jc * 8640184.812866
        + jc2 * 0.093104
        - jc3 * 6.2E-6);
    // ratio of universal to sidereal time as given by Aoki et al. (1982)
    float_t r(1.002737909350795 // 7.2921158553E-5 = 1.002737909350795 / 86400 * 2pi
        + jc * 5.9006E-11 // 4.3E-15 = 5.9E-11 / 86400 * 2pi
        - jc2 * 5.9E-15); // in seconds
    return gmst0 + r * (jd2000 - jd2000_day) * seconds_day;

   * ERA (Earth rotation rate) defined in Sec. 5.5.3 in IERS 2010(Technical Note No.36)
  float_t earth_rotation_angle(const float_t &delta_ut1 = float_t(0),
      const float_t &scale_factor = float_t(M_PI * 2)) const {
    float_t jd2000(julian_date_2000() + delta_ut1 / seconds_day);
    return (jd2000 * 1.00273781191135448 + 0.7790572732640) * scale_factor; // Eq.(5.14)

  float_t greenwich_mean_sidereal_time_sec_ires2010(const float_t &delta_ut1 = float_t(0)) const {
    float_t era(earth_rotation_angle(delta_ut1, seconds_day));

    float_t t(julian_date_2000() / 36525);
    // @see Eq.(5.32) Chapter 5 of IERS Conventions (2010)
#define AS2SEC(as) (((float_t)seconds_day / (360 * 3600)) * (as))
    return era
        + AS2SEC(0.014506)
        + t * AS2SEC(4612.156534)
        + std::pow(t, 2) * AS2SEC(1.3915817)
        - std::pow(t, 3) * AS2SEC(0.00000044)
        - std::pow(t, 4) * AS2SEC(0.000029956)
        - std::pow(t, 5) * AS2SEC(0.0000000368);
#undef AS2SEC

   * Calculate Greenwich mean sidereal time (GMST) in seconds
   * Internally, greenwich_mean_sidereal_time_sec_ired2010() is called.
   * @param delta_ut1 time difference of UTC and UT1; UT1 = UTC + delta_UT1,
   * @return GMST in seconds. 86400 seconds correspond to one rotation
   * @see greenwich_mean_sidereal_time_sec_ires2010()
  float_t greenwich_mean_sidereal_time_sec(const float_t &delta_ut1 = float_t(0)) const {
    return greenwich_mean_sidereal_time_sec_ires2010(delta_ut1);

template <class FloatT>
const int GPS_Time<FloatT>::days_of_month[] = {
      31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_Time<FloatT>::leap_second_event_t GPS_Time<FloatT>::leap_second_events[] = {
  leap_second_event_t(2017, 1, 1, 18),
  leap_second_event_t(2015, 7, 1, 17),
  leap_second_event_t(2012, 7, 1, 16),
  leap_second_event_t(2009, 1, 1, 15),
  leap_second_event_t(2006, 1, 1, 14),
  leap_second_event_t(1999, 1, 1, 13),
  leap_second_event_t(1997, 7, 1, 12),
  leap_second_event_t(1996, 1, 1, 11),
  leap_second_event_t(1994, 7, 1, 10),
  leap_second_event_t(1993, 7, 1,  9),
  leap_second_event_t(1992, 7, 1,  8),
  leap_second_event_t(1991, 1, 1,  7),
  leap_second_event_t(1990, 1, 1,  6),
  leap_second_event_t(1988, 1, 1,  5),
  leap_second_event_t(1985, 7, 1,  4),
  leap_second_event_t(1983, 7, 1,  3),
  leap_second_event_t(1982, 7, 1,  2),
  leap_second_event_t(1981, 7, 1,  1),
  leap_second_event_t(1980, 1, 6,  0), // anchor

template <class FloatT = double>
class GPS_SpaceNode {
    typedef FloatT float_t;
    static const float_t light_speed;
    static const float_t L1_Frequency;
    static const float_t &L1_WaveLength() {
      static const float_t res(light_speed / L1_Frequency);
      return res;
    static const float_t SC2RAD;
    static const float_t L2_Frequency;
    static const float_t &L2_WaveLength() {
      static const float_t res(light_speed / L2_Frequency);
      return res;
    static const float_t gamma_L1_L2;
    static const float_t gamma_per_L1(const float_t &freq){
      return std::pow(L1_Frequency / freq, 2);

    static float_t rad2sc(const float_t &rad) {return rad / M_PI;}
    static float_t sc2rad(const float_t &sc)  {return sc * M_PI;}
    typedef GPS_SpaceNode<float_t> self_t;
    typedef GPS_Time<float_t> gps_time_t;
    typedef System_XYZ<float_t, WGS84> xyz_t;
    typedef System_LLH<float_t, WGS84> llh_t;
    typedef System_ENU<float_t, WGS84> enu_t;

    typedef unsigned char u8_t;
    typedef signed char s8_t;
    typedef unsigned short u16_t;
    typedef signed short s16_t;
    typedef unsigned int u32_t;
    typedef signed int s32_t;
    typedef int int_t;
    typedef unsigned int uint_t;

    struct DataParser {
      template <
          class OutputT, class InputT,
          int EffectiveBits_in_InputT = sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT,
          int PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB = (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - EffectiveBits_in_InputT,
          bool output_is_smaller_than_input
            = (EffectiveBits_in_InputT >= ((int)sizeof(OutputT) * CHAR_BIT))>
      struct bits2num_t {
        static OutputT run(const InputT *buf, const uint_t &index){
          // ex.1) I_8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          //       O_8         0*1*2*3* *4*5*6*7
          // ex.2) I_16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
          //       O_8        0*1*2*3*4*5*6*7
          // ex.3) I_16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
          //       O_8                          0*1*2*3* *4*5*6*7
          static const int
              output_bits(sizeof(OutputT) * CHAR_BIT),
              input_bits(sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT);
          static const int padding_bits_MSB_abs(
              PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB * (PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB >= 0 ? 1 : -1));
          std::div_t aligned(std::div(index, EffectiveBits_in_InputT));
          if(PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB >= 0){
            OutputT res(
                (buf[aligned.quot] << (aligned.rem + padding_bits_MSB_abs))
                  >> (input_bits - output_bits));
            if(aligned.rem > (EffectiveBits_in_InputT - output_bits)){
              // in case of overrun; ex.1 and ex.3
              res |= (OutputT)(
                  (buf[++aligned.quot] << padding_bits_MSB_abs)
                    // left shift to remove padding
                    >> (EffectiveBits_in_InputT
                       + (input_bits - output_bits) - aligned.rem));
                    // right shift to fill remaining;
                    // shift = input - [require_bits = output - (effective - rem)]
            return res;
            // rare case: negative MSB padding
            int left_shift(aligned.rem + PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB);
            OutputT res(
                (buf[aligned.quot] << (left_shift >= 0 ? left_shift : 0))
                  >> (input_bits - output_bits + (left_shift >= 0 ? 0 : -left_shift)));
            if(aligned.rem > (EffectiveBits_in_InputT - output_bits)){
              res |= (OutputT)(
                    >> (EffectiveBits_in_InputT + padding_bits_MSB_abs
                       + (input_bits - output_bits) - aligned.rem));
            return res;
      template <class OutputT, class InputT,
          int EffectiveBits_in_InputT, int PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB>
      struct bits2num_t<OutputT, InputT,
          EffectiveBits_in_InputT, PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB, false> {
        static OutputT run(const InputT *buf, const uint_t &index){
          // When sizeof(OutputT) > sizeof(InputT)
          // ex.4) I_8  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
          //       O_16         0*1*2*3* *4*5*6*7*8*9*0*1* *2*3*4*5
          static const int
              output_bits(sizeof(OutputT) * CHAR_BIT),
              input_bits(sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT);
          static const int padding_bits_LSB(
              input_bits - EffectiveBits_in_InputT - PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB);
          static const int padding_bits_LSB_abs(
              padding_bits_LSB >= 0 ? padding_bits_LSB : -padding_bits_LSB);
          static const int effective_mask_shift(
              (PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB <= 0) ? 0 : (PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB - 1));
          static const InputT effective_mask((PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB <= 0)
              ? (~(InputT)0)
              : (((((InputT)1) << (input_bits - 1)) - 1) >> effective_mask_shift));
          static const int shift_after_mask(
              (PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB < 0) ? -PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB : 0);
          std::div_t aligned(std::div(index, EffectiveBits_in_InputT));
          OutputT res(0);
          for(int i(output_bits / EffectiveBits_in_InputT); i > 0; --i, ++aligned.quot){
            res <<= EffectiveBits_in_InputT;
            res |= ((padding_bits_LSB >= 0)
                ? (((buf[aligned.quot] & effective_mask) >> shift_after_mask) >> padding_bits_LSB_abs)
                : (((buf[aligned.quot] & effective_mask) >> shift_after_mask) << padding_bits_LSB_abs));
          int last_shift(aligned.rem + (output_bits % EffectiveBits_in_InputT));
          if(last_shift > 0){
            res <<= last_shift;
            res |= (((buf[aligned.quot] & effective_mask) >> shift_after_mask)
                >> (EffectiveBits_in_InputT + padding_bits_LSB - last_shift));
          return res;

      template <class OutputT, class InputT>
      static OutputT bits2num(const InputT *buf, const uint_t &index){
        return bits2num_t<OutputT, InputT>::run(buf, index);
      template <class OutputT, class InputT>
      static OutputT bits2num(const InputT *buf, const uint_t &index, const uint_t &length){
        return (bits2num<OutputT, InputT>(buf, index) >> ((sizeof(OutputT) * CHAR_BIT) - length));

