Feature: The shell command Background: Given a file named "Capfile" with "Capfile exists" Scenario: It opens a remote shell on the primary server Given a file named "config/deploy.rb" with "deploy.rb exists" And a file named "config/deploy/geordi.rb" with: """ set :user, 'deploy' set :deploy_to, '/var/www/example.com' server 'first.example.com' server 'second.example.com' """ When I run `geordi shell geordi` Then the output should contain "Util.system! ssh, deploy@first.example.com, -t, cd /var/www/example.com/current && bash --login" Scenario: It understands Capistrano 3 syntax Given a file named "config/deploy.rb" with "deploy.rb exists" And a file named "config/deploy/geordi.rb" with: """ set :deploy_to, '/var/www/example.com' server 'first.example.com', user: 'deploy' """ When I run `geordi shell geordi` Then the output should contain "Util.system! ssh, deploy@first.example.com, -t, cd /var/www/example.com/current && bash --login"