= rufus-tokyo CHANGELOG.txt == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.7 released 2010/02/10 - gh #30 : removed hard dependency on ffi so that JRuby installs stop failing. == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.6 released 2010/02/01 - gh #29 : segfault when getdup(unknown_key). Fixed, thanks Dmitry == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.5 released 2010/01/06 - todo : now using getconf to determine INT_MIN (thanks oklahoma_mixer) - bug : issue with ree and lib.free(pointer), switching to tcfree == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.4 released 2009/12/25 - bug : memory leak, gotten values not freed - todo : Rufus::Tokyo::Tyrant and TyrantTable now reconnects (120 seconds) == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.3 released 2009/11/16 - bug : newer versions of FFI have [undocumented] bool type. Adapted. == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.2 released 2009/11/01 - bug : HashMethods#to_a not working right with Ruby 1.9.1. Fixed. - bug : REE problem with libXXXopen, had to switch from == 1 to != 0 - todo : added #counter_value to Cabinet/Tyrant - todo : added default_proc / default value to Cabinet/Tyrant (not tables). - todo : Table#delete_keys_with_prefix now using qry#searchout. - todo : cleaned up 'no transactions for Tyrant [table]' code. - todo : db#ldelete(k0, k1, ...) now OK. - todo : minimal warnings when running with -w - todo : db#mget(k0, k1, ...) now OK. - added : class level open() for Table classes and Dystopia - bug : the primary key is not stringified by get() for Table or TyrantTable - bug : keys() crashes for Rufus::Edo::Cabinet.new('*.tcb') - bug : keys() without :prefix returns duplicate keys for b-tree database (Edo or Tokyo) due to iteration, while the underlying C code or even calls with :prefix do not - bug : specifying tuning parameters causes Rufus::Edo::Cabinet.new('*.tcf') to raise an exception - bug : keys() and each() don't work fixed-width database, due to fwmkeys() not being supported (Edo and Tokyo) - added : can set built-in or custom comparison functions for b-tree databases (Edo interface only) - todo : reenabled #copy for Tyrant (Edo and Tokyo) - added : query_count() to match query_delete() for tables (Edo and Tokyo) - todo : made iteration faster in most cases == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.1 released 2009/09/18 - todo : add #putcat to Cabinet / Tyrant (Edo and Tokyo) - todo : implemented search/union/intersection/difference for tables - todo : added #putdup and #get4 to Cabinet (Edo and Tokyo) - todo : better dylib 'detection' (Pietro Ferrari) - todo : aliased lget to mget (thanks Runa) - todo : proper Abort exception (Kenneth Kalmer) == rufus-tokyo - 1.0.0 released 2009/07/23 - todo : merged in Jeremy Hinegardner's Dystopia work - issue #13 : to_s for keys and values (thanks Elise and Ilya) - todo : added full-text search ops :ftsphrase, :ftsex, :ftsor and :ftsand - todo : added inverted index types, :token, :qgram, :opt - todo : dropped 'backward compability' TC[/TT] 1.4.28+ ftw == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.14 released 2009/06/30 - issue #2 : query#add with no_index=false by default - issue #1 : added query#delete and table#query_delete == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.13 released 2009/06/02 - todo : putkeep implementation (by Kamal) - todo : support for binary data (map, list, cabinet, table, tokyo/edo) - todo : added #defrag to Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet - todo : added :dfunit to databases that support it - todo : added #addint and #adddouble (#incr) == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.12 released 2009/04/07 - todo : added ext method for calling embedded Lua function (Tyrant) - todo : added transaction support for Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet - todo : mimicking query.count in rufus/edo - todo : implemented query.count (TC 1.4.12 and TT 1.1.20 only) rufus/tokyo == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.11 released 2009/03/25 - todo : autodetecting /usr/lib/libtokyocabinet.so and /usr/lib/libtokyotyrant.so (thanks mebaran) == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.10 released 2009/03/19 - bug : had to adapt to TC 1.4.10 and TT 1.1.17 new "setlimit" == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.9 released 2009/02/27 - bug : sudo gem install rufus-tokyo was failing because of lib/tokyotyrant.rb. Fixed. == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.8 released 2009/02/27 - added : support for Hirabayashi-san 'native' Ruby classes via Rufus::Edo - todo : implemented #delete_keys_with_prefix (naive impl for tables) - added : lget/ldelete and merge! to Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet and ::Tyrant == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.7 released 2009/02/19 - todo : Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet.new('filename', :type => :hash) now OK (Zev) - todo : more documentation for Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet#new - added : Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet has a open method that takes a block like File.open (Zev) - todo : aligned Rufus::Tokyo::Table#new on ::Cabinet#new - todo : added opts (:prefix, :limit, :native) to Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet#keys, Rufus::Tokyo::Table#keys and the corresponding Tyrant classes == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.6 released 2009/02/16 - todo : Tyrant and TyrantTable now complain when used in lieu of each other - todo : implemented Tyrant and TyrantTable #stat - todo : made tran begin/abort/commit directly available (framework builders) - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::Table#transaction - bug : JRuby support back in - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::Map#[] (class method) - todo : simplified Table and TyrantTable #[]= - bug : preventing table#[]= from segfaulting on bad input (Justin) == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.5 released 2009/02/13 - todo : implemented set_index (cabinet / tyrant tables) - todo : namespace simplification (Justin) - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::TyrantTable - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::Tyrant - todo : moved tests to bacon (spec/) == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.4 released 2009/02/02 - todo #23780 : hmethods for Rufus::Tokyo::Table == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.3 released 2009/01/29 - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::Table (and query) - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::List - todo : implemented Rufus::Tokyo::Map - todo : implemented Cabinet#compact_copy - todo : implemented Cabinet#copy == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.2 released 2009/01/23 - todo : implemented Cabinet#keys and #values == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.1 released 2009/01/23 - bug : fixed dependency, it's ffi not ruby-ffi - todo : implemented Cabinet#clear == rufus-tokyo - 0.1.0 released 2009/01/23 - initial release