      template <class OutputT,
          int EffectiveBits_in_InputT, int PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB,
          class InputT>
      static OutputT bits2num(const InputT *buf, const uint_t &index){
        return bits2num_t<OutputT, InputT,
            EffectiveBits_in_InputT, PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB>::run(buf, index);
      template <class OutputT,
          int EffectiveBits_in_InputT, int PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB,
          class InputT>
      static OutputT bits2num(const InputT *buf, const uint_t &index, const uint_t &length){
        return (bits2num<OutputT,
              EffectiveBits_in_InputT, PaddingBits_in_InputT_MSB,
              InputT>(buf, index)
            >> ((sizeof(OutputT) * CHAR_BIT) - length));

      template <class NumberT, class BufferT>
      static void num2bits(
          BufferT *dest, NumberT src, const uint_t &index, uint_t length,
          const int &effective_bits_in_BufferT = sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT,
          const int &padding_bits_in_BufferT_MSB = 0){
        static const int buf_bits(sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT);
        const BufferT mask_msb_aligned( // "1.(effective).10..0"
            (~(BufferT)0) << (buf_bits - effective_bits_in_BufferT));
        const BufferT mask_full_n( // "1.(padding).10.(effective).01..1"
            ~(mask_msb_aligned >> padding_bits_in_BufferT_MSB));
        BufferT buf, mask;
        do{ // Least significant block
          std::div_t align(std::div(index + length, effective_bits_in_BufferT));
          dest += align.quot;
          if(align.rem == 0){break;}
          int len_last(align.rem);
          if((int)length <= align.rem){len_last = length;}
          int r_shift(padding_bits_in_BufferT_MSB + align.rem - len_last);
          ((buf = src) <<= (buf_bits - len_last)) >>= r_shift;
          ((mask = mask_msb_aligned) <<= (effective_bits_in_BufferT - len_last)) >>= r_shift;
          (*dest &= ~mask) |= (buf & mask);
          src >>= len_last;
          length -= len_last;
        std::div_t qr(std::div(length, effective_bits_in_BufferT));
        for(; qr.quot > 0; qr.quot--, src >>= effective_bits_in_BufferT){ // Middle
          ((buf = src) <<= (buf_bits - effective_bits_in_BufferT))
              >>= padding_bits_in_BufferT_MSB;
          (*(--dest) &= mask_full_n) |= (buf & ~mask_full_n);
        if(qr.rem > 0){ // Most
          int r_shift(padding_bits_in_BufferT_MSB + effective_bits_in_BufferT - qr.rem);
          ((buf = src) <<= (buf_bits - qr.rem)) >>= r_shift;
          mask = (mask_msb_aligned << (effective_bits_in_BufferT - qr.rem)) >> r_shift;
          (*(--dest) &= ~mask) |= (buf & mask);

    template <class InputT,
        int EffectiveBits = sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT,
        int PaddingBits_MSB = (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - EffectiveBits>
    struct BroadcastedMessage : public DataParser {
#define convert_u(bits, offset_bits, length, name) \
static u ## bits ## _t name(const InputT *buf){ \
  return \
      DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \
        buf, offset_bits, length); \
} \
static void name ## _set(InputT *dest, const u ## bits ## _t &src){ \
  DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \
      dest, src, offset_bits, length, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \
#define convert_s(bits, offset_bits, length, name) \
static s ## bits ## _t name(const InputT *buf){ \
  return ((s ## bits ## _t) \
      DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \
        buf, offset_bits)) \
      >> (bits - length); \
} \
static void name ## _set(InputT *dest, const s ## bits ## _t &src){ \
  DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \
      dest, *(u ## bits ## _t *)(&src), offset_bits, length, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \
#define convert_u_2(bits, offset_bits1, length1, offset_bits2, length2, name) \
static u ## bits ## _t name(const InputT *buf){ \
  return \
      (DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \
        buf, offset_bits1, length1) << length2) \
      | DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \
          buf, offset_bits2, length2); \
} \
static void name ## _set(InputT *dest, const u ## bits ## _t &src){ \
  DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \
      dest, src >> length2, offset_bits1, length1, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \
  DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \
      dest, src, offset_bits2, length2, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \
#define convert_s_2(bits, offset_bits1, length1, offset_bits2, length2, name) \
static s ## bits ## _t name(const InputT *buf){ \
  return ((s ## bits ## _t) \
      ((DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \
          buf, offset_bits1, length1) << (bits - length1)) \
        | (DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \
            buf, offset_bits2, length2) << (bits - length1 - length2)))) \
      >> (bits - length1 - length2); \
} \
static void name ## _set(InputT *dest, const s ## bits ## _t &src){ \
  DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \
      dest, *(u ## bits ## _t *)(&src) >> length2, offset_bits1, length1, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \
  DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \
      dest, *(u ## bits ## _t *)(&src), offset_bits2, length2, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \
      convert_u( 8,  0,  8, preamble);
      static void preamble_set(InputT *dest){preamble_set(dest, (u8_t)0x8B);}
      convert_u(32, 30, 24, how);
      static void how_set(InputT *dest, const gps_time_t &t){
        how_set(dest, ((u32_t)(t.seconds / 1.5) & 0x1FFFF) << 7);
      convert_u( 8, 49,  3, subframe_id);

       * update parity bits based on current buffer
       * @param buf buffer
       * @param word_idx word index whose range is [0, 9] (0 means "Word 1")
       * @see GPS ICD Table 20-XIV
      static void parity_update(InputT *buf, const int &word_idx){
        u32_t word(DataParser::template bits2num<u32_t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>(
            buf, 30 * word_idx, 24));
        u8_t parity;
        parity  = (u8_t)(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(word & (u32_t)0xEC7CD2) & 0x1); parity <<= 1;
        parity |= (u8_t)(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(word & (u32_t)0x763E69) & 0x1); parity <<= 1;
        parity |= (u8_t)(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(word & (u32_t)0xBB1F34) & 0x1); parity <<= 1;
        parity |= (u8_t)(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(word & (u32_t)0x5D8F9A) & 0x1); parity <<= 1;
        parity |= (u8_t)(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(word & (u32_t)0xAEC7CD) & 0x1); parity <<= 1;
        parity |= (u8_t)(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(word & (u32_t)0x2DEA27) & 0x1);
        DataParser::template num2bits<u8_t, InputT>(
            buf, parity, 30 * word_idx + 24, 6, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB);

       * Get word data for transmission
       * @param buf buffer, whose parity is assumed to be already updated
       * @param word_idx word index whose range is [0, 9] (0 means "Word 1")
       * @param D29_star 29th bit of previous transmitted word
       * @param D30_star 30th bit of previous transmitted word
       * @return (u32_t) a word consisting of leading 2 padding bits and following 30 informative bits
       * @see GPS ICD Table 20-XIV
      static u32_t word_for_transmission(
          const InputT *buf, const int &word_idx,
          const bool &D29_star = false, const bool &D30_star = false){
        u32_t word(DataParser::template bits2num<u32_t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>(
            buf, 30 * word_idx, 30));
        u32_t mask(0);
          mask |= 0x29;
          mask |= ((u32_t)0xFFFFFF << 6);
          mask |= 0x16;
        u32_t res(word ^ mask);
        if((word_idx == 1) || (word_idx == 9)){ // trailing 2 bits of HOW(word 2) and word 10 should be zeros
          if(res & 0x02){ // bit 29 should be zero
            res ^= (u8_t)0x43; // modify bit 24 & 29 & 30
          if(res & 0x01){ // bit 30 should be zero
            res ^= (u8_t)0x81; // modify bit 23 & 30
        return res;

      struct SubFrame1 {
        convert_u(16, 60, 10, WN);
        convert_u( 8, 72,  4, URA);
        convert_u( 8, 76,  6, SV_health);
        convert_u_2(16, 82,  2, 210,  8, iodc);
        convert_s( 8, 196,  8, t_GD);
        convert_u(16, 218, 16, t_oc);
        convert_s( 8, 240,  8, a_f2);
        convert_s(16, 248, 16, a_f1);
        convert_s(32, 270, 22, a_f0);

      struct SubFrame2 {
        convert_u( 8, 60,  8, iode);
        convert_s(16, 68, 16, c_rs);
        convert_s(16, 90, 16, delta_n);
        convert_s_2(32, 106,  8, 120, 24, M0);
        convert_s(16, 150, 16, c_uc);
        convert_u_2(32, 166,  8, 180, 24, e);
        convert_s(16, 210, 16, c_us);
        convert_u_2(32, 226,  8, 240, 24, sqrt_A);
        convert_u(16, 270, 16, t_oe);
        convert_u( 8, 286,  1, fit);

      struct SubFrame3 {
        convert_s(16, 60, 16, c_ic);
        convert_s_2(32,  76,  8,  90, 24, Omega0);
        convert_s(16, 120, 16, c_is);
        convert_s_2(32, 136,  8, 150, 24, i0);
        convert_s(16, 180, 16, c_rc);
        convert_s_2(32, 196,  8, 210, 24, omega);
        convert_s(32, 240, 24, dot_Omega0);
        convert_u( 8, 270,  8, iode);
        convert_s(16, 278, 14, dot_i0);

      convert_u( 8,  60,  2, data_id);
      convert_u( 8,  62,  6, sv_page_id);

      struct SubFrame4_5_Almanac {
        convert_u(16,  68, 16, e);
        convert_u( 8,  90,  8, t_oa);
        convert_s(16,  98, 16, delta_i);
        convert_s(16, 120, 16, dot_Omega0);
        convert_u( 8, 136,  8, SV_health);
        convert_u(32, 150, 24, sqrt_A);
        convert_s(32, 180, 24, Omega0);
        convert_s(32, 210, 24, omega);
        convert_s(32, 240, 24, M0);
        convert_s_2(16, 270,  8, 289,  3, a_f0);
        convert_s(16, 278, 11, a_f1);

      struct SubFrame4_Page18 {
        convert_s( 8,  68,  8, alpha0);
        convert_s( 8,  76,  8, alpha1);
        convert_s( 8,  90,  8, alpha2);
        convert_s( 8,  98,  8, alpha3);
        convert_s( 8, 106,  8, beta0);
        convert_s( 8, 120,  8, beta1);
        convert_s( 8, 128,  8, beta2);
        convert_s( 8, 136,  8, beta3);
        convert_s(32, 150, 24, A1);
        convert_s_2(32, 180, 24, 210,  8, A0);
        convert_u( 8, 218,  8, t_ot);
        convert_s( 8, 240,  8, delta_t_LS);
        convert_u( 8, 226,  8, WN_t);
        convert_u( 8, 248,  8, WN_LSF);
        convert_u( 8, 256,  8, DN);
        convert_s( 8, 270,  8, delta_t_LSF);
#undef convert_s_2
#undef convert_u_2
#undef convert_s
#undef convert_u

