require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' context "Spot price history " do before do @ec2 = :access_key_id => "not a key", :secret_access_key => "not a secret" ) @describe_spot_price_history_response_body = <<-RESPONSE m1.small Linux/UNIX 0.287 2009-12-04T20:56:05.000Z m1.small Windows 0.033 2009-12-04T22:33:47.000Z RESPONSE end specify "should be able to be listed" do @ec2.stubs(:make_request).with('DescribeSpotPriceHistory', {}). returns stub(:body => @describe_spot_price_history_response_body, :is_a? => true) @ec2.describe_spot_price_history() Hash @ec2.describe_spot_price_history() Array end specify "should reject a start_time which is not a Time object" do lambda { @ec2.describe_spot_price_history(:start_time => "foo") }.should.raise(AWS::ArgumentError) end specify "should reject an end_time which is not a Time object" do lambda { @ec2.describe_spot_price_history(:end_time => 42) }.should.raise(AWS::ArgumentError) end specify "should reject an invalid instance type" do lambda { @ec2.describe_spot_price_history(:instance_type => 'm1.tiny') }.should.raise(AWS::ArgumentError) end specify "should reject an invalid product description" do lambda { @ec2.describe_spot_price_history(:product_description => 'Solaris') }.should.raise(AWS::ArgumentError) end end