require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "Url" do describe "shortening" do it "should generate a code after create" do url = Firefly::Url.shorten("") Firefly::Url.first(:url => "").code.should_not be_nil end it "should set a clicks count of 0 for newly shortened urls" do url = Firefly::Url.shorten("") Firefly::Url.first(:url => "").clicks.should eql(0) end it "should create a new Firefly::Url with a new long_url" do lambda { Firefly::Url.shorten("") }.should change(Firefly::Url, :count).by(1) end it "should return an existing Firefly::Url if the long_url exists" do Firefly::Url.shorten("") lambda { Firefly::Url.shorten("") }.should_not change(Firefly::Url, :count) end it "should normalize urls correctly" do # Note the trailing '/' Firefly::Url.shorten("") lambda { Firefly::Url.shorten("") }.should_not change(Firefly::Url, :count) end end describe "long url validation" do [ "", "", "", "", "" ].each do |url| it "should accept #{url}" do Firefly::Url.shorten(url).should_not be_nil end end [ "", "irc://", "skype:adevroom", "", ].each do |url| it "should not accept #{url}" do Firefly::Url.shorten(url).should be_nil end end end describe "clicking" do before(:each) do Firefly::Url.create( :url => '', :code => 'alpha', :clicks => 69 ) @url = Firefly::Url.first(:code => 'alpha') end it "should increase the click count" do lambda { @url.register_click! }.should change(@url, :clicks).by(1) end end end