     * GPS Ionospheric correction and UTC parameters
    struct Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters {
      float_t alpha[4];    ///< Ionospheric parameters[0-3] (s, s/sc, s/sc^2, s/sc^3)
      float_t beta[4];     ///< Ionospheric parameters[0-3] (s, s/sc, s/sc^2, s/sc^3)
      float_t A1;          ///< UTC parameter (s/s)
      float_t A0;          ///< UTC parameter (s)
      uint_t t_ot;         ///< Epoch time (UTC) (s)
      uint_t WN_t;         ///< Epoch time (UTC) (weeks)
      int_t delta_t_LS;    ///< Current leap seconds (s)
      uint_t WN_LSF;       ///< Last leap second update week (weeks)
      uint_t DN;           ///< Last leap second update day (days)
      int_t delta_t_LSF;   ///< Updated leap seconds (s)

      struct raw_t {
        s8_t  alpha0;       ///< Ionospheric parameter (-30, s)
        s8_t  alpha1;       ///< Ionospheric parameter (-27, s/sc)
        s8_t  alpha2;       ///< Ionospheric parameter (-24, s/sc^2)
        s8_t  alpha3;       ///< Ionospheric parameter (-24, s/sc^3)
        s8_t  beta0;        ///< Ionospheric parameter (11, s)
        s8_t  beta1;        ///< Ionospheric parameter (14, s/sc)
        s8_t  beta2;        ///< Ionospheric parameter (16, s/sc^2)
        s8_t  beta3;        ///< Ionospheric parameter (16, s/sc^3)
        s32_t A1;           ///< UTC parameter (-50, s/s)
        s32_t A0;           ///< UTC parameter (-30, s)
        u8_t  t_ot;         ///< Epoch time (UTC) (12, s)
        u8_t  WN_t;         ///< Epoch time (UTC) (weeks, truncated)
        s8_t  delta_t_LS;   ///< Current leap seconds (s)
        u8_t  WN_LSF;       ///< Last leap second update week (weeks, truncated)
        u8_t  DN;           ///< Last leap second update day (days)
        s8_t  delta_t_LSF;  ///< Updated leap seconds (s)

        template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT>
        void update(const InputT *src){
          typedef typename BroadcastedMessage<
              InputT, (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB>
              ::SubFrame4_Page18 parse_t;
#define fetch_item(name) name = parse_t::name(src)
          fetch_item(alpha0); fetch_item(alpha1); fetch_item(alpha2); fetch_item(alpha3);
          fetch_item(beta0);  fetch_item(beta1);  fetch_item(beta2);  fetch_item(beta3);
          fetch_item(A1);     fetch_item(A0);
          fetch_item(WN_t);   fetch_item(WN_LSF);
          fetch_item(t_ot);   fetch_item(delta_t_LS);   fetch_item(delta_t_LSF);
#undef fetch_item

        template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class BufferT>
        void dump(BufferT *dst){
          typedef BroadcastedMessage<
              BufferT, (int)sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB>
          deparse_t::subframe_id_set(dst, 4);
          deparse_t::sv_page_id_set(dst, 56);
#define dump_item(name) deparse_t::SubFrame4_Page18:: name ## _set(dst, name)
          dump_item(alpha0); dump_item(alpha1); dump_item(alpha2); dump_item(alpha3);
          dump_item(beta0);  dump_item(beta1);  dump_item(beta2);  dump_item(beta3);
          dump_item(A1);     dump_item(A0);
          dump_item(WN_t);   dump_item(WN_LSF);
          dump_item(t_ot);   dump_item(delta_t_LS);   dump_item(delta_t_LSF);
#undef dump_item
        enum {

        static const float_t sf[SF_NUM];

        operator Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters() const {
          Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters converted;
#define CONVERT2(dst, src) \
{converted.dst = sf[SF_ ## src] * src;}
            CONVERT2(alpha[0], alpha0);
            CONVERT2(alpha[1], alpha1);
            CONVERT2(alpha[2], alpha2);
            CONVERT2(alpha[3], alpha3);
            CONVERT2(beta[0],  beta0);
            CONVERT2(beta[1],  beta1);
            CONVERT2(beta[2],  beta2);
            CONVERT2(beta[3],  beta3);
            converted.t_ot = ((uint_t)t_ot) << 12;
            converted.WN_t = WN_t;
            converted.delta_t_LS = delta_t_LS;
            converted.WN_LSF = WN_LSF;
            converted.DN = DN;
            converted.delta_t_LSF = delta_t_LSF;
#undef CONVERT
#undef CONVERT2
          return converted;

        raw_t &operator=(const Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters &params) {
#define CONVERT2(src, dst, type) \
{dst = (type)std::floor(params.src / sf[SF_ ## dst] + 0.5);}
            CONVERT2(alpha[0], alpha0, s8_t);
            CONVERT2(alpha[1], alpha1, s8_t);
            CONVERT2(alpha[2], alpha2, s8_t);
            CONVERT2(alpha[3], alpha3, s8_t);
            CONVERT2(beta[0],  beta0,  s8_t);
            CONVERT2(beta[1],  beta1,  s8_t);
            CONVERT2(beta[2],  beta2,  s8_t);
            CONVERT2(beta[3],  beta3,  s8_t);
            CONVERT(A1, s32_t);
            CONVERT(A0, s32_t);
            t_ot = (u8_t)((t_ot >> 12) & 0xFF);
            WN_t = (u8_t)(params.WN_t & 0xFF);
            delta_t_LS = (s8_t)params.delta_t_LS;
            WN_LSF = (u8_t)(params.WN_LSF & 0xFF);
            DN = (u8_t)(params.DN & 0xFF);
            delta_t_LSF = (s8_t)params.delta_t_LSF;
#undef CONVERT
#undef CONVERT2
          return *this;

    class SatelliteProperties {
        struct constellation_t {
          xyz_t position;
          xyz_t velocity;
         * GPS ephemeris
         * (Subframe 1,2,3)
        struct Ephemeris {
          uint_t svid;        ///< Satellite number
          // Subframe.1
          uint_t WN;          ///< Week number
          float_t URA;          ///< User range accuracy (m)
          uint_t SV_health;   ///< Health status
          int_t iodc;         ///< Issue of clock data
          float_t t_GD;       ///< Group delay (s)
          float_t t_oc;       ///< Clock data reference time
          float_t a_f2;       ///< Clock correction parameter (s/s^2)
          float_t a_f1;       ///< Clock correction parameter (s/s)
          float_t a_f0;       ///< Clock correction parameter (s)
          // Subframe.2
          int_t iode;           ///< Issue of ephemeris data
          float_t c_rs;         ///< Sine correction, orbit (m)
          float_t delta_n;      ///< Mean motion difference (rad/s)
          float_t M0;           ///< Mean anomaly (rad)
          float_t c_uc;         ///< Cosine correction, latitude (rad)
          float_t e;            ///< Eccentricity
          float_t c_us;         ///< Sine correction, latitude (rad)
          float_t sqrt_A;       ///< Square root of semi-major axis (sqrt(m))
          float_t t_oe;         ///< Reference time ephemeris (s)
          float_t fit_interval; ///< Fit interval; if negative, it indicates invalid ephemeris.
          // Subframe.3
          float_t c_ic;         ///< Cosine correction, inclination (rad)
          float_t Omega0;       ///< Longitude of ascending node (rad)
          float_t c_is;         ///< Sine correction, inclination (rad)
          float_t i0;           ///< Inclination angle (rad)
          float_t c_rc;         ///< Cosine correction, orbit (m)
          float_t omega;        ///< Argument of perigee (rad)
          float_t dot_Omega0;   ///< Rate of right ascension (rad/s)
          float_t dot_i0;       ///< Rate of inclination angle (rad/s)

          inline float_t period_from_time_of_clock(const gps_time_t &t) const {
            return -t.interval(WN, t_oc);

          inline float_t period_from_time_of_ephemeris(const gps_time_t &t) const {
            return -t.interval(WN, t_oe);
           * @return (float_t) if valid ephemeris, the return value is always positive,
           * because (t - t_oc), and (t - t_oe) in equations are normally negative.
           * @see, Table 20-XIII
          inline float_t period_from_first_valid_transmission(const gps_time_t &t) const {
            return period_from_time_of_clock(t) + (fit_interval / 2);

           * Return true when valid
           * @param t GPS time
          bool is_valid(const gps_time_t &t) const {
            return std::abs(period_from_time_of_clock(t)) <= (fit_interval / 2);

