An object representation of a Physical Item's data. A Physical item. api get Bibliographic data of the Physical Item. Output parameter. api get post put Information of the Holding that this Physical Item belongs to. api get post put Physical Item data. api get Additional information following an action on the item. Output parameter. api get Bibliographic data of the Physical Item. Output parameter. api get mms_id. Output parameter. api get The title of the Bibliographic record to which this Physical Item relates. Output parameter. api get author api get issn. Output parameter. api get isbn. Output parameter. api get Complete edition. Output parameter. api get Network number, control number. Output parameter. api get Place of publication, part of the imprint information. Output parameter. api get Publisher_const, part of the imprint information. Output parameter. api get post Information of the Holding that this Physical Item belongs to. api get post Holding pid, a unique holding id that the item is associated with. Currently, cannot be updated for an existing item. The call number type used for the item. Possible codes are listed in 'CallNumberType' code-table. api get CallNumberType api get Call number, used to describe this physical holding. Output parameter. api get accession number. Output parameter. api get post put The item's copy ID, used to identify individual copies of the same title when multiple copies exist at the same location. api get post put Indicates whether the item is currently in temporary location. Default is False. api get post put Temporary library. Relevant only if in_temp_location is True. api get post put Temporary location. Relevant only if in_temp_location is True. The call number type used for the item at the temporary location. Possible codes are listed in 'CallNumberType' [code table|]. Relevant only if in_temp_location is True. api get post put CallNumberType api get post put The item's call number when using the temporary call number type at the temporary location. Relevant only if in_temp_location is True. The item's temporary override policy. Possible codes are listed in 'ItemPolicy' [code table|]. Relevant only if in_temp_location is True. api get post put ItemPolicy api get post put The date the item is due back from the temporary location. Relevant only if in_temp_location is True. api get post put Physical Item data. api get Physical item pid. Output parameter. api get post put The item's barcode. If not sent as part of the PUT or POST actions, Alma will generate a barcode based on the barcode generation rules. api get The date the item was created. Output parameter. api get The date the item was modified. Output parameter. api get BaseStatus The item's basic status: In place / Not in place. Output parameter. Possible codes are listed in 'BaseStatus' [code table|]. The item's physical form, such as a book or CD-ROM. Possible codes are listed in 'PhysicalMaterialType' [code table|]. api get post put PhysicalMaterialType The item's override policy for loan rules. Defines the conditions under which a request for this item can be fulfilled. Possible codes are listed in 'ItemPolicy' [code table|]. api get post put ItemPolicy The item's origin. Possible codes are listed in 'provenanceCodes' [code table|]. api get post put provenanceCodes api get post put The related PO line number. In the GET action, this might be the matching holding's PO line (in case of continuous PO line). In POST and PUT actions, it is possible to update only the specific item's PO line. Hence, in case the PO line in this field is continuous, it will be ignored. Such an update should be done in the holding record itself. api get post put Indicates whether the item contains a magnet which can cause it to be damaged when scanned by a self-check machine. Optional. Default is False. api get post put The date the material was actually received/activated for the first time. api get post put The date the item was expected to be received. api get post put The related year for an issue item. api get post put enumeration A api get post put enumeration B api get post put enumeration C api get post put enumeration D api get post put enumeration E api get post put enumeration F api get post put enumeration G api get post put enumeration H api get post put chronology I api get post put chronology J chronology K api get post put chronology L api get post put chronology M api get post put This item's description. api get post put The charge administered to the patron if the item is lost. api get post put The Operator who received the item. Process type. Possible codes are listed in 'PROCESSTYPE' [code table|]. api get PROCESSTYPE api get put libraries Library. In PUT, updating the library and/or location might move the item to a different Holding record, or will create a new holding record for it. In POST action the library will be defined according to the holding_id field. see [Get libraries API|] api get put Location. In PUT, updating the library and/or location might move the item to a different Holding record, or will create a new holding record for it. In POST action, will be defined according to the holding_id field. see [Get locations API|] api get post put The ID number for the item that corresponds to the alternative call number type. An alternative identification number type to the call number. Possible codes are listed in 'CallNumberType' [code table|]. api get post put CallNumberType api get post put The ID number of the location where the item is stored. api get post put The item's number of pages. api get post put The item's number of pieces. api get post put Contains note content that is displayed in Primo. api get post put Contains note content that is displayed during the circulation process. api get post put Contains note content regarding an item for internal use by Alma staff. api get post put Contains note content regarding an item for internal use by Alma staff. api get post put Contains note content regarding an item for internal use by Alma staff. api get post put Contains note content that is exposed in analytics. api get post put Contains note content that is exposed in analytics. api get post put Contains note content that is exposed in analytics. api get Indication whether item is requested or not. Output parameter. api get Edition of the item. