module Rack::Insight module SpeedTracer class Tracer def initialize(table) @pstack = [] @table = table @event_id = 0 end def request_start(env, start) id, method, uri = env.values_at("rack-insight.speedtracer-id", "REQUEST_METHOD", "PATH_INFO") @pstack.push, method, uri) end def request_finish(env, status, headers, body, timing) env["rack-insight.speedtracer-record"] = @pstack.pop end def before_detect(method_call, arguments) @event_id += 1 #arguments_string = make_string_of(arguments) arguments_string = "" #XXX ServerEvent use method call... event =, arguments_string) @pstack.push event end def after_detect(method_call, timing, arguments, result) event = @pstack.pop if event.nil? else event.finish unless (parent = @pstack.last).nil? parent.children.push event else @children.push event end end end def make_string_of(array) do |item| short_string(item) end.join(",") end def short_string(item, max_per_elem = 50) begin string = item.inspect if string.length > max_per_elem case item when NilClass "nil" when Hash "{ " + do |key, value| short_string(key, 15) + "=>" + short_string(value, 30) end.join(", ") + " }" when find_constant("ActionView::Base") tmpl = item.template if tmpl.nil? item.path.inspect else [tmpl.base_path,].join("/") end when find_constant("ActiveRecord::Base") string = "#{}(#{})" else string = end else string end rescue Exception => ex "..." end end end class TraceRecord include Render def initialize @start = @children = [] end attr_accessor :children attr_reader :start def finish @finish ||= end def time_in_children @children.inject(0) do |time, child| time + child.duration end end def duration ((@finish - @start) * 1000).to_i end def to_json Yajl::Encoder.encode(hash_representation, :pretty => true, :indent => ' ') end private # all timestamps in SpeedTracer are in milliseconds def range(start, finish) { 'duration' => ((finish - start) * 1000).to_i, 'start' => [start.to_i, start.usec/1000].join(''), #'end' => [finish.to_i, finish.usec/1000].join('') } end def symbolize_hash(hash) symbolled_hash = {} hash.each_key do |key| if String === key next if hash.has_key?(key.to_sym) symbolled_hash[key.to_sym] = hash[key] end end hash.merge!(symbolled_hash) end end class ServerEvent < TraceRecord attr_reader :name def initialize(method_call, arguments) super() @arguments = arguments @name = "#{method_call.context}#{method_call.kind == :instance ? "#" : "::"}#{method_call.method}(#{arguments})" end def hash_representation { 'range' => range(@start, @finish), 'operation' => { # 'sourceCodeLocation' => { # 'className' => @file, # 'methodName' => @method, # 'lineNumber' => @line # }, 'type' => 'METHOD', 'label' => @name }, 'children' => @children } end def to_html render_template('panels/speedtracer/serverevent', {:self_time => duration - time_in_children}.merge(symbolize_hash(hash_representation))) end end class RequestRecord < TraceRecord def initialize(id, method, uri) super() @id = id @method = method @uri = uri @event_id = 0 end def uuid @id end def hash_representation finish { 'trace' => { 'url' => "/__insight__/speedtracer?id=#@id", 'frameStack' => { 'range' => range(@start, @finish), 'operation' => { 'type' => 'HTTP', 'label' => [@method, @uri].join(' ') }, 'children' => @children }, #end frameStack 'resources' => { 'Application' => '/', #Should get the Rails app name... 'Application.endpoint' => '/' #Should get the env path thing }, #From what I can tell, Speed Tracer treats this whole hash as optional 'range' => range(@start, @finish) } } end def to_html hash = hash_representation extra = {:self_time => duration - time_in_children} "Raw JSON\n" + render_template('panels/speedtracer/serverevent', extra.merge(symbolize_hash(hash['trace']['frameStack']))) end end end end