           * Return true when newer ephemeris may be available
           * @param t GPS time
          bool maybe_better_one_avilable(const gps_time_t &t) const {
            float_t delta_t(period_from_first_valid_transmission(t));
            float_t transmission_interval( // @see IDC Reference Times, Table 20-XIII
                (fit_interval > (4 * 60 * 60))
                  ? fit_interval / 2 // fit_interval is more than 4 hour, fit_interval / 2
                  : (1 * 60 * 60));  // fit_interval equals to 4 hour, some SVs transmits every one hour.
            return !((delta_t >= 0) && (delta_t < transmission_interval));
          static const float_t URA_limits[15];

          template <std::size_t N>
          static float_t URA_meter(const int_t &index, const float_t (&table)[N]){
            if(index < 0){return -1;}
            return (index < N)
                ? table[index]
                : table[N - 1] * 2;
          inline static float_t URA_meter(const int_t &index){
            return URA_meter(index, URA_limits);

          template <std::size_t N>
          static int_t URA_index(const float_t &meter, const float_t (&table)[N]){
            if(meter < 0){return -1;}
            for(std::size_t i(0); i < N; ++i){
              if(meter <= table[i]){return i;}
            return N;
          inline static int_t URA_index(const float_t &meter){
            return URA_index(meter, URA_limits);

          float_t eccentric_anomaly(const float_t &period_from_toe) const {

            // Kepler's Equation for Eccentric Anomaly M(Mk)
            float_t n0(std::sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow3(sqrt_A));
            float_t Mk(M0
                + (n0 + delta_n) * period_from_toe);

            // Eccentric Anomaly E(Ek)
            float_t Ek(Mk);
  #define KEPLER_DELTA_LIMIT 1E-12
            for(int loop(0); loop < 10; loop++){
              float_t Ek2(Mk + e * sin(Ek));
              if(std::abs(Ek2 - Ek) < KEPLER_DELTA_LIMIT){break;}
              Ek = Ek2;

            return Ek;

          float_t eccentric_anomaly(const gps_time_t &t) const {
            return eccentric_anomaly(period_from_time_of_ephemeris(t));

          float_t eccentric_anomaly_dot(const float_t &eccentric_anomaly) const {
            float_t n((std::sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow3(sqrt_A)) + delta_n);
            return n / (1.0 - e * cos(eccentric_anomaly));

           * Calculate correction value in accordance with clock error model
           * @param t current time
           * @param gamma factor for compensation of group delay
           * L1 = 1, L2 = (77/60)^2, see ICD L1 - L2 Correction
           * @return in seconds
          float_t clock_error(const gps_time_t &t,
              const float_t &gamma = 1) const{

            float_t tk(period_from_time_of_clock(t));
            float_t Ek(eccentric_anomaly(tk));

            // Relativistic correction term
            static const float_t F(-2.0 * std::sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow2(light_speed));
            float_t dt_r(F * e * sqrt_A * sin(Ek));

            float_t dt_sv(a_f0 + a_f1 * tk + a_f2 * pow2(tk) + dt_r); // ICD Eq.(2)

            return dt_sv - (gamma * t_GD);

          float_t clock_error_dot(const gps_time_t &t) const {

            float_t tk(period_from_time_of_clock(t));
            float_t Ek(eccentric_anomaly(tk));
            float_t Ek_dot(eccentric_anomaly_dot(Ek));

            // Derivative of Relativistic correction term
            static const float_t F(-2.0 * std::sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow2(light_speed));
            float_t dt_r_dot(F * e * sqrt_A * Ek_dot * cos(Ek));

            float_t dt_sv_dot(a_f1 + a_f2 * 2 * tk + dt_r_dot);

            return dt_sv_dot;

           * Return satellite position and velocity at the transmission time in EFEC.
           * @param t_tx transmission time
           * @param dt_transit Transit time. default is zero.
           * If zero, the returned value is along with the ECEF at the transmission time.
           * Otherwise (non-zero), they are along with the ECEF at the reception time,
           * that is, the transmission time added by the transit time.
           * @param with_velocity If true, velocity calculation is performed,
           * otherwise invalid velocity is returned.
          constellation_t constellation(
              const gps_time_t &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit = 0,
              const bool &with_velocity = true) const {

            constellation_t res;

            // Time from ephemeris reference epoch (tk)
            float_t tk(period_from_time_of_ephemeris(t_tx));

            // Eccentric Anomaly (Ek)
            float_t Ek(eccentric_anomaly(tk));

            // Corrected Radius (rk)
            float_t rk(pow2(sqrt_A)
                * (1.0 - e * cos(Ek)));

            // True Anomaly (vk)
            float_t vk(atan2(
                sqrt(1.0 - pow2(e)) * sin(Ek),
                cos(Ek) - e));

            // (Corrected) Argument of Latitude (pk) [rad]
            float_t pk(vk + omega);

            // (Corrected) Inclination (ik)
            float_t ik(i0);

            { // Correction
              float_t pk2_sin(sin(pk * 2)),
                  pk2_cos(cos(pk * 2));
              float_t d_uk(
                  c_us * pk2_sin
                  + c_uc * pk2_cos);
              float_t d_rk(
                  c_rs * pk2_sin
                  + c_rc * pk2_cos);
              float_t d_ik(
                  c_is * pk2_sin
                  + c_ic * pk2_cos);

              pk += d_uk;
              rk += d_rk;
              ik += d_ik
                  + dot_i0 * tk;

            // Position in orbital plane (xk, yk)
            float_t xk(rk * cos(pk)),
                yk(rk * sin(pk));

            // Corrected longitude of ascending node (Omegak) [rad]
            float_t Omegak(Omega0);
              Omegak += (
                  (dot_Omega0 - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU) * tk
                  - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU * t_oe);
              Omegak += (
                  dot_Omega0 * tk // correction (at the transmission)
                  - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU * (t_oe + tk + dt_transit)); // correction and coordinate transformation

            float_t Omegak_sin(sin(Omegak)),
            float_t ik_sin(sin(ik)),

            res.position.x() = xk * Omegak_cos - yk * Omegak_sin * ik_cos;
            res.position.y() = xk * Omegak_sin + yk * Omegak_cos * ik_cos;
            res.position.z() = yk * ik_sin;

            // Velocity calculation => GPS solution vol.8 (3) http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/gps-toolbox/bc_velo.htm
              float_t Ek_dot(eccentric_anomaly_dot(Ek));
              float_t vk_dot(sin(Ek) * Ek_dot * (1.0 + e * cos(vk))
                  / (sin(vk) * (1.0 - e * cos(Ek))));

              float_t pk2_sin(sin(pk * 2)), pk2_cos(cos(pk * 2));
              float_t pk_dot(((c_us * pk2_cos - c_uc * pk2_sin) * 2 + 1.0) * vk_dot);
              float_t rk_dot(pow2(sqrt_A) * e * sin(Ek) * Ek_dot
                  + (c_rs * pk2_cos - c_rc * pk2_sin) * 2 * vk_dot);
              float_t ik_dot(dot_i0 + (c_is * pk2_cos - c_ic * pk2_sin) * 2 * vk_dot);

              // Velocity in orbital plane (xk_dot, yk_dot)
              float_t xk_dot(rk_dot * cos(pk) - yk * pk_dot),
                  yk_dot(rk_dot * sin(pk) + xk * pk_dot);

              float_t Omegak_dot(dot_Omega0 - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU);

              res.velocity.x() = (xk_dot - yk * ik_cos * Omegak_dot) * Omegak_cos
                  - (xk * Omegak_dot + yk_dot * ik_cos - yk * ik_sin * ik_dot) * Omegak_sin;
              res.velocity.y() = (xk_dot - yk * ik_cos * Omegak_dot) * Omegak_sin
                  + (xk * Omegak_dot + yk_dot * ik_cos - yk * ik_sin * ik_dot) * Omegak_cos;
              res.velocity.z() = yk_dot * ik_sin + yk * ik_cos * ik_dot;

            return res;

          struct raw_t {
            u8_t  svid;         ///< Satellite number
            u16_t WN;           ///< Week number
            u8_t  URA;          ///< User range accuracy
            u8_t  SV_health;    ///< Health status
            u16_t iodc;         ///< Issue of clock data
            s8_t  t_GD;         ///< Group delay (-31, s)
            u16_t t_oc;         ///< Clock data reference time
            s8_t  a_f2;         ///< Clock correction parameter (-55, s/s^2)
            s16_t a_f1;         ///< Clock correction parameter (-43, s/s)
            s32_t a_f0;         ///< Clock correction parameter (-31, s)
            u8_t  iode;         ///< Issue of eph. data
            s16_t c_rs;         ///< Sin. correction, orbit ( -5, m)
            s16_t delta_n;      ///< Mean motion difference (-43, sc/s)
            s32_t M0;           ///< Mean anomaly           (-31, sc)
            s16_t c_uc;         ///< Cos. correction, lat.  (-29, rad)
            u32_t e;            ///< Eccentricity           (-33)
            s16_t c_us;         ///< Sin. correction, lat.  (-29, rad)
            u32_t sqrt_A;       ///< Root semi-Major Axis   (-19, sqrt(m))
            u16_t t_oe;         ///< Reference time eph.    (  4, s)
            bool fit_interval_flag;   ///< Fit interval flag (ICD:
            s16_t c_ic;         ///< Cos. correction, incl. (-29, rad)
            s32_t Omega0;       ///< Ascending node long.   (-31, sc)
            s16_t c_is;         ///< Sin. correction, incl. (-29, rad)
            s32_t i0;           ///< Inclination angle      (-31, sc)
            s16_t c_rc;         ///< Cos. correction, orbit ( -5, m)
            s32_t omega;        ///< Argument of perigee    (-31, sc)
            s32_t dot_Omega0;   ///< Right ascension rate   (-43, sc/s)
            s16_t dot_i0;       ///< Inclination angle rate (-43, sc/s)

