module BBLib module Delegator def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:attr_ary, :instance_delegates) end def delegates (instance_delegates + self.class.delegates).uniq end protected def method_missing(method, *args, &block) delegates.each do |delegate| case delegate when Symbol next unless respond_to?(delegate) && method(delegate).arity == 0 object = send(delegate) next unless object.respond_to?(method) return object.send(method, *args, &block) else next unless delegate.respond_to?(method) return delegate.send(method, *args, &block) end end super end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) return super if self.class.delegate_fast super || delegates.any? do |delegate| next if delegate == self # Protection from recursion case delegate when Symbol self.method(delegate)&.arity == 0 && send(delegate).respond_to?(method) else delegate.respond_to?(method) end end end def delegate_to(*mthds) mthds.flatten.each do |method| next if instance_delegates.include?(method) instance_delegates << method end true end module ClassMethods # When turned on the respond_to_missing method is left unchanged. # This GREATLY speeds up the instantiation of classes with lots of # calls to respond_to? def delegate_fast(*args) return @delegate_fast ||= _ancestor_delegate_fast if args.empty? @delegate_fast = args.first ? true : false end def delegate_to(*mthds) mthds.flatten.each do |method| next if delegates.include?(method) delegates << method end true end def _ancestor_delegate_fast ancestors.reverse.find do |anc| next unless anc.respond_to?(:delegate_fast) return anc.delegate_fast end true end def delegates @delegates ||= ancestor_delegates end def ancestor_delegates ancestors.reverse.flat_map do |anc| next if anc == self || !anc.respond_to?(:delegates) anc.delegates end.compact.uniq end end end end