name: Notice description: A notice to convey and highlight information body: | The notice component replaces the notice and withdrawal notice patterns on GOV.UK. The component accepts either a simple string `description_text` parameter that it wraps in a paragraph, or a `description_govspeak` parameter that is rendered through govspeak for more complex HTML layout. accessibility_criteria: | The notice must: - have a border colour contrast ratio of more than 4.5:1 with its background to be visually distinct. - always render headings with associated description content, so there are no isolated heading elements inside the component examples: default: data: title: 'Statistics release cancelled' with_description: data: title: 'Statistics release cancelled' description: '
The Oil & Gas Authority launched a new website on 3 October 2016 to reflect its new status as a government company.
This formalises the transfer of the Secretary of State’s regulatory powers in respect of oil and gas to the OGA, and grants it new powers. This website will no longer be updated. Visitors should refer to
' with_description_from_a_block: data: title: 'Statistics release update' block: 'The Oil & Gas Authority launched a new website on 3 October 2016 to reflect its new status as a government company.
This formalises the transfer of the Secretary of State’s regulatory powers in respect of oil and gas to the OGA, and grants it new powers. This website will no longer be updated. Visitors should refer to
' with_description_text: data: title: 'Statistics release cancelled' description_text: 'Duplicate, added in error' with_description_govspeak: data: title: 'Statistics release update' description_govspeak: 'The Oil & Gas Authority launched a new website on 3 October 2016 to reflect its new status as a government company.
This formalises the transfer of the Secretary of State’s regulatory powers in respect of oil and gas to the OGA, and grants it new powers. This website will no longer be updated. Visitors should refer to
' with_markup_in_the_title: description: In some circumstances it may be necessary to include simple markup in the title, such as a link. Note that this will be wrapped in a H2 tag if there is no description included, so be sure that any markup inserted is valid inside that tag (e.g. another heading tag inside a H2 would be invalid). data: title: 'Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes has a separate website' without_title: data: description_govspeak: 'Scheduled to publish at 8am on 25 April 2019
Change date
Stop scheduled publishing
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aria_live: true with_locale: description: | Passing a lang value allows the content of the notice to be labelled as being a different language from surrounding content. The lang attribute must be set to a [valid BCP47 string]( A valid code can be the two or three letter language code - for example, English is `en` or `eng`, Korean is `ko` or `kor` - but if in doubt please check. data: title: 'This publication was withdrawn on 30 September 2015' description_govspeak:This document is no longer current. We published a new version on 30 September 2015.
lang: 'en' with_banner_title: description: | By default, the notice component renders with a banner title of "Important" if `show_banner_title` is `true`. data: title: 'This publication was withdrawn on 30 September 2015' description_govspeak:This document is no longer current. We published a new version on 30 September 2015.
show_banner_title: true with_custom_banner_title: description: | The default banner title can be overruled by specifying a `banner_title` option. data: title: 'This publication was withdrawn on 30 September 2015' description_govspeak:This document is no longer current. We published a new version on 30 September 2015.
show_banner_title: true banner_title: "Information"