#define fetch_item(num, name) name = BroadcastedMessage< \
   InputT, (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB> \
   :: SubFrame ## num :: name (src)
            template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT>
            u16_t update_subframe1(const InputT *src){
              fetch_item(1, WN);
              fetch_item(1, URA);
              fetch_item(1, SV_health);
              fetch_item(1, iodc);
              fetch_item(1, t_GD);
              fetch_item(1, t_oc);
              fetch_item(1, a_f2);
              fetch_item(1, a_f1);
              fetch_item(1, a_f0);
              return iodc;
            template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT>
            u8_t update_subframe2(const InputT *src){
              fetch_item(2, iode);
              fetch_item(2, c_rs);
              fetch_item(2, delta_n);
              fetch_item(2, M0);
              fetch_item(2, c_uc);
              fetch_item(2, e);
              fetch_item(2, c_us);
              fetch_item(2, sqrt_A);
              fetch_item(2, t_oe);
              u8_t fetch_item(2, fit); fit_interval_flag = (fit == 1);
              return iode;
            template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT>
            u8_t update_subframe3(const InputT *src){
              fetch_item(3, c_ic);
              fetch_item(3, Omega0);
              fetch_item(3, c_is);
              fetch_item(3, i0);
              fetch_item(3, c_rc);
              fetch_item(3, omega);
              fetch_item(3, dot_Omega0);
              fetch_item(3, dot_i0);
              fetch_item(3, iode);
              return iode;
#undef fetch_item
            template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class BufferT>
            void dump(BufferT *dst, const unsigned int &subframe){
              typedef BroadcastedMessage<
                  BufferT, (int)sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB>
#define dump_item(num, name) deparse_t::SubFrame ## num :: name ## _set(dst, name)
                case 1:
                  dump_item(1, WN);   dump_item(1, URA);  dump_item(1, SV_health);
                  dump_item(1, iodc); dump_item(1, t_GD); dump_item(1, t_oc);
                  dump_item(1, a_f2); dump_item(1, a_f1); dump_item(1, a_f0);
                case 2: {
                  dump_item(2, iode); dump_item(2, c_rs);   dump_item(2, delta_n);
                  dump_item(2, M0);   dump_item(2, c_uc);   dump_item(2, e);
                  dump_item(2, c_us); dump_item(2, sqrt_A); dump_item(2, t_oe);
                  u8_t fit(fit_interval_flag ? 1 : 0); dump_item(2, fit);
                case 3:
                  dump_item(3, c_ic);       dump_item(3, Omega0); dump_item(3, c_is);
                  dump_item(3, i0);         dump_item(3, c_rc);   dump_item(3, omega);
                  dump_item(3, dot_Omega0); dump_item(3, dot_i0); dump_item(3, iode);
#undef dump_item
              deparse_t::subframe_id_set(dst, subframe);

            static float_t fit_interval(const bool &_flag, const u16_t &_iodc){
              // Fit interval (ICD:
              if(_flag == false){
                // normal operation
                return 4 * 60 * 60;
                // short/long-term extended operation (Table 20-XI, XII)
                if(_iodc >= 240 && _iodc <= 247){
                  return 8 * 60 * 60;
                }else if((_iodc >= 248 && _iodc <= 255) || (_iodc == 496)){
                  return 14 * 60 * 60;
                }else if(_iodc >= 497 && _iodc <= 503){
                  return 26 * 60 * 60;
                }else if(_iodc >= 504 && _iodc <= 510){
                  return 50 * 60 * 60;
                }else if((_iodc == 511) || (_iodc >= 752 && _iodc <= 756)){
                  return 74 * 60 * 60;
                }else if(_iodc >= 757 && _iodc <= 763){
                  return 98 * 60 * 60;
                }else if((_iodc >= 764 && _iodc <= 767) || (_iodc >= 1008 && _iodc <= 1010)){
                  return 122 * 60 * 60;
                }else if(_iodc >= 1011 && _iodc <= 1020){
                  return 146 * 60 * 60;
                  return 6 * 60 * 60;

            enum {



            static const float_t sf[SF_NUM];

            operator Ephemeris() const {
              Ephemeris converted;
{converted.TARGET = sf[SF_ ## TARGET] * TARGET;}
              converted.svid = svid;
              converted.WN = WN;
              converted.URA = URA_meter(URA);
              converted.SV_health = SV_health;
              converted.iodc = iodc;
              converted.iode = iode;
#undef CONVERT
              converted.fit_interval = fit_interval(fit_interval_flag, iodc);
              return converted;

            raw_t &operator=(const Ephemeris &eph){
#define CONVERT(type, TARGET) \
{TARGET = (type)std::floor(eph.TARGET / sf[SF_ ## TARGET] + 0.5);}
              svid = eph.svid;

              WN = eph.WN;
              URA = URA_index(eph.URA);
              SV_health = eph.SV_health;
              iodc = eph.iodc;
              CONVERT(s8_t,  t_GD);
              CONVERT(u16_t, t_oc);
              CONVERT(s32_t, a_f0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, a_f1);
              CONVERT(s8_t,  a_f2);

              iode = eph.iode;
              CONVERT(s16_t, c_rs);
              CONVERT(s16_t, delta_n);
              CONVERT(s32_t, M0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, c_uc);
              CONVERT(u32_t, e);
              CONVERT(s16_t, c_us);
              CONVERT(u32_t, sqrt_A);
              CONVERT(u16_t, t_oe);

              CONVERT(s16_t, c_ic);
              CONVERT(s32_t, Omega0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, c_is);
              CONVERT(s32_t, i0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, c_rc);
              CONVERT(s32_t, omega);
              CONVERT(s32_t, dot_Omega0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, dot_i0);
#undef CONVERT
              fit_interval_flag = (eph.fit_interval > 5 * 60 * 60);

              return *this;

          bool is_equivalent(const Ephemeris &eph) const {
              if(WN != eph.WN){break;}
              if(URA_index(URA) != URA_index(eph.URA)){break;}
              if(SV_health != eph.SV_health){break;}

#define CHECK(TARGET) \
if(std::abs(TARGET - eph.TARGET) > raw_t::sf[raw_t::SF_ ## TARGET]){break;}


#undef CHECK
              return true;
            return false;

          gps_time_t base_time() const {
            return gps_time_t(WN, t_oc);

         * GPS almanac
         * (Subframe 4,5)
        struct Almanac {
          uint_t  svid;         ///< Satellite number
          float_t e;            ///< Eccentricity
          float_t t_oa;         ///< Almanac reference time (s)
          float_t delta_i;      ///< Correction to inclination (rad)
          float_t dot_Omega0;   ///< Omega0 rate (rad/s)
          uint_t SV_health;     ///< Health status
          float_t sqrt_A;       ///< Square root of semi-major axis (sqrt(m))
          float_t Omega0;       ///< Longitude of ascending node (rad)
          float_t omega;        ///< Argument of perigee (rad)
          float_t M0;           ///< Mean anomaly (rad)
          float_t a_f0;         ///< Clock correction parameter (s/s)
          float_t a_f1;         ///< Clock correction parameter (s)
           * Upgrade to ephemeris
          operator Ephemeris() const {
            Ephemeris converted;
            converted.svid          = svid;
            // Subframe.1
            converted.WN            = 0;          // Week number (must be configured later)
            converted.URA           = -1;         // User range accuracy
            converted.SV_health     = SV_health;  // Health status
            converted.iodc          = -1;         // Issue of clock data
            converted.t_GD          = 0;          // Group delay (s)
            converted.t_oc          = t_oa;       // Clock data reference time
            converted.a_f2          = 0;          // Clock correction parameter (s/s^2)
            converted.a_f1          = a_f1;       // Clock correction parameter (s/s)
            converted.a_f0          = a_f0;       // Clock correction parameter (s)
            // Subframe.2
            converted.iode          = -1;         // Issue of ephemeris data
            converted.c_rs          = 0;          // Sine correction, orbit (m)
            converted.delta_n       = 0;          // Mean motion difference (rad/s)
            converted.M0            = M0;         // Mean anomaly (rad)
            converted.c_uc          = 0;          // Cosine correction, latitude (rad)
            converted.e             = e;          // Eccentricity
            converted.c_us          = 0;          // Sine correction, latitude (rad)
            converted.sqrt_A        = sqrt_A;     // Square root of semi-major axis (sqrt(m))
            converted.t_oe          = t_oa;       // Reference time ephemeris (s)
            converted.fit_interval  = 4 * 60 * 60;// Fit interval
            // Subframe.3
            converted.c_ic          = 0;          // Cosine correction, inclination (rad)
            converted.Omega0        = Omega0;     // Longitude of ascending node (rad)
            converted.c_is          = 0;          // Sine correction, inclination (rad)
            converted.i0            = delta_i + SC2RAD * 0.3; // Inclination angle (rad)
            converted.c_rc          = 0;          // Cosine correction, orbit (m)
            converted.omega         = omega;      // Argument of perigee (rad)
            converted.dot_Omega0    = dot_Omega0; // Rate of right ascension (rad/s)
            converted.dot_i0        = 0;          // Rate of inclination angle (rad/s)
            return converted;
           * downgrade from ephemeris
          Almanac &operator=(const Ephemeris &eph) {
#define copy_item(dst, src) dst = eph.src
            copy_item(svid, svid);      copy_item(e, e);      copy_item(t_oa, t_oe);
            copy_item(delta_i, i0);     copy_item(dot_Omega0, dot_Omega0);
            copy_item(SV_health, SV_health);  copy_item(sqrt_A, sqrt_A);
            copy_item(Omega0, Omega0);  copy_item(omega, omega);    copy_item(M0, M0);
            copy_item(a_f0, a_f0);      copy_item(a_f1, a_f1);
#undef copy_item
            delta_i -= SC2RAD * 0.3;
            return *this;
          struct raw_t {
            u8_t  svid;         ///< Satellite number
            u16_t e;            ///< Eccentricity       (-21)
            u8_t  t_oa;         ///< Almanac ref. time  ( 12, s)
            s16_t delta_i;      ///< Correction to inc. (-19, sc)
            s16_t dot_Omega0;   ///< Omega0 rate        (-38, sc/s)
            u8_t  SV_health;    ///< Health status
            u32_t sqrt_A;       ///< Semi-major axis    (-11, sqrt(m))
            s32_t Omega0;       ///< Long. of asc. node (-23, sc)
            s32_t omega;        ///< Arg. of perigee    (-23, sc)
            s32_t M0;           ///< Mean anomaly       (-23, sc)
            s16_t a_f0;         ///< Clock corr. param. (-20, s)
            s16_t a_f1;         ///< Clock corr. param. (-38, s)
            template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT>
            void update(const InputT *src){
              typedef BroadcastedMessage<
                  InputT, (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB>
#define fetch_item(name) name = parse_t::SubFrame4_5_Almanac:: name (src)
              svid = parse_t::sv_page_id(src);
#undef fetch_item
            template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class BufferT>
            void dump(BufferT *dst){
              typedef BroadcastedMessage<
                  BufferT, (int)sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB>
#define dump_item(name) deparse_t::SubFrame4_5_Almanac:: name ## _set(dst, name)
              dump_item(e);           dump_item(t_oa);      dump_item(delta_i);
              dump_item(dot_Omega0);  dump_item(SV_health); dump_item(sqrt_A);
              dump_item(Omega0);      dump_item(omega);     dump_item(M0);
              dump_item(a_f0);        dump_item(a_f1);
#undef dump_item
              if((svid >= 1) && (svid <= 24)){
                deparse_t::subframe_id_set(dst, 5);
                deparse_t::sv_page_id_set(dst, svid);
              }else if((svid >= 25) && (svid <= 32)){ // subframe 4 and page 2-5, 7-10
                deparse_t::subframe_id_set(dst, 4);
                deparse_t::sv_page_id_set(dst, svid);
              }else{ // provision for other systems (ex. QZSS)
              deparse_t::data_id_set(dst, 1); // always "01" @see Data ID and SV ID.

