/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler) from the input * file: * * udpa/core/v1/authority.proto * * Do not edit -- your changes will be discarded when the file is * regenerated. */ #ifndef UDPA_CORE_V1_AUTHORITY_PROTO_UPB_H_ #define UDPA_CORE_V1_AUTHORITY_PROTO_UPB_H_ #include "upb/msg.h" #include "upb/decode.h" #include "upb/decode_fast.h" #include "upb/encode.h" #include "upb/port_def.inc" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct udpa_core_v1_Authority; typedef struct udpa_core_v1_Authority udpa_core_v1_Authority; extern const upb_msglayout udpa_core_v1_Authority_msginit; /* udpa.core.v1.Authority */ UPB_INLINE udpa_core_v1_Authority *udpa_core_v1_Authority_new(upb_arena *arena) { return (udpa_core_v1_Authority *)_upb_msg_new(&udpa_core_v1_Authority_msginit, arena); } UPB_INLINE udpa_core_v1_Authority *udpa_core_v1_Authority_parse(const char *buf, size_t size, upb_arena *arena) { udpa_core_v1_Authority *ret = udpa_core_v1_Authority_new(arena); return (ret && upb_decode(buf, size, ret, &udpa_core_v1_Authority_msginit, arena)) ? ret : NULL; } UPB_INLINE udpa_core_v1_Authority *udpa_core_v1_Authority_parse_ex(const char *buf, size_t size, upb_arena *arena, int options) { udpa_core_v1_Authority *ret = udpa_core_v1_Authority_new(arena); return (ret && _upb_decode(buf, size, ret, &udpa_core_v1_Authority_msginit, arena, options)) ? ret : NULL; } UPB_INLINE char *udpa_core_v1_Authority_serialize(const udpa_core_v1_Authority *msg, upb_arena *arena, size_t *len) { return upb_encode(msg, &udpa_core_v1_Authority_msginit, arena, len); } UPB_INLINE upb_strview udpa_core_v1_Authority_name(const udpa_core_v1_Authority *msg) { return *UPB_PTR_AT(msg, UPB_SIZE(0, 0), upb_strview); } UPB_INLINE void udpa_core_v1_Authority_set_name(udpa_core_v1_Authority *msg, upb_strview value) { *UPB_PTR_AT(msg, UPB_SIZE(0, 0), upb_strview) = value; } #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #include "upb/port_undef.inc" #endif /* UDPA_CORE_V1_AUTHORITY_PROTO_UPB_H_ */