/** * @file MvNormal.h * @author bab2min (bab2min@gmail.com) * @brief * @version 0.4.1 * @date 2022-08-13 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020-2021 * */ #ifndef EIGENRAND_MVDISTS_MVNORMAL_H #define EIGENRAND_MVDISTS_MVNORMAL_H namespace Eigen { namespace Rand { namespace detail { template Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim> get_lt(const MatrixBase<_Mat>& mat) { LLT> llt(mat); if (llt.info() == Eigen::Success) { return llt.matrixL(); } else { SelfAdjointEigenSolver> solver(mat); if (solver.info() != Eigen::Success) { throw std::runtime_error{ "The matrix cannot be solved!" }; } return solver.eigenvectors() * solver.eigenvalues().cwiseMax(0).cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal(); } } class FullMatrix {}; class LowerTriangular {}; class InvLowerTriangular {}; } constexpr detail::FullMatrix full_matrix; constexpr detail::LowerTriangular lower_triangular; constexpr detail::InvLowerTriangular inv_lower_triangular; /** * @brief Generator of real vectors on a multivariate normal distribution * * @tparam _Scalar Numeric type * @tparam Dim number of dimensions, or `Eigen::Dynamic` */ template class MvNormalGen : public MvVecGenBase, _Scalar, Dim> { static_assert(std::is_floating_point<_Scalar>::value, "`MvNormalGen` needs floating point types."); Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, 1> mean; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim> lt; StdNormalGen<_Scalar> stdnorm; public: /** * @brief Construct a new multivariate normal generator from lower triangular matrix of decomposed covariance * * @tparam MeanTy * @tparam LTTy * @param _mean mean vector of the distribution * @param _lt lower triangular matrix of decomposed covariance */ template MvNormalGen(const MatrixBase& _mean, const MatrixBase& _lt, detail::LowerTriangular) : mean{ _mean }, lt{ _lt } { eigen_assert(_mean.cols() == 1 && _mean.rows() == _lt.rows() && _lt.rows() == _lt.cols()); } /** * @brief Construct a new multivariate normal generator from covariance matrix * * @tparam MeanTy * @tparam CovTy * @param _mean mean vector of the distribution * @param _cov covariance matrix (should be positive semi-definite) */ template MvNormalGen(const MatrixBase& _mean, const MatrixBase& _cov, detail::FullMatrix = {}) : MvNormalGen{ _mean, detail::template get_lt<_Scalar, Dim>(_cov), lower_triangular } { } MvNormalGen(const MvNormalGen&) = default; MvNormalGen(MvNormalGen&&) = default; MvNormalGen& operator=(const MvNormalGen&) = default; MvNormalGen& operator=(MvNormalGen&&) = default; Index dims() const { return mean.rows(); } template inline auto generate(Urng&& urng, Index samples) -> decltype((lt * stdnorm.template generate>(mean.rows(), samples, std::forward(urng))).colwise() + mean) { return (lt * stdnorm.template generate>(mean.rows(), samples, std::forward(urng))).colwise() + mean; } template inline auto generate(Urng&& urng) -> decltype((lt * stdnorm.template generate>(mean.rows(), 1, std::forward(urng))).colwise() + mean) { return (lt * stdnorm.template generate>(mean.rows(), 1, std::forward(urng))).colwise() + mean; } }; /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::MvNormal * * @tparam MeanTy * @tparam CovTy * @param mean mean vector of the distribution * @param cov covariance matrix (should be positive semi-definite) */ template inline auto makeMvNormalGen(const MatrixBase& mean, const MatrixBase& cov) -> MvNormalGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { static_assert( std::is_same::Scalar, typename MatrixBase::Scalar>::value, "Derived::Scalar must be the same with `mean` and `cov`'s Scalar." ); static_assert( MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime && MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::ColsAtCompileTime, "assert: mean.RowsAtCompileTime == cov.RowsAtCompileTime && cov.RowsAtCompileTime == cov.ColsAtCompileTime" ); return { mean, cov }; } /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::MvNormal * * @tparam MeanTy * @tparam LTTy * @param mean mean vector of the distribution * @param lt lower triangular matrix of decomposed covariance */ template inline auto makeMvNormalGenFromLt(const MatrixBase& mean, const MatrixBase& lt) -> MvNormalGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { static_assert( std::is_same::Scalar, typename MatrixBase::Scalar>::value, "Derived::Scalar must be the same with `mean` and `lt`'s Scalar." ); static_assert( MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime && MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::ColsAtCompileTime, "assert: mean.RowsAtCompileTime == lt.RowsAtCompileTime && lt.RowsAtCompileTime == lt.ColsAtCompileTime" ); return { mean, lt, lower_triangular }; } /** * @brief Generator of real matrices on a Wishart distribution * * @tparam _Scalar * @tparam Dim number of dimensions, or `Eigen::Dynamic` */ template class WishartGen : public MvMatGenBase, _Scalar, Dim> { static_assert(std::is_floating_point<_Scalar>::value, "`WishartGen` needs floating point types."); Index df; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim> chol; StdNormalGen<_Scalar> stdnorm; std::vector> chisqs; public: /** * @brief Construct a new Wishart generator from lower triangular matrix of decomposed scale * * @tparam ScaleTy * @param _df degrees of freedom * @param _lt lower triangular matrix of decomposed scale */ template WishartGen(Index _df, const MatrixBase& _lt, detail::LowerTriangular) : df{ _df }, chol{ _lt } { eigen_assert(df > chol.rows() - 1); eigen_assert(chol.rows() == chol.cols()); for (Index i = 0; i < chol.rows(); ++i) { chisqs.emplace_back(df - i); } } /** * @brief Construct a new Wishart generator from scale matrix * * @tparam ScaleTy * @param _df degrees of freedom * @param _lt scale matrix (should be positive definitive) */ template WishartGen(Index _df, const MatrixBase& _scale, detail::FullMatrix = {}) : WishartGen{ _df, detail::template get_lt<_Scalar, Dim>(_scale), lower_triangular } { eigen_assert(_scale.rows() == _scale.cols()); } WishartGen(const WishartGen&) = default; WishartGen(WishartGen&&) = default; WishartGen& operator=(const WishartGen&) = default; WishartGen& operator=(WishartGen&&) = default; Index dims() const { return chol.rows(); } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> generate(Urng&& urng, Index samples) { const Index dim = chol.rows(); const Index normSamples = samples * dim * (dim - 1) / 2; using ArrayXs = Array<_Scalar, -1, 1>; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> rand_mat(dim, dim * samples), tmp(dim, dim * samples); _Scalar* ptr = tmp.data(); Map{ ptr, normSamples } = stdnorm.template generate(normSamples, 1, urng); for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { for (Index i = 0; i < dim - 1; ++i) { rand_mat.col(i + j * dim).tail(dim - 1 - i) = Map{ ptr, dim - 1 - i }; ptr += dim - 1 - i; } } for (Index i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { _Scalar* ptr = tmp.data(); Map{ ptr, samples } = chisqs[i].template generate(samples, 1, urng).sqrt(); for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { rand_mat(i, i + j * dim) = *ptr++; } } for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { rand_mat.middleCols(j * dim, dim).template triangularView().setZero(); } tmp.noalias() = chol * rand_mat; for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { auto t = tmp.middleCols(j * dim, dim); rand_mat.middleCols(j * dim, dim).noalias() = t * t.transpose(); } return rand_mat; } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> generate(Urng&& urng) { const Index dim = chol.rows(); const Index normSamples = dim * (dim - 1) / 2; using ArrayXs = Array<_Scalar, -1, 1>; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim> rand_mat(dim, dim); Map{ rand_mat.data(), normSamples } = stdnorm.template generate(normSamples, 1, urng); for (Index i = 0; i < dim / 2; ++i) { rand_mat.col(dim - 2 - i).tail(i + 1) = rand_mat.col(i).head(i + 1); } for (Index i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { rand_mat(i, i) = chisqs[i].template generate>(1, 1, urng).sqrt()(0); } rand_mat.template triangularView().setZero(); auto t = (chol * rand_mat).eval(); return (t * t.transpose()).eval(); } }; /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::WishartGen * * @tparam ScaleTy * @param df degrees of freedom * @param scale scale matrix (should be positive definitive) */ template inline auto makeWishartGen(Index df, const MatrixBase& scale) -> WishartGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { static_assert( MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::ColsAtCompileTime, "assert: scale.RowsAtCompileTime == scale.ColsAtCompileTime" ); return { df, scale }; } /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::WishartGen * * @tparam LTTy * @param df degrees of freedom * @param lt lower triangular matrix of decomposed scale */ template inline auto makeWishartGenFromLt(Index df, const MatrixBase& lt) -> WishartGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { static_assert( MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::ColsAtCompileTime, "assert: lt.RowsAtCompileTime == lt.ColsAtCompileTime" ); return { df, lt, lower_triangular }; } /** * @brief Generator of real matrices on a inverse Wishart distribution * * @tparam _Scalar * @tparam Dim number of dimensions, or `Eigen::Dynamic` */ template class