require 'test/test_helper' require 'test/integration_tests_helper' class InvitationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def teardown Capybara.reset_sessions! end def send_invitation(&block) visit new_user_invitation_path fill_in 'user_email', :with => '' yield if block_given? click_button 'Send an invitation' end def set_password(options={}, &block) unless options[:visit] == false visit accept_user_invitation_path(:invitation_token => options[:invitation_token]) end fill_in 'user_password', :with => '987654321' fill_in 'user_password_confirmation', :with => '987654321' yield if block_given? click_button 'Set my password' end test 'not authenticated user should not be able to send an invitation' do get new_user_invitation_path assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path end test 'authenticated user should be able to send an invitation' do sign_in_as_user send_invitation assert_equal root_path, current_path assert page.has_css?('p#notice', :text => 'An email with instructions about how to set the password has been sent.') end test 'authenticated user with invalid email should receive an error message' do user = create_full_user sign_in_as_user(user) send_invitation do fill_in 'user_email', :with => end assert_equal user_invitation_path, current_path assert page.has_css?("input[type=text][value='#{}']") assert page.has_css?('#error_explanation li', :text => 'Email has already been taken') end test 'authenticated user should not be able to visit edit invitation page' do sign_in_as_user visit accept_user_invitation_path assert_equal root_path, current_path end test 'not authenticated user with invalid invitation token should not be able to set his password' do user = create_user set_password :invitation_token => 'invalid_token' assert_equal user_invitation_path, current_path assert page.has_css?('#error_explanation li', :text => 'Invitation token is invalid') assert_nil user.encrypted_password end test 'not authenticated user with valid invitation token but invalid password should not be able to set his password' do user = create_user(false) set_password :invitation_token => user.invitation_token do fill_in 'Password confirmation', :with => 'other_password' end assert_equal user_invitation_path, current_path assert page.has_css?('#error_explanation li', :text => 'Password doesn\'t match confirmation') assert_nil user.encrypted_password end test 'not authenticated user with valid data should be able to change his password' do user = create_user(false) set_password :invitation_token => user.invitation_token assert_equal root_path, current_path assert page.has_css?('p#notice', :text => 'Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.') assert user.reload.valid_password?('987654321') end test 'after entering invalid data user should still be able to set his password' do user = create_user(false) set_password :invitation_token => user.invitation_token do fill_in 'Password confirmation', :with => 'other_password' end assert_equal user_invitation_path, current_path assert page.has_css?('#error_explanation') assert_nil user.encrypted_password set_password :visit => false assert page.has_css?('p#notice', :text => 'Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.') assert user.reload.valid_password?('987654321') end test 'sign in user automatically after setting it\'s password' do user = create_user(false) set_password :invitation_token => user.invitation_token assert_equal root_path, current_path end end