require 'ostruct' class Gon module Base VALID_OPTION_DEFAULTS = { namespace: 'gon', camel_case: false, camel_depth: 1, watch: false, need_tag: true, type: false, cdata: true, global_root: 'global', namespace_check: false, amd: false, nonce: nil } class << self def render_data(options = {}) _o = define_options(options) script = formatted_data(_o) script = Gon::Escaper.escape_unicode(script) script = Gon::Escaper.javascript_tag(script, _o.type, _o.cdata, _o.nonce) if _o.need_tag script.html_safe end private def define_options(options) _o = VALID_OPTION_DEFAULTS.each do |opt_name, default| _o.send("#{opt_name}=", options.fetch(opt_name, default)) end = options[:watch] || ! _o.cameled = _o.camel_case _o end def formatted_data(_o) script = '' before, after = render_wrap(_o) script << before script << gon_variables(_o.global_root). map { |key, val| render_variable(_o, key, val) }.join script << (render_watch(_o) || '') script << after script end def render_wrap(_o) if _o.amd ["define('#{_o.namespace}',[],function(){var gon={};", 'return gon;});'] else before = \ if _o.namespace_check "window.#{_o.namespace}=window.#{_o.namespace}||{};" else "window.#{_o.namespace}={};" end [before, ''] end end def render_variable(_o, key, value) js_key = convert_key(key, _o.cameled) if _o.amd "gon['#{js_key}']=#{to_json(value, _o.camel_depth)};" else "#{_o.namespace}.#{js_key}=#{to_json(value, _o.camel_depth)};" end end def render_watch(_o) if and Gon::Watch.all_variables.present? if _o.amd else end end end def to_json(value, camel_depth) # starts at 2 because 1 is the root key which is converted in the formatted_data method Gon::JsonDumper.dump convert_hash_keys(value, 2, camel_depth) end def convert_hash_keys(value, current_depth, max_depth) return value if current_depth > (max_depth.is_a?(Symbol) ? 1000 : max_depth) case value when Hash Hash[ { |k, v| [ convert_key(k, true), convert_hash_keys(v, current_depth + 1, max_depth) ] }] when Enumerable { |v| convert_hash_keys(v, current_depth + 1, max_depth) } else value end end def gon_variables(global_root) data = {} if if global_root.blank? data = else data[global_root.to_sym] = end end data.merge(Gon.all_variables) end def convert_key(key, camelize) cache =[:gon_keys_cache] ||= {} cache["#{key}_#{camelize}"] ||= camelize ? key.to_s.camelize(:lower) : key.to_s end end end end