            enum {

            static const float_t sf[SF_NUM];

            operator Almanac() const {
              Almanac converted;
{converted.TARGET = sf[SF_ ## TARGET] * TARGET;}
              converted.svid = svid;
              converted.SV_health = SV_health;
#undef CONVERT
              return converted;

            raw_t &operator=(const Almanac &alm) {
#define CONVERT(type, key) \
{key = (type)std::floor(alm.key  / sf[SF_ ## key] + 0.5);}
              svid = (u8_t)alm.svid;
              CONVERT(u16_t, e);
              CONVERT(u8_t,  t_oa);
              CONVERT(s16_t, delta_i);
              CONVERT(s16_t, dot_Omega0);
              SV_health = (u8_t)alm.SV_health;
              CONVERT(u32_t, sqrt_A);
              CONVERT(u32_t, Omega0);
              CONVERT(u32_t, omega);
              CONVERT(u32_t, M0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, a_f0);
              CONVERT(s16_t, a_f1);
#undef CONVERT
              return *this;

    template <
        class PropertyT = typename SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris,
        int TimeQuantization = 10>
    class PropertyHistory {
        struct item_t : public PropertyT {
          int priority;
          int_t t_tag; ///< time tag calculated with base_time()

          static int calc_t_tag(const float_t &t){
            float_t res(std::floor((t + (0.5 * TimeQuantization)) / TimeQuantization));
            if(res >= INT_MAX){return INT_MAX;}
            if(res <= INT_MIN){return INT_MIN;}
            return (int)res;
          static int calc_t_tag(const gps_time_t &t){
            return calc_t_tag(t.serialize());
          static int calc_t_tag(const PropertyT &prop){
            return calc_t_tag(prop.base_time());

          item_t() : priority(0), t_tag(0) {}
          item_t(const PropertyT &prop)
              : PropertyT(prop), priority(0), t_tag(calc_t_tag(prop)) {}
          item_t(const PropertyT &prop, const int &priority_init)
              : PropertyT(prop), priority(priority_init), t_tag(calc_t_tag(prop)) {}
          item_t &operator=(const PropertyT &prop){
            t_tag = calc_t_tag(prop);
            return *this;

          bool operator==(const PropertyT &prop){
            return PropertyT::is_equivalent(prop);
        typedef std::vector<item_t> history_t;
        history_t history; // listed in chronological and higher priority order
        typename history_t::size_type selected_index;

        typename history_t::iterator selected_iterator() {
          typename history_t::iterator it(history.begin());
          std::advance(it, selected_index);
          return it;

        PropertyHistory() : history(1), selected_index(0) {}

        enum each_mode_t {

         * Iterate each item.
         * @param mode If EACH_ALL, all items will be passed, and when multiple items have same t_tag,
         * their order will be unchanged (highest to lowest priorities).
         * If EACH_ALL_INVERTED, all items will be passed, and when multiple items have same t_tag,
         * their order will be inverted (lowest to highest priorities).
         * If EACH_NO_REDUNDANT, when multiple items have same t_tag,
         * then, only item which has highest priority will be passed.
        template <class Functor>
        void each(
            Functor &functor,
            const each_mode_t &mode = EACH_ALL) const {
            case EACH_ALL_INVERTED: {
              typename history_t::const_iterator it(history.begin() + 1);
              while(it != history.end()){
                typename history_t::const_iterator it2(it + 1);
                while((it2 != history.end()) && (it->t_tag == it2->t_tag)){
                typename history_t::const_iterator it_next(it2);
                }while(it2 != it);
                it = it_next;
            case EACH_NO_REDUNDANT: {
              int_t t_tag(0);
              for(typename history_t::const_iterator it(history.begin() + 1), it_end(history.end());
                  it != it_end;
                if(t_tag == it->t_tag){continue;}
                t_tag = it->t_tag;
            case EACH_ALL:
              for(typename history_t::const_iterator it(history.begin() + 1), it_end(history.end());
                  it != it_end;

         * Add new item
         * @param item new item, assuming the latest one
         * @param priority_delta If the new item is already registered,
         * its priority will be increased by priority_delta.
         * If priority_delta == 0, the previous item is replaced to the new item.
        void add(const PropertyT &item, const int &priority_delta = 1){
          int t_tag_new(item_t::calc_t_tag(item));
          typename history_t::iterator it_insert(history.begin());

          for(typename history_t::reverse_iterator it(history.rbegin()), it_end(history.rend());
              it != it_end;

            int delta_t_tag(t_tag_new - it->t_tag);
            if(delta_t_tag < 0){continue;} // adding item is older.

            it_insert = it.base();
            if(delta_t_tag > 0){break;} // adding item is newer.

            while(true){ // Loop for items having the same time stamp; delta_t_tag == 0
                if(it->priority <= priority_delta){
                  it_insert = it.base() - 1;
                if(((++it) == history.rend()) || (it->t_tag < t_tag_new)){break;}

              // When the content is equivalent
              if(priority_delta == 0){ // replace to newer one
                *it = item;

              int rel_pos(selected_index - (std::distance(history.begin(), it.base()) - 1));
              int shift(0);
              (it->priority) += priority_delta;
              item_t copy(*it);

              if(priority_delta > 0){ // priority increased, thus move backward
                for(typename history_t::reverse_iterator it_previous(it + 1), it_previous_end(history.rend());
                    it_previous != it_previous_end
                      && (it_previous->t_tag == t_tag_new)
                      && (it_previous->priority <= copy.priority); // if priority is same or higher, then swap.
                    ++it, ++it_previous, --shift){
                  *it = *it_previous;
                if(shift != 0){*it = copy;} // moved
              }else{ // priority decreased, thus move forward
                typename history_t::iterator it2(it.base() - 1);
                for(typename history_t::iterator it2_next(it2 + 1), it2_next_end(history.end());
                    it2_next != it2_next_end
                      && (it2_next->t_tag == t_tag_new)
                      && (it2_next->priority > copy.priority); // if priority is lower, then swap.
                    ++it2, ++it2_next, ++shift){
                  *it2 = *it2_next;
                if(shift != 0){*it2 = copy;} // moved

              if(rel_pos == 0){ // When the added item is selected
                selected_index += shift;
              }else if((rel_pos < 0) && (shift <= rel_pos)){
                // When selected item has same time stamp and different content, and its priority is higher.
              }else if((rel_pos > 0) && (shift >= rel_pos)){
                // When selected item has same time stamp and different content, and its priority is higher.


            break; // Reach only when having the same time stamp, but different content

          // insert new one.
          if(std::distance(history.begin(), it_insert) < (int)selected_index){
          history.insert(it_insert, item_t(item, priority_delta));

         * Select best valid item among registered ones.
         * @param target_time time at measurement
         * @param is_valid function to check validity subject to specific time
         * @param get_delta_t function to get time difference (delta_t).
         * When NULL (default), time tag is used to calculate delta_t.
         * @return if true, a better valid item is newly selected; otherwise false.
        bool select(
            const gps_time_t &target_time,
            bool (PropertyT::*is_valid)(const gps_time_t &) const,
            float_t (PropertyT::*get_delta_t)(const gps_time_t &) const
#if !defined(SWIG) // work around for SWIG parser error
              = NULL
          typename history_t::iterator it_selected(selected_iterator());

          bool changed(false);

          int t_tag(it_selected->t_tag);
          int t_tag_target(item_t::calc_t_tag(target_time));
          float_t delta_t(get_delta_t
              ? ((*it_selected).*get_delta_t)(target_time)
              : (t_tag_target - t_tag));

          typename history_t::iterator it, it_last;
          if(delta_t >= 0){
            // find newer
            it = it_selected + 1;
            it_last = history.end();
            // find older (rare case, slow)
            it = history.begin();
            it_last = it_selected;
            delta_t *= -1;

