########################################## # Calculations for GS2 Code Runner Module # # This module contains any methods that # begin with the word calculate. # # These methods calculate results and # quantities that are not directly # obtainable from the GS2 output files. # ########################################## class CodeRunner class Gs2 def calculate_time_averaged_fluxes eputs 'Calculating time averaged fluxes' calculate_saturation_time_index unless @saturation_time_index return unless FileTest.exist?(netcdf_filename) @hflux_tot_stav = saturated_time_average('hflux_tot_over_time', {}) @hflux_tot_stav_error = saturated_time_average_error('hflux_tot_over_time', {}) @phi2_tot_stav = saturated_time_average('phi2tot_over_time', {}) #@par_mom_flux_stav = saturated_time_average('par_mom_flux_over_time', {}) rescue nil #@perp_mom_flux_stav = saturated_time_average('perp_mom_flux_over_time', {}) rescue nil @es_mom_flux_stav = {} @es_heat_flux_stav = {} @es_mom_flux_stav_error = {} @es_heat_flux_stav_error = {} @nspec.times do |i| species_index = i + 1 @es_mom_flux_stav[species_index] = saturated_time_average('es_mom_flux_over_time', {species_index: species_index}) @es_heat_flux_stav[species_index] = saturated_time_average('es_heat_flux_over_time', {species_index: species_index}) @es_mom_flux_stav_error[species_index] = saturated_time_average_error('es_mom_flux_over_time', {species_index: species_index}) @es_heat_flux_stav_error[species_index] = saturated_time_average_error('es_heat_flux_over_time', {species_index: species_index}) end # ep @es_mom_flux_stav, @es_heat_flux_stav end alias :ctaf :calculate_time_averaged_fluxes def saturated_time_average(name, options) # calculate_saturation_time_index unless @saturation_time_index # p 'sat', @saturation_time_index, 'max', list(:t).keys.max raise "saturation_time_index not calculated for #@run_name" unless @saturation_time_index options[:t_index_window] = [@saturation_time_index, list(:t).keys.max - 1] #ep gsl_vector(name, {}).size #ep name, options begin vec = gsl_vector(name, options) rescue GSL::ERROR::EINVAL # IF the vector doesn't have enough values for each timestep (due to run aborting early?), this error will be thrown. options[:t_index_window] = [@saturation_time_index, gsl_vector(name, {}).size] retry rescue NoMethodError eputs "Warning: could not calculate #{name} saturated time average" return nil end tvec = gsl_vector('t', options) dt = tvec.subvector(1, tvec.size - 1) - tvec.subvector(0, tvec.size - 1) trapezium = (vec.subvector(1, tvec.size - 1) + vec.subvector(0, tvec.size - 1)) / 2.0 return trapezium.mul(dt).sum / dt.sum end def saturated_time_average_error(name, options) # calculate_saturation_time_index unless @saturation_time_index options[:t_index_window] = [@saturation_time_index, list(:t).keys.max] begin vec = gsl_vector(name, options) tavg = GSL::Vector.alloc(vec.size) vec.size.times.each{|i| tavg[i] = vec.subvector(i+1).mean} rescue NoMethodError eputs "Warning: could not calculate #{name} saturated_time_average_error" return nil end # tavg = 0.0; i = 0 # tavg_vec = vec.collect{|val| tavg += val; tavg = tavg / (i+=1); tavg} # ind = GSL::Vector.indgen(vec.size) # i = 0 # begin # fit = GSL::Fit::linear(ind.subvector(i, ind.size - i) , vec.subvector(i, ind.size - i)) # # p fit[1].abs - 100.0 * fit[4].abs # i += 1 # (eputs "Not Saturated"; break) if i > vec.size * 0.9 # end while (fit[1].abs - Math.sqrt(fit[4].abs)) > 0 # p fit # fit_vec = ind * fit[1] + fit[0] # # p tavg.size # # GraphKit.autocreate({x: {data: gsl_vector(name, {})}}) # (GraphKit.autocreate({x: {data: tavg}}) + GraphKit.autocreate({x: {data: vec}}) + GraphKit.autocreate({x: {data: fit_vec}})).gnuplot return tavg.sd end # I.e. the time at which the primary modes are saturated and the fluxes settle around a long term average. def calculate_saturation_time_index(show_graph = false) eprint "Checking for saturation..." #hflux = gsl_vector('hflux_tot_over_time', {}) hflux = gsl_vector('phi2tot_over_time', {}) #eputs 'got hflux' #ep 'hflux', hflux #Check if it's decayed to 0 if hflux[-1] < 1.0e-10 for i in 1..hflux.size # raise "negative heat flux: #{hflux[-i]} " if hflux[-i] < 0 (break) unless hflux[- i] < 1.0e-10 end if i > hflux.size * 1.0/10.0 #i.e if was 0 for more than a tenth of the time @saturated = true @saturation_time_index = hflux.size - i + 1 eputs "saturation time = #{list(:t)[@saturation_time_index]}" GraphKit.quick_create([gsl_vector('t',{}), hflux]).gnuplot(log_axis: 'y') if show_graph return end end # Get initial estimate for saturation time for i in 0...hflux.size rem = hflux.subvector(i, hflux.size - i) break if (hflux[i] - rem.mean).abs < rem.sd / 2.0 break if i > 3.0/4.0*hflux.size end @saturation_time_index = [i + 1, hflux.size - 2].min # fit = GSL::Fit::linear(GSL::Vector.indgen(rem.size), rem) # # slope, covar11 = fit[1], fit[4] # range = [slope + Math.sqrt(covar11), slope - Math.sqrt(covar11)] # # unless range.min < 0 and range.max > 0 # eputs "Warning: This run (#{id}) has probably not reached a saturated state: the estimated slope of the heat flux is in this range: #{range.inspect}" # @saturated = false # end # # ep fit # eputs "Saturation time estimate', @saturation_time_index = i + 1 # t_vec[@saturation_time_index - 1] max_t_index = list(:t).keys.max max_t = list(:t).values.max min_t = list(:t).values.min #hflux = gsl_vector('hflux_tot_over_time', {:t_index_window => [@saturation_time_index, max_t_index]}) hflux = gsl_vector('phi2tot_over_time', {:t_index_window => [@saturation_time_index, max_t_index]}) t_vec = gsl_vector('t', {:t_index_window => [@saturation_time_index, max_t_index]}) # p t_vec[0] i = 0 t_arr = []; conf_arr = [] loop do eprint '.' # GraphKit.autocreate(x: {data: t_vec}, y: {data: hflux}).gnuplot lomb = GSL::SpectralAnalysis::Lomb.alloc(t_vec.subvector(i, t_vec.size - i), hflux.subvector(i, hflux.size - i)) fs, periodogram = lomb.calculate_periodogram(1.0, 4.0, [0]) #(1.0) #0.1 * hflux.size / ( hflux.size - i)) # lomb.graphkit.gnuplot # eputs 'Confidence that lowest frequency is not noise is: ' # pnoise is the probability of the strength of the lowest frequency signal in the heat flux given a hypothesis of gaussian noise. If it is high there is a low likelihood that there is a signal at the lowest frequency: ie. within that window the heat flux has reached a stationary state pnoise = lomb.pnull(periodogram[0]) t_arr.push t_vec[i]; conf_arr.push pnoise (@saturated = true; break) if pnoise > 0.9 step = (hflux.size / 25.0).to_i step = 1 if step==0 i += step #(@saturated = false; i ; break) if (i >= t_vec.size or t_vec[i] > (max_t - min_t) * 2.0 / 3.0 + min_t ) (@saturated = false; break) if (i >= t_vec.size or t_vec[i] > (max_t - min_t) * 2.0 / 3.0 + min_t ) @saturation_time_index += step # ep '---i,t,size',i, t_vec[i], t_vec.size end (kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: {data: t_vec}, y: {data: hflux / hflux.max}}, {x: {data: t_arr}, y: {data: conf_arr}}); kit.data[1].with = 'lp'; kit.gnuplot) if show_graph #(log_axis: 'y') # puts if @saturated # p i eputs "saturation time = #{list(:t)[@saturation_time_index]}" else eputs "run not saturated" end return exit # Get regularly spaced t vector # # t_delta_vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(t_vec.size - 1) # t_delta_vec.size.times.each{|i| t_delta_vec[i] = t_vec[i+1] - t_vec[i]} # # ep t_delta_vec.max, t_delta_vec.min # # even_t = GSL::Vector.linspace(t_vec.min, t_vec.max, ((t_vec.max - t_vec.min) / t_delta_vec.max).round ) # # # even_t = [] # # tm = t = t_vec[t_delta_vec.max_index] # # # loop do # # even_t.push t # # # # ep even_t.size, t_vec.size # # min_delt = t_delta_vec.min # p even_t.any?{|el| bool = (not t_vec.any?{|ele| (ele - el).abs < 1.0e-1 * min_delt}); ep el if bool; bool} # # ep t_vec.dup.delete_if{|el| not (el - 71.3).abs < 0.5} # # exit return # Calculate a series of time averaged segments pieces = hflux.pieces(20) # split into 20 pieces avgs = GSL::Vector.alloc(pieces.map{|vec| vec.sum/vec.size}) # Calculate their variance mean = (avgs.sum/avgs.size) sig = Math.sqrt((avgs.square - mean**2).sum/avgs.size) # Discount any at the start which are more than one standard deviation away from the average - they are from the linear growth phase t_index = 1 kept_avgs = avgs.dup for i in 0...pieces.size if (avgs[i] - mean).abs > sig kept_avgs.delete_at(i) t_index += pieces[i].size else break end end eputs "Warning: probably not saturated" if [kept_avgs, kept_avgs.reverse].include? kept_avgs.sort ep kept_avgs @saturation_time_index = t_index # p t_index, list(:t)[t_index] end alias :csti :calculate_saturation_time_index #Actually, this doesn't calculate the frequencies but reads them from run_name.out. Requires write_line to be .true. # def calculate_frequencies @real_frequencies = FloatHash.new gs2_out = FileUtils.tail(@run_name + ".out", list(:ky).size*list(:kx).size) # a = gs2_out.split("\n") final_timestep_list = gs2_out #a.slice((a.size-@ky_list.size*@kx_list.size-1)..a.size-1).join("\n") log(final_timestep_list.slice(-2..