# encoding: utf-8 require 'restclient' require 'base64' require 'json' require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access' module Upyun class Form include Utils VALID_PARAMS = %w( bucket save-key expiration allow-file-type content-length-range content-md5 content-secret content-type image-width-range image-height-range notify-url return-url x-gmkerl-thumbnail x-gmkerl-type x-gmkerl-value x-gmkerl-quality x-gmkerl-unsharp x-gmkerl-rotate x-gmkerl-crop x-gmkerl-exif-switch ext-param ) attr_accessor :bucket, :password attr_reader :options def initialize(password, bucket, options={timeout: 60}) @password = password @bucket = bucket @options = options @endpoint = ED_AUTO end def upload(file, opts={}) base_opts = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ 'bucket' => @bucket, 'save-key' => '/{year}/{mon}/{day}/{filename}{.suffix}', 'expiration' => Time.now.to_i + 600 }) payload = { policy: policy(base_opts.merge(opts)), signature: signature, file: file.is_a?(File) ? file : File.new(file, 'rb') } rest_client.post(payload, {'User-Agent' => "Upyun-Ruby-SDK-#{VERSION}"}) do |res| case res.code when 302 # return 302 when set 'return-url' in opts hds = res.headers body = CGI::parse(URI.parse(hds[:location]).query).reduce({}) do |memo, (k, v)| memo.merge!({k.to_sym => v.first}) end body[:code] = body[:code].to_i body[:time] = body[:time].to_i body[:request_id] = hds[:x_request_id] body else body = JSON.parse(res.body, symbolize_names: true) # TODO Upyun have a small bug for the `code`, # we have to adjust it to integer body[:code] = body[:code].to_i body[:request_id] = res.headers[:x_request_id] body end end end private def policy(opts) @_policy = Base64.encode64(policy_json(opts)) end def signature md5("#{@_policy}&#{@password}") end def policy_json(opts) policies = VALID_PARAMS.reduce({}) do |memo, e| (v = opts[e]) ? memo.merge!({e => v}) : memo end policies.to_json end def rest_client @rest_clint ||= RestClient::Resource.new("http://#{@endpoint}/#{@bucket}", options) end end end