require "rubygems" require "bundler/setup" # To help produce better bug reports in Rubinius if RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx" # $DEBUG = true # would be nice if this didn't fail ... :( require "rspec/matchers" require "rspec/matchers/built_in/be" end # Require in order, so both CELLULOID_TEST and CELLULOID_DEBUG are true require "celluloid/rspec" require "celluloid/essentials" $CELLULOID_DEBUG = true # Require but disable, so it has to be explicitly enabled in tests require "celluloid/probe" $CELLULOID_MONITORING = false Specs.reset_probe(nil) Celluloid.shutdown_timeout = 1 Dir["./spec/support/*.rb", "./spec/shared/*.rb"].map { |f| require f } RSpec.configure do |config| config.filter_run focus: true unless config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.disable_monkey_patching! config.profile_examples = 3 Specs.configure(config) config.before(:suite) do Specs.stub_out_class_method(Celluloid::Internals::Logger, :crash) do |*args| _name, ex = *args fail "Unstubbed Logger.crash() was called:\n crash(\n #{",\n ")})"\ "\nException backtrace: \n (#{ex.class}) #{ex.backtrace * "\n (#{ex.class}) "}" end end config.before(:each) do |example| @fake_logger =, example.description) stub_const("Celluloid::Internals::Logger", @fake_logger) end config.around do |ex| if @fake_logger.crashes? crashes = do |args, call_stack| msg, ex = *args "\n** Crash: #{msg.inspect}(#{ex.inspect})\n Backtrace:\n (crash) #{call_stack * "\n (crash) " }"\ "\n** Crash: \"Actor crashed!\"(#{ex.inspect})\n Backtrace:\n (crash) #{call_stack * "\n (crash) " }"\ "\n Exception Backtrace (#{ex.inspect}):\n (ex) #{ex.backtrace * "\n (ex) "}" end.join("\n") fail "Actor crashes occurred (please stub/mock if these are expected): #{crashes}" end @fake_logger = nil end config.around do |ex| Celluloid.actor_system = nil Specs.assert_no_loose_threads(ex.description) do Specs.reset_class_variables(ex.description) do end end end config.around actor_system: :global do |ex| # Needed because some specs mock/stub/expect on the logger Celluloid.logger = Specs.logger Celluloid.boot Celluloid.shutdown end config.around actor_system: :within do |ex| do end end config.filter_gems_from_backtrace(*%w(rspec-expectations rspec-core rspec-mocks rspec-logsplit rubysl-thread rubysl-timeout)) config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.verify_doubled_constant_names = true mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true end config.around(:each) do |example| # Needed because some specs mock/stub/expect on the logger Celluloid.logger = Specs.logger end end