-1)) # eputs final_timestep_list f = LongRegexen::FLOAT.verbatim logi(f) @frequency_at_ky_at_kx||= FloatHash.new ky_values = [] regex = Regexp.new( "^.*aky=\\s*(?<aky>#{f})\s*akx=\\s*(?<akx>#{f}).*omav=\\s*(?<re>#{f})\\s*(?<gr>#{f})") final_timestep_list.scan(regex) do aky = eval($~[:aky]) akx = eval($~[:akx]) @frequency_at_ky_at_kx[aky] = FloatHash.new unless ky_values.include? aky ky_values.push aky @frequency_at_ky_at_kx[aky][akx] = eval($~[:re]) end end def calculate_growth_rates_and_frequencies return if @grid_option == "single" and @aky == 0.0 # no meaningful results Dir.chdir(@directory) do logf(:calculate_growth_rates_and_frequencies) logd calculate_frequencies # get_list_of(:ky, :kx) @growth_rates= FloatHash.new #raise CRFatal.new("Unknown value of ky read from output file: #{data[:aky].to_f}. Not in list:\n#{list(:ky).values.inspect}") # pp @ky_list # With zero magnetic shear, calculate growth rates for both kx and ky #if @shat and @shat.abs < 1.0e-5 and @nx and @nx > 1 to_calc = [:kx, :ky] @growth_rate_at_kx ||= FloatHash.new #else #to_calc = [:ky] #end @growth_rate_at_ky ||= FloatHash.new eputs # p @growth_rate_at_kx; exit to_calc.each do |kxy| growth_rates = send(:growth_rate_at_ + kxy) list(kxy).values.sort.each do |value| #p growth_rates.keys, value, growth_rates[value.to_f-0.0], #growth_rates.class, growth_rates.keys.include?(value); exit next if growth_rates.keys.include? value Terminal.erewind(1) #ep growth_rates.keys eputs sprintf("Calculating growth rate for #{kxy} = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", value) # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 (growth_rates[value] = 0.0; next) if value == 0.0 and kxy == :ky if @g_exb_start_timestep t_index_window = [1, [(g_exb_start_timestep-1)/@nwrite, list(:t).keys.max].min] #ep "t_index_window", t_index_window else t_index_window = nil end if list(kxy).size == 1 phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2tot_over_time", t_index_window: t_index_window) else phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", kxy=>value, :t_index_window=> t_index_window) end (growth_rates[value] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 growth_rates[value] = calculate_growth_rate(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rate\n----------\n\n"; growth_rates[value] = -1; next) if growth_rates[value] == "NaN" end end write_results # ep "growth_rate_at_ky", @growth_rate_at_ky if ENV['GS2_CALCULATE_ALL'] trap(0){eputs "Calculation of spectrum did not complete: run 'cgrf' (i.e. calculate_growth_rates_and_frequencies) for this run. E.g. from the command line \n $ coderunner rc 'cgrf' -j #{@id}"; exit} @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx ||= FloatHash.new list(:ky).values.sort.each do |kyv| # MJL 2013-11-07: The line below originally used ||= instead of =. I'm not sure why, since ||= does not seem to work. @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv] = FloatHash.new list(:kx).values.sort.each do |kxv| # MJL 2013-11-07: I'm not sure why this next line was originally included. It seemed to cause almost all k's to be skipped. #next if @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv].keys.include? kxv Terminal.erewind(1) eputs sprintf("Calculating growth rate for kx = % 1.5e and ky = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", kxv, kyv) (@growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if kyv == 0.0 # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_mode_over_time", {:kx=>kxv, :ky=>kyv}) (@growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = calculate_growth_rate(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rates\n----------\n\n"; @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = -1; next) if @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] == "NaN" end write_results end trap(0){} end @growth_rates = @growth_rate_at_ky @max_growth_rate = @growth_rates.values.max @fastest_growing_mode = @growth_rates.key(@max_growth_rate) @freq_of_max_growth_rate = @real_frequencies[@fastest_growing_mode] ep @max_growth_rate, @growth_rates @decaying = (@max_growth_rate < 0) if @max_growth_rate @ky = @aky if @aky if @grid_option == "single" # ep @aky, @growth_rates @gamma_r = @growth_rates[@aky.to_f] @gamma_i = @real_frequencies[@aky.to_f] end # ep @gamma_r # eputs @growth_rates; gets end end alias :cgrf :calculate_growth_rates_and_frequencies def calculate_growth_rate(vector, options={}) raise "This vector should be positive definite" if vector.min < 0.0 offset = 0 length = vector.length while vector[offset] == 0.0 offset+=1 return 0.0 if offset == vector.length end growth_rate = GSL::Fit::linear(gsl_vector(:t).subvector(offset, length-offset), 0.5*GSL::Sf::log(vector.subvector(offset, length - offset)))[1] divisor = 1 while (growth_rate.to_s == "NaN") #This corrects the growth rate if phi has grown all the way to NaN during the simulation divisor *= 2 length = (vector.size.to_f / divisor.to_f).floor # p length return "NaN" if length <= offset + 1 growth_rate = GSL::Fit::linear(gsl_vector(:t).subvector(offset, length-offset), 0.5*GSL::Sf::log(vector.subvector(offset, length-offset)))[1] end growth_rate end # Not needed for GS2 built after 16/06/2010 def corrected_mom_flux_stav par_mom_flux_stav - perp_mom_flux_stav end def calculate_transient_amplifications return if @grid_option == "single" and @aky == 0.0 # no meaningful results Dir.chdir(@directory) do # With zero magnetic shear, calculate amplifications for both kx and ky if @shat and @shat.abs < 1.0e-5 and @nx > 1 to_calc = [:kx, :ky] @transient_amplification_at_kx ||= FloatHash.new else to_calc = [:ky] end @transient_amplification_at_ky ||= FloatHash.new eputs to_calc.each do |kxy| transient_amplifications = send(:transient_amplification_at_ + kxy) list(kxy).values.sort.each do |value| #p transient_amplifications.keys, value, transient_amplifications[value.to_f-0.0], #transient_amplifications.class, transient_amplifications.keys.include?(value); exit next if transient_amplifications.keys.include? value Terminal.erewind(1) #ep transient_amplifications.keys eputs sprintf("Calculating transient amplification for #{kxy} = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", value) # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 (transient_amplifications[value] = 0.0; next) if value == 0.0 and kxy == :ky phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", {kxy=>value}) #(transient_amplifications[value] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 transient_amplifications[value] = calculate_transient_amplification(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rate\n----------\n\n"; transient_amplifications[value] = -1; next) if transient_amplifications[value].to_s == "NaN" end end write_results # ep "transient_amplification_at_ky", @transient_amplification_at_ky if ENV['GS2_CALCULATE_ALL'] trap(0){eputs "Calculation of spectrum did not complete: run 'cgrf' (i.e. calculate_transient_amplifications_and_frequencies) for this run. E.g. from the command line \n $ coderunner rc 'cgrf' -j #{@id}"; exit} @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx ||= FloatHash.new list(:ky).values.sort.each do |kyv| @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv] ||= FloatHash.new #p @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv] list(:kx).values.sort.each do |kxv| next if @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv].keys.include? kxv Terminal.erewind(1) eputs sprintf("Calculating growth rate for kx = % 1.5e and ky = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", kxv, kyv) (@transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if kyv == 0.0 # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_mode_over_time", {:kx=>kxv, :ky=>kyv}) #(@transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = calculate_transient_amplification(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rates\n----------\n\n"; @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = -1; next) if @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv].to_s == "NaN" end write_results end trap(0){} end @transient_amplifications = @transient_amplification_at_ky @max_transient_amplification = @transient_amplifications.values.max @most_amplified_mode = @transient_amplifications.key(@max_transient_amplification) #@freq_of_max_transient_amplification = @real_frequencies[@fastest_growing_mode] #ep @max_transient_amplification, @transient_amplifications #@decaying = (@max_transient_amplification < 0) if @max_transient_amplification @ky = @aky if @aky #if @grid_option == "single" ## ep @aky, @transient_amplifications #@gamma_r = @transient_amplifications[@aky.to_f] #@gamma_i = @real_frequencies[@aky.to_f] #end # ep @gamma_r # eputs @transient_amplifications; gets end end alias :cta :calculate_transient_amplifications def calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications return if @grid_option == "single" and @aky == 0.0 # no meaningful results @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_kx = [] @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky = [] @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx = [] for species_index in 1..nspec Dir.chdir(@directory) do # With zero magnetic shear, calculate amplifications for both kx and ky if @shat and @shat.abs < 1.0e-5 and @nx > 1 and !@ikx_init and false to_calc = [:kx, :ky] @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_kx[species_index-1] ||= FloatHash.new else to_calc = [:ky] end @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky[species_index-1] ||= FloatHash.new eputs to_calc.each do |kxy| transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications = send(:transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ + kxy)[species_index-1] list(kxy).values.sort.each do |value| #p transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys, value, transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value.to_f-0.0], #transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.class, transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys.include?(value); exit next if transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys.include? value Terminal.erewind(1) #ep transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys eputs sprintf("Calculating transient amplification for #{kxy} = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", value) # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 (transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = 0.0; next) if value == 0.0 and kxy == :ky phi2_vec = gsl_vector("es_heat_by_#{kxy}_over_time", {kxy=>value, species_index: species_index}) #(transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = calculate_transient_amplification(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rate\n----------\n\n"; transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = -1; next) if transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value].to_s == "NaN" end end write_results # ep "transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky", @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky if ENV['GS2_CALCULATE_ALL'] trap(0){eputs "Calculation of spectrum did not complete: run 'ctehfa' (i.e. calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications) for this run. E.g. from the command line \n $ coderunner rc 'ctehfa' -j #{@id}"; exit} @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1] ||= FloatHash.new list(:ky).values.sort.each do |kyv| @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv] ||= FloatHash.new #p @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[kyv] list(:kx).values.sort.each do |kxv| next if @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv].keys.include? kxv Terminal.erewind(1) eputs sprintf("Calculating growth rate for kx = % 1.5e and ky = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", kxv, kyv) (@transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if kyv == 0.0 # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_mode_over_time", {:kx=>kxv, :ky=>kyv}) #(@transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv] = calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplification(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rates\n----------\n\n"; @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv] = -1; next) if @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv].to_s == "NaN" end write_results end trap(0){} end #@max_transient_es_heat_flux_amplification = @transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.values.max #@most_amplified_mode = @transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.key(@max_transient_es_heat_flux_amplification) #@ky = @aky if @aky end end # for species_index in 1..nspec end def calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications return if @grid_option == "single" and @aky == 0.0 # no meaningful results @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_kx = [] @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky = [] @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx = [] for species_index in 1..nspec Dir.chdir(@directory) do #trap(0){eputs "Calculation of transient amplification did not complete: run 'ctehfa' (i.e. calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications) for this run. E.g. from the command line \n $ coderunner rc 'ctehfa' -j #{@id}"; exit} es_heat_flux_narray = netcdf_file.var('es_heat_by_k').get ep es_heat_flux_narray.shape, '', '', '' t_size = es_heat_flux_narray.shape[-1] temp_es_heat = GSL::Vector.alloc(t_size) @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1] ||= FloatHash.new ky_index=0 list(:ky).values.each do |kyv| ky_index +=1 kx_index = 0 @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv] ||= FloatHash.new #p @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[kyv] list(:kx).values.each do |kxv| kx_index +=1 next if @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv].keys.include? kxv Terminal.erewind(1) eputs sprintf("Calculating transient amplification for kx = % 1.5e and ky = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", kxv, kyv) (@transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if kyv == 0.0 # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 #phi2_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_mode_over_time", {:kx=>kxv, :ky=>kyv}) #ep({kx: kxv}) #hash = ({kx: kxv}) #ep(hash.convert_to_index(self, :kx)) #kx_index = {kx: kxv}.convert_to_index(self, :kx)[:kx_index] #ky_index = {ky: kyv}.convert_to_index(self, :ky)[:ky_index] #p t_size for i in 0...t_size #p i temp_es_heat[i] = es_heat_flux_narray[kx_index-1, ky_index -1, species_index-1, i] #temp_es_heat[i] = es_heat_flux_narray[i, species_index-1, ky_index-1, kx_index-1] end #(@transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[kyv][kxv] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv] = calculate_transient_amplification(temp_es_heat) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rates\n----------\n\n"; @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv] = -1; next) if @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky_at_kx[species_index-1][kyv][kxv].to_s == "NaN" end write_results end #trap(0){} # With zero magnetic shear, calculate amplifications for both kx and ky #return if @shat and @shat.abs < 1.0e-5 and @nx > 1 and !@ikx_init and false to_calc = [:kx, :ky] @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_kx[species_index-1] ||= FloatHash.new else to_calc = [:ky] end @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky[species_index-1] ||= FloatHash.new eputs to_calc.each do |kxy| transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications = send(:transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ + kxy)[species_index-1] list(kxy).values.sort.each do |value| #p transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys, value, transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value.to_f-0.0], #transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.class, transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys.include?