require_relative 'path' require_relative 'resource' require_relative 'resource/scout' module Scout::Config CACHE ||= IndiferentHash.setup({}) GOT_KEYS=[] def self.add_entry(key, value, tokens) tokens = [tokens] unless Array === tokens tokens << "key:#{key}" unless tokens.include?("key:#{key}") CACHE[key.to_s] ||= [] CACHE[key.to_s] << [tokens, value] end def self.load_file(file) Log.debug "Loading config file: #{ file }""\n").each do |line| next if line =~ /^#/ key, value, *tokens = line.strip.split(/\s+/) self.add_entry(key, value, tokens) if key end end def self.load_config Path.setup("etc").config.find_all.reverse.each do |file| self.load_file(file) end end def self.set(values, *tokens) if not Hash === values values = {values => tokens.shift} end values.each do |key,value| add_entry key, value, tokens end end def self.token_priority(token) token, _sep, priority = token.to_s.partition("::") if priority.nil? || priority.empty? type, _sep, rest = token.partition(":") priority = case type when "workflow" 4 when "task" 3 when "file" 2 when "line" 1 when "key" 20 else 10 end else priority = priority.to_i end [token, priority] end def self.match(entries, give_token) priorities = {} entries.each do |tokens, value| best_prio = nil tokens = [tokens] unless Array === tokens tokens.each do |tok| tok, prio = token_priority tok next unless tok == give_token best_prio = prio if best_prio.nil? or best_prio > prio next if prio > best_prio priorities[prio] ||= [] priorities[prio].unshift value end end if entries priorities end # For equal priorities the matching prioritizes tokens ealier in the list def self.get(key, *tokens) options = tokens.pop if Hash === tokens.last default = options.nil? ? nil : options[:default] tokens = ["key:" + key] if tokens.empty? tokens = tokens.flatten file, _sep, line = caller.reject{|l| l =~ /rbbt\/(?:resource\.rb|workflow\.rb)/ or l =~ /rbbt\/resource\/path\.rb/ or l =~ /rbbt\/util\/misc\.rb/ or l =~ /accessor\.rb/ or l =~ /progress-monitor\.rb/ }.first.partition(":") File.expand_path(file) tokens << ("file:" << file) tokens << ("line:" << file << ":" << line.sub(/:in \`.*/,'')) entries = CACHE[key.to_s] priorities = {} tokens.each do |token| token_prio = match entries, token.to_s token_prio.each do |prio, values| priorities[prio] ||= [] priorities[prio].concat(values) end end value = priorities.empty? ? default : priorities.collect{|p| p }.sort_by{|p,v| p}.first.last.first value = false if value == 'false' Log.debug "Value #{value.inspect} for config key '#{ key }': #{tokens * ", "}" GOT_KEYS << [key, value, tokens] if String === value && m = value.match(/^env:(.*)/) variable = m.captures.first ENV[variable] elsif value == 'nil' nil else value end end def self.with_config saved_config = {} CACHE.each do |k,v| saved_config[k] = v.dup end saved_got_keys = GOT_KEYS.dup begin yield ensure CACHE.replace(saved_config) GOT_KEYS.replace(saved_got_keys) end end def self.process_config(config) if Path.is_filename?(config) && File.exist?(config) Scout::Config.load_file(config) elsif Scout.etc.config_profile[config].exists? Scout::Config.load_file(Scout.etc.config_profile[config].find) else key, value, *tokens = config.split(/\s/) tokens = tokens.collect do |tok| tok, _sep, prio = tok.partition("::") prio = "0" if prio.nil? or prio.empty? [tok, prio] * "::" end Scout::Config.set({key => value}, *tokens) end end self.load_config end