InvWishartGen : public MvMatGenBase, _Scalar, Dim> { static_assert(std::is_floating_point<_Scalar>::value, "`InvWishartGen` needs floating point types."); Index df; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim> chol; StdNormalGen<_Scalar> stdnorm; std::vector> chisqs; public: /** * @brief Construct a new inverse Wishart generator * * @tparam ScaleTy * @param _df degrees of freedom * @param _ilt lower triangular matrix of decomposed inverse scale */ template InvWishartGen(Index _df, const MatrixBase& _ilt, detail::InvLowerTriangular) : df{ _df }, chol{ _ilt } { eigen_assert(df > chol.rows() - 1); eigen_assert(chol.rows() == chol.cols()); for (Index i = 0; i < chol.rows(); ++i) { chisqs.emplace_back(df - i); } } /** * @brief Construct a new inverse Wishart generator * * @tparam ScaleTy * @param _df degrees of freedom * @param _scale scale matrix (should be positive definitive) */ template InvWishartGen(Index _df, const MatrixBase& _scale, detail::FullMatrix = {}) : InvWishartGen{ _df, detail::template get_lt<_Scalar, Dim>(_scale.inverse()), inv_lower_triangular } { eigen_assert(_scale.rows() == _scale.cols()); } InvWishartGen(const InvWishartGen&) = default; InvWishartGen(InvWishartGen&&) = default; InvWishartGen& operator=(const InvWishartGen&) = default; InvWishartGen& operator=(InvWishartGen&&) = default; Index dims() const { return chol.rows(); } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> generate(Urng&& urng, Index samples) { const Index dim = chol.rows(); const Index normSamples = samples * dim * (dim - 1) / 2; using ArrayXs = Array<_Scalar, -1, 1>; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> rand_mat(dim, dim * samples), tmp(dim, dim * samples); _Scalar* ptr = tmp.data(); Map{ ptr, normSamples } = stdnorm.template generate(normSamples, 1, urng); for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { for (Index i = 0; i < dim - 1; ++i) { rand_mat.col(i + j * dim).tail(dim - 1 - i) = Map{ ptr, dim - 1 - i }; ptr += dim - 1 - i; } } for (Index i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { _Scalar* ptr = tmp.data(); Map{ ptr, samples } = chisqs[i].template generate(samples, 1, urng).sqrt(); for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { rand_mat(i, i + j * dim) = *ptr++; } } for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { rand_mat.middleCols(j * dim, dim).template triangularView().setZero(); } tmp.noalias() = chol * rand_mat; auto id = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim>::Identity(dim, dim); for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { auto t = tmp.middleCols(j * dim, dim); auto u = rand_mat.middleCols(j * dim, dim); u.noalias() = t.template triangularView().solve(id); t.noalias() = u.transpose() * u; } return tmp; } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> generate(Urng&& urng) { const Index dim = chol.rows(); const Index normSamples = dim * (dim - 1) / 2; using ArrayXs = Array<_Scalar, -1, 1>; Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim> rand_mat(dim, dim); Map{ rand_mat.data(), normSamples } = stdnorm.template generate(normSamples, 1, urng); for (Index i = 0; i < dim / 2; ++i) { rand_mat.col(dim - 2 - i).tail(i + 1) = rand_mat.col(i).head(i + 1); } for (Index i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { rand_mat(i, i) = chisqs[i].template generate>(1, 1, urng).sqrt()(0); } rand_mat.template triangularView().setZero(); auto t = (chol * rand_mat).eval(); auto id = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, Dim>::Identity(dim, dim); rand_mat.noalias() = t.template triangularView().solve(id); return (rand_mat.transpose() * rand_mat).eval(); } }; /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::InvWishartGen * * @tparam ScaleTy * @param df degrees of freedom * @param scale scale matrix */ template inline auto makeInvWishartGen(Index df, const MatrixBase& scale) -> InvWishartGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { static_assert( MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::ColsAtCompileTime, "assert: scale.RowsAtCompileTime == scale.ColsAtCompileTime" ); return { df, scale }; } /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::InvWishartGen * * @tparam ILTTy * @param df degrees of freedom * @param ilt lower triangular matrix of decomposed inverse scale */ template inline auto makeInvWishartGenFromIlt(Index df, const MatrixBase& ilt) -> InvWishartGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { static_assert( MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime == MatrixBase::ColsAtCompileTime, "assert: ilt.RowsAtCompileTime == ilt.ColsAtCompileTime" ); return { df, ilt, inv_lower_triangular }; } } } #endif