require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Group do dataset :readers it "should have a homepage association" do Group.reflect_on_association(:homepage).should_not be_nil group = groups(:homed) group.homepage.should be_a(Page) group.homepage = pages(:child) group.homepage.should == pages(:child) end it "should have a group of readers" do group = groups(:normal) group.respond_to?(:readers).should be_true group.readers.any?.should be_true group.readers.size.should == 2 end it "should have a group of pages" do group = groups(:homed) group.respond_to?(:pages).should be_true group.pages.any?.should be_true group.pages.size.should == 2 end describe "on validation" do before do @group = :name => "Unique Test Group" @group.should be_valid end it "should require a name" do = nil @group.should_not be_valid @group.errors.on(:name).should_not be_empty end it "should require a unique name" do duplicate = :name => "Normal" duplicate.should_not be_valid duplicate.errors.on(:name).should_not be_empty end it "should give itself a slug if none is present" do g = => 'testy group') g.valid?.should be_true g.slug.should == 'testy-group' end end describe "in a hierarchy" do it "should have parent and children relations" do group = groups(:subgroup) group.respond_to?(:parent).should be_true group.respond_to?(:children).should be_true group.children.should =~ [groups(:subsubgroup), groups(:anothersubsubgroup)] group.parent.should == groups(:supergroup) end it "should have descendants and ancestors" do groups(:subsubgroup).path.should == [groups(:supergroup), groups(:subgroup), groups(:subsubgroup)] groups(:subsubgroup).root.should == groups(:supergroup) groups(:supergroup).subtree.should =~ [groups(:supergroup), groups(:subgroup), groups(:subsubgroup), groups(:anothersubsubgroup)] end it "should have a root group" do [:supergroup, :subgroup, :subsubgroup].each do |g| groups(g).root.should == groups(:supergroup) end end it "should inherit memberships from descendants" do groups(:supergroup).members.should =~ [readers(:normal), readers(:another)] end it "should not inherit memberships from ancestors" do groups(:subsubgroup).members.should be_empty end it "should inherit permissions from ancestors" do groups(:subsubgroup).pages.should =~ [pages(:child), pages(:child_2)] end it "should not inherit permissions from descendants" do groups(:supergroup).pages.should be_empty end end describe "directory visibility" do describe "when directory is grouped" do before do Radiant.config['reader.directory_visibility'] = 'grouped' end it "should be visible to members" do groups(:subgroup).visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true end it "should be visible to members of ancestor groups" do groups(:supergroup).visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true end it "should be visible to members of descendant groups" do groups(:subsubgroup).visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true end it "should not be visible to members of groups outside the family" do groups(:subgroup).visible_to?(readers(:inactive)).should be_false end it "should not be visible to readers without groups" do groups(:subgroup).visible_to?(readers(:ungrouped)).should be_false end end end end