          /* Selection priority:
           * Valid item having higher priority and less abs(delta_t),
           * which means when an item has been selected,
           * the others having same time tag will be skipped.
          for( ; it != it_last; ++it){
            if(changed && (t_tag == it->t_tag)){continue;} // skip one having same time tag, because highest priority one is selected.
            float_t delta_t2(get_delta_t
                ? ((*it).*get_delta_t)(target_time)
                : (t_tag_target - it->t_tag));
            if(delta_t2 < 0){delta_t2 *= -1;}
            if(delta_t > delta_t2){ // update
              changed = true;
              t_tag = it->t_tag;
              delta_t = delta_t2;
              selected_index = std::distance(history.begin(), it);

          return changed;

         * Merge information
        void merge(const PropertyHistory &another, const bool &keep_original = true){
          history_t list_new;
          typename history_t::const_iterator
              it1(history.begin() + 1), it2(another.history.begin() + 1);
          typename history_t::size_type current_index_new(selected_index);
          int shift_count(selected_index - 1);
            if(it1 == history.end()){
              while(it2 != another.history.end()){
            }else if(it2 == another.history.end()){
              while(it1 != history.end()){
            int delta_t(it1->t_tag - it2->t_tag);
            bool use_it1(true);
            if(delta_t == 0){
                list_new.push_back(keep_original ? *it1 : *it2);
              }else if(it1->priority < it2->priority){
                use_it1 = false;
            }else if(delta_t > 0){
              use_it1 = false;

              if(shift_count >= 0){++current_index_new;}
          history = list_new;
          selected_index = current_index_new;

        const PropertyT &current() const {
          return history[selected_index];

    class Satellite : public SatelliteProperties {
        typedef typename SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris eph_t;
        typedef PropertyHistory<eph_t> eph_list_t;
        eph_list_t eph_history;
        Satellite() : eph_history() {
          // setup first ephemeris as invalid one
          eph_t &eph_current(const_cast<eph_t &>(eph_history.current()));
          eph_current.WN = 0;
          eph_current.t_oc = 0;
          eph_current.t_oe = 0;
          eph_current.fit_interval = -1;

        template <class Functor>
        void each_ephemeris(
            Functor &functor,
            const typename eph_list_t::each_mode_t &mode = eph_list_t::EACH_ALL) const {
          eph_history.each(functor, mode);

        void register_ephemeris(const eph_t &eph, const int &priority_delta = 1){
          eph_history.add(eph, priority_delta);

        void merge(const Satellite &another, const bool &keep_original = true){
          eph_history.merge(another.eph_history, keep_original);

        const eph_t &ephemeris() const {
          return eph_history.current();

         * Select appropriate ephemeris within registered ones.
         * @param target_time time at measurement
         * @return if true, appropriate ephemeris is selected, otherwise, not selected.
        bool select_ephemeris(const gps_time_t &target_time){
          bool is_valid(ephemeris().is_valid(target_time));
          if(is_valid && (!ephemeris().maybe_better_one_avilable(target_time))){
            return true; // conservative
          return eph_history.select(
              &eph_t::period_from_time_of_clock) || is_valid;

        float_t clock_error(const gps_time_t &t_tx) const{
          return ephemeris().clock_error(t_tx);

        float_t clock_error_dot(const gps_time_t &t_tx) const {
          return ephemeris().clock_error_dot(t_tx);

        typename SatelliteProperties::constellation_t constellation(
            const gps_time_t &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit = 0,
            const bool &with_velocity = true) const {
          return ephemeris().constellation(t_tx, dt_transit, with_velocity);
        xyz_t position(const gps_time_t &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const {
          return constellation(t_tx, dt_transit, false).position;
        xyz_t velocity(const gps_time_t &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const {
          return constellation(t_tx, dt_transit, true).velocity;
    typedef std::map<int, Satellite> satellites_t;
    Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters _iono_utc;
    bool _iono_initialized, _utc_initialized;
    satellites_t _satellites;
        : _iono_initialized(false), _utc_initialized(false),
        _satellites() {
    const Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters &iono_utc() const {
      return _iono_utc;
    bool is_valid_iono() const {
      return _iono_initialized;
    bool is_valid_utc() const {
      return _utc_initialized;
    bool is_valid_iono_utc() const {
      return is_valid_iono() && is_valid_utc();
    const Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters &update_iono_utc(
        const Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters &params,
        const bool &iono_valid = true,
        const bool &utc_valid = true) {
      _iono_initialized = iono_valid;
      _utc_initialized = utc_valid;
      return (_iono_utc = params);

    const satellites_t &satellites() const {
      return _satellites;
    Satellite &satellite(const int &prn) {
      return _satellites[prn];
    bool has_satellite(const int &prn) const {
      return _satellites.find(prn) !=  _satellites.end();
    void update_all_ephemeris(const gps_time_t &target_time) {
      for(typename satellites_t::iterator it(_satellites.begin()), it_end(_satellites.end());
          it != it_end; ++it){
    void merge(const self_t &another, const bool &keep_original = true){
      for(typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(another._satellites.begin()), it_end(another._satellites.end());
          it != it_end;
        satellite(it->first).merge(it->second, keep_original);
      if((!is_valid_iono_utc()) || (!keep_original)){
        _iono_utc = another._iono_utc;
        _iono_initialized = another._iono_initialized;
        _utc_initialized = another._utc_initialized;

     * Calculate pierce point position
     * @param relative_pos satellite position (relative position, NEU)
     * @param usrllh user position (absolute position, LLH)
     * @param height_over_ellipsoid
     * @see DO-229D A4.4.10.1 Pierce Point Location Determination
    struct pierce_point_res_t {
      float_t latitude, longitude;
    static pierce_point_res_t pierce_point(
        const enu_t &relative_pos,
        const llh_t &usrllh,
        const float_t &height_over_ellipsoid = 350E3) {
      float_t el(relative_pos.elevation()),
      // Earth's central angle between use pos. and projection of PP.
      float_t psi_pp(M_PI / 2 - el
          - std::asin(WGS84::R_e / (WGS84::R_e + height_over_ellipsoid) * std::cos(el)));
      float_t phi_pp(
          std::asin(std::sin(usrllh.latitude() * std::cos(psi_pp)
            + std::cos(usrllh.latitude()) * std::sin(psi_pp) * std::cos(az)))); // latitude
      float_t lambda_pp_last(
          std::asin(std::sin(psi_pp) * std::sin(az) / std::cos(phi_pp)));

      pierce_point_res_t res;
      res.latitude = phi_pp;
        const float_t phi_limit(std::asin(WGS84::R_e / (WGS84::R_e + height_over_ellipsoid)));
        // Check whether longitude is opposite side.
        // This is possible when pierce point is located on the horizontal plane.
        // If pierce point height is 350km, the limit latitude yields asin(Re / (350E3 + Re)) = 71.4 [deg].
        float_t lhs(std::tan(psi_pp) * std::cos(az)), rhs(std::tan(M_PI / 2 - usrllh.latitude()));
        if(((usrllh.latitude() > phi_limit) && (lhs > rhs))
            || ((usrllh.latitude() < -phi_limit) & (lhs < rhs))){
          res.longitude = usrllh.longitude() + M_PI - lambda_pp_last;
          res.longitude = usrllh.longitude() + lambda_pp_last;
      return res;

     * Calculate ratio of slant versus vertical
     * @relative_pos satellite position (relative position, NEU)
     * @param height_over_ellipsoid
     * @see spherically single layer approach, for example,
     * Eq.(3) of "Ionospheric Range Error Correction Models" by N. Jakowski
     * @see DO-229D A4.4.10.4 Eq.(A-42) is equivalent
    static float_t slant_factor(
        const enu_t &relative_pos,
        const float_t &height_over_ellipsoid = 350E3) {
      return std::sqrt(
          -std::pow(std::cos(relative_pos.elevation()) / ((height_over_ellipsoid / WGS84::R_e) + 1), 2)
          + 1);

     * Calculate ionospheric delay by using TEC
     * @param tec TEC (total electron count)
     * @param freq frequency (default is L1 frequency)
     * @return delay (if delayed, positive number will be returned)
     * @see http://www.navipedia.net/index.php/Ionospheric_Delay Eq.(13)
    static float_t tec2delay(const float_t &tec, const float_t &freq = L1_Frequency) {
      const float_t a_f(40.3E16 / std::pow(freq, 2));
      return a_f * tec;

