require "multi_json" module CFoundry::V2 class Model class << self attr_reader :scoped_organization, :scoped_space def value_matches?(val, type) case type when Class val.is_a?(type) when Regexp val.is_a?(String) && val =~ type when :url value_matches?(val, URI::regexp(%w(http https))) when :https_url value_matches?(val, URI::regexp("https")) when :boolean val.is_a?(TrueClass) || val.is_a?(FalseClass) when Array val.all? do |x| value_matches?(x, type.first) end when Hash val.is_a?(Hash) && type.all? { |name, subtype| val.key?(name) && value_matches?(val[name], subtype) } else val.is_a?(Object.const_get(type.to_s.capitalize)) end end def validate_type(val, type) unless value_matches?(val, type) raise "invalid attribute; expected #{type.inspect} but got #{val.inspect}" end end def defaults @defaults ||= {} end def attributes @attributes ||= {} end def to_one_relations @to_one_relations ||= {} end def to_many_relations @to_many_relations ||= {} end def attribute(name, type, opts = {}) attributes[name] = opts default = opts[:default] if has_default = opts.key?(:default) defaults[name] = default end define_method(name) { return @cache[name] if @cache.key?(name) @cache[name] = manifest[:entity][name] || default } define_method(:"#{name}=") { |val| unless has_default && val == default Model.validate_type(val, type) end @cache[name] = val @manifest ||= {} @manifest[:entity] ||= {} @manifest[:entity][name] = val @diff[name] = val } end def scoped_to_organization(relation = :organization) @scoped_organization = relation end def scoped_to_space(relation = :space) @scoped_space = relation end def to_one(name, opts = {}) to_one_relations[name] = opts obj = opts[:as] || name kls = obj.to_s.capitalize.gsub(/(.)_(.)/) do $1 + $2.upcase end default = opts[:default] if has_default = opts.key?(:default) defaults[:"#{name}_guid"] = default end define_method(name) { return @cache[name] if @cache.key?(name) @cache[name] = if @manifest && @manifest[:entity].key?(name) @client.send(:"make_#{obj}", @manifest[:entity][name]) elsif url = send("#{name}_url") @client.send(:"#{obj}_from", url, opts[:depth] || 1) else default end } define_method(:"#{name}_url") { manifest[:entity][:"#{name}_url"] } define_method(:"#{name}=") { |x| unless has_default && x == default Model.validate_type(x, CFoundry::V2.const_get(kls)) end @cache[name] = x @manifest ||= {} @manifest[:entity] ||= {} @manifest[:entity][:"#{name}_guid"] = @diff[:"#{name}_guid"] = x && x.guid } end def to_many(plural, opts = {}) to_many_relations[plural] = opts singular = plural.to_s.sub(/s$/, "").to_sym object = opts[:as] || singular plural_object = :"#{object}s" kls = object.to_s.capitalize.gsub(/(.)_(.)/) do $1 + $2.upcase end define_method(plural) { |*args| if cache = @cache[plural] return cache end depth, query = args if @manifest && @manifest[:entity].key?(plural) && !depth objs = @manifest[:entity][plural] if query find_by = query.keys.first find_val = query.values.first objs = { |o| o[:entity][find_by] == find_val } end @cache[plural] = objs.collect do |json| @client.send(:"make_#{object}", json) end else @cache[plural] = @client.send( :"#{plural_object}_from", "/v2/#{object_name}s/#@guid/#{plural}", depth || opts[:depth], query) end } define_method(:"#{plural}_url") { manifest[:entity][:"#{plural}_url"] } define_method(:"add_#{singular}") { |x| Model.validate_type(x, CFoundry::V2.const_get(kls)) if cache = @cache[plural] cache << x unless cache.include?(x) end @client.base.request_path( Net::HTTP::Put, ["v2", "#{object_name}s", @guid, plural, x.guid], :accept => :json) } define_method(:"remove_#{singular}") { |x| Model.validate_type(x, CFoundry::V2.const_get(kls)) if cache = @cache[plural] cache.delete(x) end @client.base.request_path( Net::HTTP::Delete, ["v2", "#{object_name}s", @guid, plural, x.guid], :accept => :json) } define_method(:"#{plural}=") { |xs| Model.validate_type(xs, [CFoundry::V2.const_get(kls)]) @cache[plural] = xs @manifest ||= {} @manifest[:entity] ||= {} @manifest[:entity][:"#{singular}_guids"] = @diff[:"#{singular}_guids"] = xs.collect(&:guid) } end def has_summary(actions = {}) define_method(:summary) do @client.base.request_path( Net::HTTP::Get, ["v2", "#{object_name}s", @guid, "summary"], :accept => :json) end define_method(:summarize!) do |*args| body, _ = args body ||= summary body.each do |key, val| if act = actions[key] instance_exec(val, &act) elsif self.class.attributes[key] self.send(:"#{key}=", val) elsif self.class.to_many_relations[key] singular = key.to_s.sub(/s$/, "").to_sym vals = val.collect { |sub| obj = @client.send(singular, sub[:guid], true) obj.summarize! sub obj } self.send(:"#{key}=", vals) elsif self.class.to_one_relations[key] obj = @client.send(key, val[:guid], true) obj.summarize! val self.send(:"#{key}=", obj) end end nil end end end attr_accessor :guid, :cache def initialize(guid, client, manifest = nil, partial = false) @guid = guid @client = client @manifest = manifest @partial = partial @cache = {} @diff = {} end def manifest @manifest ||= @client.base.send(object_name, @guid) end def partial? @partial end def inspect "\#<#{} '#@guid'>" end def object_name @object_name ||="::").last.gsub( /([a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase end def invalidate! @manifest = nil @partial = false @cache = {} @diff = {} end # this does a bit of extra processing to allow for # `delete!' followed by `create!' def create! payload = {} self.class.defaults.merge(@manifest[:entity]).each do |k, v| if v.is_a?(Hash) && v.key?(:metadata) # skip; there's a _guid attribute already elsif v.is_a?(Array) && v.all? { |x| x.is_a?(Hash) && x.key?(:metadata) } singular = k.to_s.sub(/s$/, "") payload[:"#{singular}_guids"] = v.collect do |x| if x.is_a?(Hash) && x.key?(:metadata) x[:metadata][:guid] else x end end elsif k.to_s.end_with?("_json") && v.is_a?(String) payload[k] = MultiJson.load(v) elsif k.to_s.end_with?("_url") else payload[k] = v end end @manifest = @client.base.send(:"create_#{object_name}", payload) @guid = @manifest[:metadata][:guid] @diff.clear true end def update!(diff = {}) diff = @diff.merge(diff) @manifest = @client.base.send(:"update_#{object_name}", @guid, diff) @diff.clear if diff == @diff true end def delete! @client.base.send(:"delete_#{object_name}", @guid) @guid = nil @diff.clear if @manifest @manifest.delete :metadata end true end def exists? @client.base.send(object_name, @guid) true rescue CFoundry::APIError # TODO: NotFound would be better false end def eql?(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && @guid == other.guid end alias :== :eql? def hash @guid.hash end end end