// // BlueprintUtility.h // snowcrash // // Created by Zdenek Nemec on 7/11/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 Apiary Inc. All rights reserved. // #ifndef SNOWCRASH_BLUEPRINTUTILITY_H #define SNOWCRASH_BLUEPRINTUTILITY_H #include <utility> #include <functional> #include "Blueprint.h" #include "HTTP.h" namespace snowcrash { /** * \brief Pair firsts matching predicate. * * Two pairs are a match if their %first matches. */ template <class T> struct MatchFirsts : std::binary_function<T, T, bool> { bool operator()(const T& left, const T& right) const { return left.first == right.first; } }; /** * \brief Matches a pair's first against a value. */ template <class T, class R> struct MatchFirstWith : std::binary_function<T, R, bool> { bool operator()(const T& left, const R& right) const { return left.first == right; } }; /** A name matching predicate. */ template <class T> struct MatchName : std::binary_function<T, T, bool> { bool operator()(const T& first, const T& second) const { return first.name == second.name; } }; /** * \brief Payload matching predicate. * * Matches payloads if their name and media type matches. */ struct MatchPayload : std::binary_function<Payload, Payload, bool> { bool operator()(const first_argument_type& left, const second_argument_type& right) const { if (left.name != right.name) return false; // Resolve left content type Collection<Header>::const_iterator header; header = std::find_if(left.headers.begin(), left.headers.end(), std::bind2nd(MatchFirstWith<Header, std::string>(), HTTPHeaderName::ContentType)); std::string leftContentType; if (header != left.headers.end()) leftContentType = header->second; // Resolve right content type header = std::find_if(right.headers.begin(), right.headers.end(), std::bind2nd(MatchFirstWith<Header, std::string>(), HTTPHeaderName::ContentType)); std::string rightContentType; if (header != right.headers.end()) rightContentType = header->second; return leftContentType == rightContentType; } }; /** URI matching predicate. */ struct MatchResource : std::binary_function<Resource, Resource, bool> { bool operator()(const first_argument_type& first, const second_argument_type& second) const { return first.uriTemplate == second.uriTemplate; } }; /** Action matching predicate. */ template <class T> struct MatchAction : std::binary_function<T, T, bool> { bool operator()(const T& first, const T& second) const { return first.method == second.method; } }; /** * \brief Find a request within given action. * \param transaction A transaction to check. * \param request A request to look for. * \return Iterator pointing to the matching request within given method requests. */ FORCEINLINE Collection<Request>::const_iterator FindRequest(const TransactionExample& example, const Request& request) { return std::find_if(example.requests.begin(), example.requests.end(), std::bind2nd(MatchPayload(), request)); } /** * \brief Find a response within responses of a given action. * \param transaction A transaction to check. * \param response A response to look for. * \return Iterator pointing to the matching response within given method requests. */ FORCEINLINE Collection<Response>::const_iterator FindResponse(const TransactionExample& example, const Response& response) { return std::find_if(example.responses.begin(), example.responses.end(), std::bind2nd(MatchPayload(), response)); } } #endif