require 'codeclimate-test-reporter' require 'rabbit_feed' require 'rspec/its' require 'timecop' require 'timeout' # Send data to code climate from semaphore # Disable the warning messages CodeClimate::TestReporter.configure do |config| config.logger.level = Logger::WARN end CodeClimate::TestReporter.start # Get rid of deprecation warnings I18n.enforce_available_locales = true # Loads the shared examples Dir['./spec/support/**/*.rb'].sort.each { |f| require f} # Loads the step definitions Dir.glob('spec/features/step_definitions/**/*_steps.rb') { |f| load f, true } RSpec.configure do |config| config.expect_with :rspec do |expects| expects.syntax = [:should, :expect] end config.before do reset_environment end config.after(connectivity: true) do Thread.kill @consumer_thread if @consumer_thread.present? end RabbitFeed::TestingSupport.include_support config end def reset_environment RabbitFeed.log = RabbitFeed.default_logger RabbitFeed.environment = 'test' RabbitFeed.configuration_file_path = 'spec/fixtures/configuration.yml' RabbitFeed.instance_variable_set('@configuration', nil) RabbitFeed::Consumer.event_routing = nil RabbitFeed::Producer.event_definitions = nil end