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Imprint of the item. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Language of the item. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Information regarding the item's owning library. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Parsing information for the alternative call number. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Parsing information for the call number. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Parsing information for the description. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Information regarding the item's owning library. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get The library's related address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get The control numbers of this bibliographic record. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get The library's related address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Line 1 of the address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Line 2 of the address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Line 3 of the address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Line 4 of the address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Line 5 of the address. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get The relevant city. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. CountryCodes api get The address' relevant country. Possible codes are listed in the 'Country Codes' [code table|]. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get The address' relevant postal code. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. api get The address' relevant state. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. A collection of Physical Items A collection of Physical Items. A Physical item. The total number of items. This can be used when retrieving the list using pagination. An object representation of a Bibliographic Record Bibliographic record object api get Bibliographic record identifier. Output parameter. api get post Bibliographic format: marc21, unimarc, kormarc, cnmarc or dc. Default is marc21. api get Linked record identifier. Output parameter. api get The title of the Bibliographic record. Output parameter. api get Author. Output parameter. api get issn. Output parameter. api get isbn. Output parameter. api get Complete edition. Output parameter. api get Network number, control number. Output parameter. api get Place of publication, part of the imprint information. Output parameter. api get Publisher_const, part of the imprint information. Output parameter. api get Link to a list of Holdings for the Bib record. Output parameter. api get Creator of the record. Output parameter. api get The record creation date. Output parameter. api get Last user to modify the record. Output parameter. api get Date by which the last change to the record was made. Output parameter. api get post put Indication whether the record should be published to Primo. Note that the default is true which means that the record will NOT be published. api get The system in which the record was initially generated. Output parameter. api get The id of the record in the original system. Output parameter. api get The control numbers of this bibliographic record. Output parameter. Returned only when view=label. Alma digital representation. api get post delete Representation. Mandatory Boolean attribute 'is_remote'. api get Internal representation ID. api get post put libraries Library code. Mandatory. See [Get libraries API|] api get post put Representation label. api get post put Representation public note. api get post put RepresentationUsageType Representation usage type. Possible codes are listed in 'RepresentationUsageType' [code table|]. api get post put representationEntityType Representation Entity Type. Possible values are listed in Representation Entity Type code-table '. api get post put Author. Relevant only for entity_type=CHAPTER, ARTICLE, AUDIOVISUAL. api get post put Title. Relevant only for entity_type=CHAPTER, ARTICLE, AUDIOVISUAL. api get post put Volume. Relevant only for entity_type=ARTICLE, ISSUE, Issue-Detailed. api get post put Issue. Relevant only for entity_type=ISSUE, ARTICLE, Issue-Detailed. api get post put Date. Relevant only for entity_type=ISSUE, ARTICLE. api get post put Start Page. Relevant only for entity_type=CHAPTER, ARTICLE. api get post put End Page. Relevant only for entity_type=CHAPTER, ARTICLE. api get post put Track. Relevant only for entity_type=AUDIOVISUAL. api get post put Start Time. Relevant only for entity_type=AUDIOVISUAL. api get post put End Time. Relevant only for entity_type=AUDIOVISUAL. api get post put Number. Relevant only for entity_type=CHAPTER, Issue-Detailed. api get post put Number. Relevant only for entity_type=Issue-Detailed. api get post put Number. Relevant only for entity_type=Issue-Detailed. api get post put Number. Relevant only for entity_type=Issue-Detailed. api get post put Representation access rights policy id. Can be used only when is_remote=false. api get URL to view the representation. api get URL to view the representation thumbnail. api get post Related digitization request id. api get Related deposit id. api get post The repository code as defined in the list of Alma remote repositories. Mandatory when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get post Unique ID of the object in the remote repository. Mandatory when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get post put Other remote repository object identifier. Optional when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get post put Other remote repository object identifier. Optional when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get post put Other remote repository object identifier. Optional when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get post put Other remote repository object identifier. Optional when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get post put Other remote repository object identifier. Optional when is_remote=true, should not be used when is_remote=false. api get User who created the representation. api get Date the representation was created. api get User who last modified the representation. api get Date the representation was last modified. api get File-level information. The total number of files. Link to the files