#! /usr/bin/ruby # Copyright (C) 2003-2008 AIST, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. require 'pathname' require 'pp' require 'stringio' $KCODE = 'SJIS' class String def trim_line! self.chomp! self.gsub!(/\A\s*/, '') self.gsub!(/\s*\z/, '') end def strip_metachar! self.gsub!(/\\n/, '') self.gsub!(/\\"/, '"') self.sub!(/\A['"]/, '') self.sub!(/['"]\Z/, '') end def del!(regexp) self.gsub!(regexp) { '' } end end class ExtractCatalog def main mypath = Pathname.new(__FILE__) catalog_ja = mypath.parent + 'catalog-ja.rb' ar = parse(catalog_ja) outpath = Pathname.new '../../interfaces-web.txt' output(outpath, ar) catalog_ml_ja = mypath.parent + 'catalog-ml-ja.rb' ar = parse(catalog_ml_ja) outpath = Pathname.new '../../interfaces-ml.txt' output(outpath, ar) end def parse(path) str = path.read str2 = '' str.each_line {|line| line.trim_line! next if line.empty? case line when /^#/, /^module /, /^class /, /^def /, /^\{/, /^\}/, /^end$/, /^:charset/, /^:codeconv/ next end str2 << line } ar = [] lines = str2.split(/['"],['"]/) lines.each {|line| e, j = line.split(/['"]\s*=>\s*['"]/) ar << [e, j] } return ar end def output(outpath, ar) outpath.open('w') {|out| ar.each {|e, j| next if e.nil? next if j.nil? e.del!(/\A'/) j.del!(/['"],\z/) e.del!(/\\n/) j.del!(/\\n/) e.gsub!(/\\\"/) { '"' } next if e.empty? next if j.empty? next if e == '->' next if e == '<-' next if j == '→' next if j == '←' out.puts j out.puts e out.puts } } end end ExtractCatalog.new.main