     * Calculate correction value in accordance with ionospheric model
     * @param relative_pos satellite position (relative position, NEU)
     * @param usrllh user position (absolute position, LLH)
     * @return correction in meters
    float_t iono_correction(
        const enu_t &relative_pos,
        const llh_t &usrllh,
        const gps_time_t &t) const {
      // Elevation and azimuth
      float_t el(relative_pos.elevation()),
      float_t sc_el(rad2sc(el));
      // Pierce point (PP stands for the earth projection of the Pierce point)
      // (the following equation is based on GPS ICD)
      float_t psi(0.0137 / (sc_el + 0.11) - 0.022); // central angle between user pos and PP.
      float_t phi_i(rad2sc(usrllh.latitude())
          + psi * cos(az)); // geodetic latitude of PP [sc]
      if(phi_i > 0.416){phi_i = 0.416;}
      else if(phi_i < -0.416){phi_i = -0.416;}
      float_t lambda_i(rad2sc(usrllh.longitude())
          + psi * sin(az) / cos(sc2rad(phi_i))); // geodetic longitude of PP [sc]
      float_t phi_m(phi_i
          + 0.064 * cos(sc2rad(lambda_i - 1.617))); // geomagnetic latitude of PP [sc]
      // Local time [sec]
      float_t lt(4.32E4 * lambda_i + t.seconds);
      lt -= std::floor(lt / gps_time_t::seconds_day) * gps_time_t::seconds_day; // lt = [0,86400)
      // Period and amplitude of cosine function
      float_t amp(0), per(0);
      float_t phi_mn(1.);
      for(int i(0); i < 4; i++){
        amp += _iono_utc.alpha[i] * phi_mn;
        per += _iono_utc.beta[i] * phi_mn;
        phi_mn *= phi_m;
      if(amp < 0){amp = 0;}
      if(per < 72000){per = 72000;}
      // Obliquity factor
      float_t F(1.0 + 16.0 * pow((0.53 - sc_el), 3));
      float_t x(M_PI * 2 * (lt - 50400) / per); // phase [rad] => (-1.4 pi) < x < (0.42 pi) because min(per) = 72000
      //x -= M_PI * 2 * std::floor(x / (M_PI * 2) + 0.5); // x = [-pi,pi)
      float_t T_iono(5E-9);
      if(std::abs(x) < 1.57){
        T_iono += amp * (1. - pow2(x) * (1.0 / 2 - pow2(x) / 24)); // ICD p.148
      T_iono *= F;
      return -T_iono * light_speed;
     * Calculate correction value in accordance with ionospheric model
     * @param sat satellite position (absolute position, XYZ)
     * @param usr user position (absolute position, XYZ)
     * @return correction in meters
    float_t iono_correction(
        const xyz_t &sat,
        const xyz_t &usr,
        const gps_time_t &t) const {
      return iono_correction(
          enu_t::relative(sat, usr), 

     * Calculate correction value in accordance with tropospheric Hopfield model
     * @param relative_pos satellite position (relative position, NEU)
     * @param usrllh user position (absolute position, LLH)
     * @return correction in meters
    static float_t tropo_correction(
        const enu_t &relative_pos,
        const llh_t &usrllh){
      // Elevation (rad)
      float_t el(relative_pos.elevation());
      // Altitude (m)
      const float_t &h(usrllh.height());
      float_t f(1.0);
      if(h > (1.0 / 2.3E-5)){
        f = 0;
      }else if(h > 0){
        f -= h * 2.3E-5;
      return -2.47 * pow(f, 5) / (sin(el) + 0.0121);
    struct NiellMappingFunction {
      float_t hydrostatic, wet;
      static float_t marini1972_2(const float_t &v, const float_t (&coef)[3]) {
        return (coef[0] / ((coef[1] / (coef[2] + v)) + v) + v);
      static float_t marini1972(const float_t &sin_elv, const float_t (&coef)[3]) {
        return marini1972_2(1, coef) / marini1972_2(sin_elv, coef);
      static NiellMappingFunction get(
          const float_t &year,
          const float_t &latitude, const float_t &elevation, const float_t &height_km){
        static const struct coef_t {
          float_t coef[3];
        } tbl_hyd_avg[] = {
          {1.2769934e-3, 2.9153695e-3, 62.610505e-3}, // 15
          {1.2683230e-3, 2.9152299e-3, 62.837393e-3}, // 30
          {1.2465397e-3, 2.9288445e-3, 63.721774e-3}, // 45
          {1.2196049e-3, 2.9022565e-3, 63.824265e-3}, // 60
          {1.2045996e-3, 2.9024912e-3, 64.258455e-3}, // 75
        }, tbl_hyd_amp[] = {
          {0.0,          0.0,          0.0         }, // 15
          {1.2709626e-5, 2.1414979e-5, 9.0128400e-5}, // 30
          {2.6523662e-5, 3.0160779e-5, 4.3497037e-5}, // 45
          {3.4000452e-5, 7.2562722e-5, 84.795348e-5}, // 60
          {4.1202191e-5, 11.723375e-5, 170.37206e-5}, // 75
        }, tbl_wet[] = {
          {5.8021897e-4, 1.4275268e-3, 4.3472961e-2}, // 15
          {5.6794847e-4, 1.5138625e-3, 4.6729510e-2}, // 30
          {5.8118019e-4, 1.4572752e-3, 4.3908931e-2}, // 45
          {5.9727542e-4, 1.5007428e-3, 4.4626982e-2}, // 60
          {6.1641693e-4, 1.7599082e-3, 5.4736038e-2}, // 75
        static const int tbl_length(sizeof(tbl_hyd_avg) / sizeof(tbl_hyd_avg[0]));
        static const float_t delta(M_PI / 180 * 15);
        float_t idx_f(latitude / delta);
        int idx(idx_f);

        coef_t abc_avg, abc_amp, abc_wet;
        if(idx < 1){
          abc_avg = tbl_hyd_avg[0];
          abc_amp = tbl_hyd_amp[0];
          abc_wet = tbl_wet[0];
        }else if(idx >= (tbl_length - 1)){
          abc_avg = tbl_hyd_avg[tbl_length - 1];
          abc_amp = tbl_hyd_amp[tbl_length - 1];
          abc_wet = tbl_wet[tbl_length - 1];
          // interpolation
          float_t weight_b((idx_f - idx) / delta), weight_a(1. - weight_b);
          for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){
            abc_avg = tbl_hyd_avg[i] * weight_a + tbl_hyd_avg[i + 1] * weight_b;
            abc_amp = tbl_hyd_amp[i] * weight_a + tbl_hyd_amp[i + 1] * weight_b;
            abc_wet =     tbl_wet[i] * weight_a +     tbl_wet[i + 1] * weight_b;;

        NiellMappingFunction res;
        float_t sin_elv(sin(elevation));
          float_t xi[3];
          float_t k_amp(cos(M_PI * 2 * (year - (28. / 365.25))));
          for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){
            xi[i] = abc_avg.coef[i] - abc_amp.coef[i] * k_amp;

          static const float_t abc_ht[] = {2.53e-5, 5.49e-3, 1.14e-3};
          res.hydrostatic = marini1972(sin_elv, xi)
              + ((1. / sin_elv) - marini1972(sin_elv, abc_ht)) * height_km;
        res.wet = marini1972(sin_elv, abc_wet);
        return res;
          const enu_t &relative_pos,
          const llh_t &usrllh,
          const gps_time_t &t){
        (*this) = get(t.year(), usrllh.latitude(), relative_pos.elevation(), usrllh.height() / 1E3);

    static float_t tropo_correction_zenith_hydrostatic_Saastamoinen(
        const float_t &latitude, const float_t &p_hpa, const float_t &height_km){
      return (0.0022767 * p_hpa)
          / (1. - 0.00266 * cos(latitude * 2) - 0.00028 * height_km);

     * Calculate correction value in accordance with tropospheric model
     * @param sat satellite position (absolute position, XYZ)
     * @param usr user position (absolute position, XYZ)
     * @return correction in meters
    static float_t tropo_correction(
        const xyz_t &sat,
        const xyz_t &usr) {
      return tropo_correction(
          enu_t::relative(sat, usr),

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::light_speed = 2.99792458E8;

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::L1_Frequency = 1575.42E6;

#define GPS_SC2RAD 3.1415926535898
template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SC2RAD = GPS_SC2RAD;

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::L2_Frequency = 1227.6E6;

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::gamma_L1_L2 = (FloatT)(77 * 77) / (60 * 60);

#define POWER_2(n) \
(((n) >= 0) \
  ? (float_t)(1 << (n >= 0 ? n : 0)) \
  : (((float_t)1) / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? 30 : -(n > 0 ? 0 : n))) \
    / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? (-(n) - 30) : 0))))
template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters::raw_t::sf[] = {
  POWER_2(-30), // alpha0
  POWER_2(-27), // alpha1
  POWER_2(-24), // alpha2
  POWER_2(-24), // alpha3
  POWER_2( 11), // beta0
  POWER_2( 14), // beta1
  POWER_2( 16), // beta2
  POWER_2( 16), // beta3
  POWER_2(-50), // A1
  POWER_2(-30), // A0

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::raw_t::sf[] = {
  POWER_2(-31), // t_GD
  POWER_2(4),   // t_oc
  POWER_2(-31), // a_f0
  POWER_2(-43), // a_f1
  POWER_2(-55), // a_f2

  POWER_2(-5),                // c_rs
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-43),  // delta_n
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31),  // M0
  POWER_2(-29),               // c_uc
  POWER_2(-33),               // e
  POWER_2(-29),               // c_us
  POWER_2(-19),               // sqrt_A
  POWER_2(4),                 // t_oe

  POWER_2(-29),               // c_ic
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31),  // Omega0
  POWER_2(-29),               // c_is
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31),  // i0
  POWER_2(-5),                // c_rc
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31),  // omega
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-43),  // dot_Omega0
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-43),  // dot_i0

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Almanac::raw_t::sf[] = {
  POWER_2(-21),               // e
  POWER_2(12),                // t_oa
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-19),  // delta_i
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-38),  // dot_Omega0
  POWER_2(-11),               // sqrt_A
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-23),  // Omega0
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-23),  // omega
  GPS_SC2RAD * POWER_2(-23),  // M0
  POWER_2(-20),               // a_f0
  POWER_2(-38),               // a_f1
#undef POWER_2
#undef GPS_SC2RAD

template <class FloatT>
const typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::URA_limits[] = {

#undef pow2
#undef pow3

#endif /* __GPS_H__ */