module PyBossa module App class << self # @param [Hash] opts optional arguments # @option opts [Integer] :limit number of results to return [default 20] # @option opts [String] :api_key an API key # @return [Array] a list of apps def list(opts = {}) PyBossa::API.many 'app', opts end # @param [Integer] id an app ID # @param [Hash] opts optional arguments # @option opts [String] :api_key an API key # @return [Hash] an app def get(id, opts = {}) PyBossa::API.retrieve 'app', id, opts end # Creates an app. # # @param [Hash] opts optional arguments # @option opts [String] :name a name # @option opts [String] :short_name a URL slug # @option opts [String] :description a short description # @option opts [String] :long_description a long HTML description # @option opts [Integer] :long_tasks [not in use] # @option opts [Boolean] :hidden whether to hide the app from the public # @option opts [Integer] :time_estimate estimated time to complete [not in use] # @option opts [Integer] :time_limit time limit to complete task [not in use] # @option opts [Float] :calibration_frac [not in use] # @option opts [Integer] :bolt_course_id [not in use] # @option opts [Hash] :info all other task details # @option opts [String] :api_key an API key # @return [Hash] an app # # @see def create(opts = {}) if opts.has_key? :hidden opts[:hidden] = opts[:hidden] ? 1 : 0 end PyBossa::API.create 'app', opts end # Updates an app. # # @param [Integer] id an app ID # # @see PyBossa::App#create def update(id, opts = {}) if opts.has_key? :calibration opts[:calibration] = opts[:calibration] ? 1 : 0 end PyBossa::API.update 'app', id, opts end # Deletes an app. # # @param [Integer] id an app ID # @param [Hash] opts optional arguments # @option opts [String] :api_key an API key def delete(id, opts = {}) PyBossa::API.destroy 'app', id, opts end end end end