URI. Type of representation. Mandatory. List of Digital Representations in Alma. The list contains both Remote and regular Representations if exists. A list of Representations. Representation object. The total number of representations. Representation File File. api get File Id. api get URL to view the file thumbnail. api get post put File label. api get File size (bytes). api get post File path. When POST, should contain a reference to a file in the library's S3 upload folder (i.e. 01UNI_INST/upload/scratch/1234/file.png). api get File URL. Requires expand=url parameter. List of files for a representation. A list of files. File object. The total number of files. This web service returns Bib records in an XML format from a list of Bib IDs submitted in a parameter. To include physical inventory information use "expand=p_avail": AVA field is added per holding record as following: $$a - Institution code, $$b - Library code, $$c - Location display name, $$d - Call number, $$e - Availability (such as available, unavailable, or check_holdings), $$j - Location code, $$k - Call number type, $$f - total items, $$g - non available items, $$p - priority. Note: When using the API against a NZ Institution AVA fields will be retrieved for each member which has holdings. To include digital inventory information use: "expand=d_avail": AVD field is added per Representations, as following: $$a - Institution code, $$b - Representations ID, $$c - REPRESENTATION/REMOTE_REPRESENTATION, $$d - Repository Name, $$e - Label, To include electronic inventory information use: "expand=e_avail": AVE field is added per portfolio, as following: $$l -library code, $$m - Collection name, $$n - Public note, $$u - link to the bibliographic record's services page, $$s - coverage statement (as displayed in Primo's ViewIt mashup), $$t - Interface name. Note: $$u will be created based on a Customer Parameter in the "Customer Parameters" mapping table (module: general): publishing_base_url. Note: The expand parameter is not supported for Dublin Core records. Note:The bibliographic record retrieved from Alma is enriched with additional identifiers. The MMS ID of the Network Zone and the Alma Community Zone ID are added to the record in additional 035 marc fields. The Community Zone ID is added with the prefix (EXLCZ) while the Network Zone ID is added with the prefix (EXLNZ-network_code). The local MMS ID is in the 001 marc field. These additional shared IDs can be used for better identification of a common record. The local MMS ID should be used when there is a need to call an API in the institution for the record. A list of Bib Record IDs (for example: 99939650000541,99939680000541) from 1 to the limit of 100 IE identifier (IEP, IED etc.) Holdings ID Representation ID Network Zone ID Use view=brief to retrieve without the MARCXML. This parameter allows for expanding the bibliographic record with additional information: p_avail - Expand physical inventory information. e_avail - Expand electronic inventory information. d_avail - Expand digital inventory information. To use more than one, use a comma separator. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Input parameter mmsId list is not valid. rest_bibs.xsd rest_bibs.xsd These web services create a new Bib record, and also allows creation of a local record for a NZ record. Note: JSON is not supported for this API. The MMS_ID of the Network-Zone record. Leave empty when creating a regular local record. This method takes a Bib object. When creating linked record send an empty Bib object: <bib/> This method takes a Bib object. When creating linked record send an empty Bib object: <bib/> General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Given bib xml is invalid. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Failed to create new bib. No record found for MMS id X JSON is not supported for this API. rest_bib.xsd rest_bib.xsd This Web service returns a list of collections. This parameter determines the number of levels of sub-collections should be retrieved. For example, 1 = only current; 2 = immediate decendants. Default is 1. rest_collections.xsd rest_collections.xsd This Web service creates a collection. This method takes a Collection object. This method takes a Collection object. rest_collection.xsd rest_collection.xsd The collection ID. This Web service returns a collection for a given pid. This parameter determines the number of levels of sub-collections should be retrieved. For example, 1 = only current; 2 = immediate decendants. Default is 1. rest_collection.xsd rest_collection.xsd The collection ID. This Web service returns a list of bibliographic titles in a given collection. Offset of the results returned. Optional.Default value: 0, which means that the first results will be returned. Limits the number of results. Optional. Valid values are 0-100. Default value: 10. rest_bibs.xsd rest_bibs.xsd This Web service adds a bibliographic title into a given collection. This method takes an Bib object with only mms_id. This method takes an Bib object with only mms_id. Bib record is already assigned to this collection. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_bib.xsd rest_bib.xsd The collection ID. The Bib Record ID (for example, 99939650000541). This Web service removes a bibliographic title from a collection. This API is used to test if the API key was configured correctly. This API is used to test if the API key was configured correctly, including read/write permissions. The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. The Request ID. This web service canceles a request. Code of the cancel reason. Must be a value from the code table 'RequestCancellationReasons' Note with additional information regarding the cancellation. Boolean flag for notifying the requester of the cancellation (when relevant). Defaults to 'true'. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. This web service cancels a request. Code of the cancel reason. Must be a value from the code table 'RequestCancellationReasons' Note with additional information regarding the cancellation. Boolean flag for notifying the requester of the cancellation (when relevant). Defaults to 'true'. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. The Bib Record ID (for example, 99939650000541). This web service deletes a Bib Record. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Delete Bib Error - The bib could not be deleted. Error - An error has occured while validating the mms_id. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. This web service returns a Bib record in an XML format. To include physical inventory information use "expand=p_avail": AVA field is added per holding record as following: $$a - Institution code, $$b - Library code, $$c - Location display name, $$d - Call number, $$e - Availability (such as available, unavailable, or check_holdings), $$j - Location code, $$k - Call number type, $$f - total items, $$g - non available items, $$p - priority. Note: When using the API against a NZ Institution AVA fields will be retrieved for each member which has holdings. To include digital inventory information use: "expand=d_avail": AVD field is added per Representations, as following: $$a - Institution code, $$b - Representations ID, $$c - REPRESENTATION/REMOTE_REPRESENTATION, $$d - Repository Name, $$e - Label, To include electronic inventory information use: "expand=e_avail": AVE field is added per portfolio, as following: $$l - library code, $$m - Collection name, $$n - Public note, $$u - link to the bibliographic record's services page, $$s - coverage statement (as displayed in Primo's ViewIt mashup), $$t - Interface name. Note: $$u will be created based on a Customer Parameter in the "Customer Parameters" mapping table (module: general): publishing_base_url. Note: The expand parameter is not supported for Dublin Core records. Note: The bibliographic record retrieved from Alma is enriched with additional identifiers. The MMS ID of the Network Zone and the Alma Community Zone ID are added to the record in additional 035 marc fields. The Community Zone ID is added with the prefix (EXLCZ) while the Network Zone ID is added with the prefix (EXLNZ-network_code). The local MMS ID is in the 001 marc field. These additional shared IDs can be used for better identification of a common record. The local MMS ID should be used when there is a need to call an API in the institution for the record. Use view=brief to retrieve without the MARCXML. Use view=local_fields to retrieve only local fields for an IZ record linked to an NZ record. This parameter allows for expanding the bibliographic record with additional information: p_avail - Expand physical inventory information. e_avail - Expand electronic inventory information. d_avail - Expand digital inventory information. To use more than one, use a comma separator. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. rest_bib.xsd rest_bib.xsd This web service performs an operation on a Bib record. Currently, the supported operation is to unlink from NZ. Note: JSON is not supported for this API. The operation that is to be performed. Currently, only option is: unlink_from_nz. This method takes a Bib object. This method takes a Bib object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Error - Not supported from the network zone. Error - Not supported from the institution zone. Error - Parse exception for MARC record. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. No record found for MMS id X JSON is not supported for this API. rest_bib.xsd rest_bib.xsd This web service updates a Bib Record. For an IZ record that is linked to NZ record, local fields will be replaced, based on $$9local field indication. Updating of non local fields should be done directly on the NZ record. See [Working with APIs in a Network Topology|] for more details. Note: JSON is not supported, and updating a linked CZ record is currently not supported. This method takes a Bib object. This method takes a Bib object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Error - Not supported from the community zone. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. JSON is not supported for this API. rest_bib.xsd rest_bib.xsd The Bib Record ID. This web service returns list of periods in which specific title (MMS) is unavailable for booking. The number of days/weeks/months to retrieve availability for. Mandatory. The type of period of interest. Optional. Possible values: days, weeks, months. Default: days. A unique identifier for the user, for which the booking request is about to be done. Optional. If not supplied, the system will calculate a minimal availability. The type of identifier that is being searched. Optional. If this is not provided, all unique identifier types are used. The values that can be used are any of the values in the User Identifier Type code table. User with identifier X of type Y was not found. Unsupported period type. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_booking-availability.xsd rest_booking-availability.xsd The Bib Record ID. This web service returns list of holding records for a given MMS. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_holdings.xsd rest_holdings.xsd This web service creates a new holding record. Note: JSON is not supported for this API. This method takes a Holding object. This method takes a Holding object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Given holding xml is invalid. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Failed to create new holding. No record found for MMS id X Failed to create holding due to errors: X Failed to create holding. JSON is not supported for this API. rest_holding.xsd rest_holding.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. This web service returns a Holdings Record. In order to use this service, authentication must be done by a user that has the 'API Fulfillment Read' role. Please note that the holding record is returned in MARC XML format, therefore it is not recommended to use this service with JSON format. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_holding.xsd rest_holding.xsd This web service updates a Holdings Record. Note: JSON is not supported for this API. This method takes a Holding object. This method takes a Holding object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. JSON is not supported for this API. rest_holding.xsd rest_holding.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. This web service returns Items list. Limits the number of results. Optional. Valid values are 0-100. Default value: 10. Offset of the results returned. Optional. Default value: 0, which means that the first results will be returned. