module Barometer # # Web Service: NOAA Station ID # # uses noaa to find the closest station id # class WebService::NoaaStation < WebService # get the closest station id for given coordinates # def self.fetch(latitude, longitude) begin require 'nokogiri' rescue LoadError puts "\n****\nTo use this functionality you will need to install Nokogiri >= 1.3.3\n****\n\n" return nil end puts "fetching NOAA station ID near #{latitude}, #{longitude}" if Barometer::debug? return nil unless latitude && longitude _fetch_via_noaa(latitude, longitude) end # def self._fetch_via_noaa(latitude, longitude) response = self.get( "", :query => { :textField1 => latitude, :textField2 => longitude }, :format => :html, :timeout => Barometer.timeout ) # parse the station id from the given page station_id = nil begin doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(response.body) if doc && links =".current-conditions-extra a") sid_link = links.detect{|link| link.attr("href").match(/sid=(.*)&/)} begin station_id = sid_link.attr("href").match(/sid=(.*?)&/)[1] rescue end end rescue puts "[ERROR] finding NOAA station near #{latitude}, #{longitude}" if Barometer::debug? end station_id end end end