(value); exit next if transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys.include? value Terminal.erewind(1) #ep transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.keys eputs sprintf("Calculating transient amplification for #{kxy} = % 1.5e#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", value) # Mode has 0 growth rate at ky==0 (transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = 0.0; next) if value == 0.0 and kxy == :ky phi2_vec = gsl_vector("es_heat_by_#{kxy}_over_time", {kxy=>value, species_index: species_index}) #(transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = 0.0; next) if phi2_vec.min <= 0.0 transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = calculate_transient_amplification(phi2_vec) (eputs "\n\n----------\nIn #@run_name:\n\nphi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time is all NaN; unable to calculate growth rate\n----------\n\n"; transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value] = -1; next) if transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications[value].to_s == "NaN" end end write_results # ep "transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky", @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky #@max_transient_es_heat_flux_amplification = @transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.values.max #@most_amplified_mode = @transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications.key(@max_transient_es_heat_flux_amplification) #@ky = @aky if @aky end # Dir.chdir end # for species_index in 1..nspec end alias :ctehfa :calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications alias :ctehfa :calculate_transient_es_heat_flux_amplifications def calculate_transient_amplification(vector, options={}) turning_points = {} old = vector[0] i = 0 #for i in i...vector.size #new = vector[i] #if new > old #turning_points[:first_min] = i-1 #ep "First turning point[#{i}]\n" #break #end #old = new #end #for i in i...vector.size #new = vector[i] #if new < old #turning_points[:first_max] = i-1 #ep "Second turning point[#{i}]\n" #break #end #end #unless turning_points[:first_max] # and turning_points[:first_min] #return NaN #end ##t = gsl_vector('t') ##for j in 0...vector.size ##break if t[j] > 0.2 ##end #ep "vector[0..5]: #{vector.subvector(0,5)}\n" #return Math.sqrt(vector[turning_points[:first_max]]/@phiinit) #return vector.max/@phiinit return vector.max/vector[1] end def ctan list(:ky).each do |(ky_index, ky)| eputs "ky: #{ky}" phi_vec = gsl_vector("phi2_by_ky_over_time", ky_index: ky_index) t_element = 0 old = phi_vec[0] loop do t_element+=1 #print t_element, ',', phi_vec.size new = phi_vec[t_element] break if new > old or t_element == phi_vec.size - 1 old = new end if t_element == phi_vec.size - 1 @transient_amplification_at_ky[ky] = -1 eputs "No Min" next end first_min = t_element eputs "ky: #{ky}, first_min: #{first_min}" loop do t_element+=1 #print t_element, ',', phi_vec.size new = phi_vec[t_element] break if new < old or t_element == phi_vec.size - 1 end if t_element == phi_vec.size - 1 @transient_amplification_at_ky[ky] = -1 next end @transient_amplification_at_ky[ky] = phi_vec.subvector(t_element, phi_vec.size - t_element).max end end def max_trans_phi phivec = gsl_vector('phi2tot_over_time') offset = 30 phivec.subvector(20, phivec.size - 20).max end def max_es_heat_amp(species_index) @transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ky[species_index-1].values.max end def calculate_spectral_checks ky_spec = gsl_vector('spectrum_over_ky') kx_spec = gsl_vector('spectrum_over_kx') kpar_spec = gsl_vector('spectrum_over_kpar', ky_index: ky_spec.max_index + 1, kx_index: 1) @spectrum_check = [] [kx_spec, ky_spec, kpar_spec].each do |spec| begin ends_max = [spec[0], spec[-1]].max + (10.0**(-9)) p ends_max p spec.max check = (Math.log(spec.max/ends_max)/Math.log(10)).round rescue check= -10 end @spectrum_check.push check end end def calculate_vspace_checks @vspace_check = ['lpc_pitch_angle', 'vres_pitch_angle', 'lpc_energy', 'vres_energy'].map do |name| saturated_time_average(name, {}) end end alias :cvc :calculate_vspace_checks def spec_chec(min, *dirns) return @spectrum_check.zip([0, 1, 2]).inject(true) do |bool, (check,dirn)| unless dirns.include? dirn bool and true else unless check >= min false else bool and true end end end end def sc(min) return @spectrum_check.min >= min end alias :csc :calculate_spectral_checks end end