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_items.xsd rest_items.xsd This web service creates an Item. This method takes an Item object. This method takes an Item object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Given poline does not fit item; POLine's type must be physical one time. rest_item.xsd rest_item.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. This web service returns Item Loan by Item information. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item_loans.xsd rest_item_loans.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Bib Record ID. The item ID. This web service returns a list of requests per the given item (using item_id). Filter results by request type. Optional. Possible values: HOLD, DIGITIZATION, BOOKING. If not supplied, all request types will be returned. Active or history request status . The default is active. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. rest_user_requests.xsd rest_user_requests.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Bib Record ID. The item ID. The Request ID. This web service return a request per the given item and request ID. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. Input parameters requestId X is not numeric. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. This web service withdraws an item. Indication whether the item should be deleted even if warnings exist. Optional. By default: false. Method for handling a Holdings record left without any items: retain, delete or suppress. Optional. By default: retain. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. This web service returns Item information. Note: It is also possible to retrieve item information by using: GET /almaws/v1/items?item_barcode={item_barcode}. Calling this shorthand URL will return an HTTP 302 redirect response leading to a URL with the structure documented here. Special view of Item object. Optional. Currently supported: label - adds fields relevant for label printing. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item.xsd rest_item.xsd This web service allows to perform a Scan-in operation on an item. The operation that is to be performed. Currently, only option is: scan. External ID. Options: true or false. The request ID. Needed when item is not yet bound to a single request and there are multiple requests which scanned item can fulfill. The library code of the given circulation desk or department where the action is being performed. The circulation desk where the action is being performed. The department where the action is being performed. The work order type which is to be performed, or is being performed on the scanned in item. The work order status to which we want to move the item. Optional input is defined by the work order type. Work order processing is completed on the item. Options: true or false. Automatically print a slip. Options: true or false. Place on hold shelf. Options: true or false. Confirm the action on the item. Options: true or false. Register in house uses. Options: true or false. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item.xsd rest_item.xsd This web service updates Item information. This method takes an Item object. This method takes an Item object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Given poline does not fit item; POLine's type must be physical one time. rest_item.xsd rest_item.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. This web service returns list of periods in which specific item is unavailable for booking. The number of days/weeks/months to retrieve availability for. Mandatory. The type of period of interest. Optional. Possible values: days, weeks, months. Default: days. A unique identifier for the user, for which the booking request is about to be done. Optional. If not supplied, the system will calculate a minimal availability. The type of identifier that is being searched. Optional. If this is not provided, all unique identifier types are used. The values that can be used are any of the values in the User Identifier Type code table. User with identifier X of type Y was not found. Unsupported period type. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_booking-availability.xsd rest_booking-availability.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. This web service loans an item to a user. The loan will be created according to the library's policy. A unique identifier of the loaning user. Mandatory. The type of identifier that is being searched. Optional. If this is not provided, all unique identifier types are used. The values that can be used are any of the values in the User Identifier Type code table. This method takes a Loan object. This method takes a Loan object. User with identifier X of type Y was not found. Item cannot be loaned from this circulation desk. Item is not loanable. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item_loan.xsd rest_item_loan.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. The Loan ID. This web service returns Item Loan information. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item_loan.xsd rest_item_loan.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The requested Item ID. This web service creates a request for a library resource. The request can be for a physical item (request types: hold, booking), or a request for digitizing a file (request type: digitization). Currently it is not possible to create a move or work order request. A unique identifier for the user. For a library level digitization request, leave empty. The type of identifier that is being searched. Optional. If this is not provided, all unique identifier types are used. The values that can be used are any of the values in the User Identifier Type code table. This method takes a Request object. This method takes a Request object. User with identifier X of type Y was not found. No items can fulfill the submitted request. Failed to save the request: Patron has active request for selected item. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Holding Record ID. The Item ID. The request ID. This API performs an action on a request. Currently supported: moving digitization requests to their next step. The operation to be performed on the request. Mandatory. Currently only next_step is supported. Boolean flag for indicating whether to release the item from the request General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Failed to find a request for the given request ID. Input parameter X (Y) is not numeric. Request X is not a Digitization request Cannot move forward in workflow. Request ID: X, Step: Y Move digitization request to next step in workflow has failed. Request ID: X X parameter is not valid. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd This web service updates a request for a library resource. This method takes a User-Request object. This method takes a User-Request object. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd The Bib Record ID. This web service returns Loan information for a Bib record. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item_loan.xsd rest_item_loan.xsd This Web service retrieves loan information for a particular Bib id and Loan id. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_item_loan.xsd rest_item_loan.xsd The Bib Record ID. This web service returns a list of Digital Representations for a given Bib MMS-ID. Limits the number of results. Optional. Valid values are 0-100. Default value: 10. Offset of the results returned. Optional. Default value: 0, which means that the first results will be returned. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representations.xsd rest_representations.xsd This web service creates a Digital Representation. Auto-generate label: true/false This method takes a Representation object. This method takes a Representation object. Bib record is not assigned to a collection. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation.xsd rest_representation.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Representation ID. This web service deletes a Digital Representations. Indication whether the representation should be deleted even if warnings exist. Optional. By default: false. Method for handling a bib left without any representations: retain , suppress or delete. Optional. By default: retain. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. This web service returns a specific Digital Representation's details. Supported for Remote and Non-Remote Representations. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation.xsd rest_representation.xsd This web service updates a Digital Representations. Auto-generate label: true/false This method takes a Representation object. This method takes a Representation object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation.xsd rest_representation.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Representation ID. This web service returns a specific Representation Files' details. Supported for Non-Remote Representations. If expand=url the <url> field will hold the signed URL for downloading. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation_files.xsd rest_representation_files.xsd This web service creates a Digital RepresentationFile. This method takes a Representation object. This method takes a Representation object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation_file.xsd rest_representation_file.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Representation ID. The File ID. This web service deletes a Digital RepresentationFile. Method for handling a representation left without any files: retain or delete. Optional. By default: retain. Method for handling a bib left without any representations: retain , suppress or delete. Optional. By default: retain. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. This web service returns a specific Representation File details. Supported for Non-Remote Representations. If expand=url the <url> field will hold the signed URL for downloading. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation_file.xsd rest_representation_file.xsd This web service updates a Digital RepresentationFile. This method takes a RepresentationFile object. This method takes a RepresentationFile object. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_representation_file.xsd rest_representation_file.xsd The Bib Record ID. This web service returns a list of requests per the given bib (using mms_id). Filter results by request type. Optional. Possible values: HOLD, DIGITIZATION, BOOKING, MOVE, WORK_ORDER. If not supplied, all request types will be returned. Active or history requests status. Default is active. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. rest_user_requests.xsd rest_user_requests.xsd This web service creates a request for a library resouce. The request can be for a physical item (request types: hold, booking), or a request for digitizing a file (request type: digitization). Currently it is not possible to create a move or work order request. A unique identifier for the user. For a library level digitization request, leave empty. The type of identifier that is being searched. Optional. If this is not provided, all unique identifier types are used. The values that can be used are any of the values in the User Identifier Type code table. This method takes a Request object. This method takes a Request object. User with identifier X of type Y was not found. No items can fulfill the submitted request. Failed to save the request: Patron has active request for selected item. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd The Bib Record ID. The Request ID. This web service returns a request per the given bib by the request ID. General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Input parameters mmsId X is not numeric. Input parameters mmsId X is not valid. Input parameters requestId X is not numeric. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd This API performs an action on a request. Currently supported: moving digitization requests to their next step. The operation to be performed on the request. Mandatory. Currently only next_step is supported. Boolean flag for indicating whether to release the item from the request General Error - An error has occurred while processing the request. Failed to find a request for the given request ID. Input parameter X (Y) is not numeric. Request X is not a Digitization request Cannot move forward in workflow. Request ID: X, Step: Y Move digitization request to next step in workflow has failed. Request ID: X X parameter is not valid. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd This web service updates a request for a library resource. This method takes a UserRequest object. This method takes a UserRequest object. rest_user_request.xsd rest_user_request.xsd