# tidy_json
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A mixin providing (recursive) JSON serialization and pretty printing.
### Installation
$ gem install tidy_json
Or, in your `Gemfile`:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
# ...
gem 'tidy_json'
# ...
### Formatting Options
As of version [0.3.0][], most of the same options accepted by [`JSON.generate`][]
can be passed to `#write_json`, `#to_tidy_json`, or `TidyJson.tidy`.
See [the docs][] for a current list of options and their default values.
### Example
require 'tidy_json'
class Jsonable
attr_reader :a, :b
def initialize
@a = { a: 'uno', f: ['I', 'II', 'III', ['i.', 'ii.', 'iii.', { 'ichi': "\u{4e00}", 'ni': "\u{4e8c}", 'san': "\u{4e09}", 'yon': "\u{56db}" }]], c: {}, b: 'dos', e: [[]] }
@b = { z: { iv: 4, ii: 'dos', iii: 3, i: 'uno' }, b: ['deux', 3, 'IV'], a: 1, g: [{ none: [] }], f: %w[x y z] }
my_jsonable = Jsonable.new
# => #"uno", :f=>["I", "II", "III", ["i.", "ii.", "iii.", {:ichi=>"一", :ni=>"二", :san=>"三", :yon=>"四"}]], :c=>{}, :b=>"dos", :e=>[[]]}, @b={:z=>{:iv=>4, :ii=>"dos", :iii=>3, :i=>"uno"}, :b=>["deux", 3, "IV"], :a=>1, :g=>[{:none=>[]}], :f=>["x", "y", "z"]}>
JSON.parse my_jsonable.stringify
# => "{\"class\":\"Jsonable\",\"a\":{\"a\":\"uno\",\"f\":[\"I\",\"II\",\"III\",[\"i.\",\"ii.\",\"iii.\",{\"ichi\":\"一\",\"ni\":\"二\",\"san\":\"三\",\"yon\":\"四\"}]],\"c\":{},\"b\":\"dos\",\"e\":[[]]},\"b\":{\"z\":{\"iv\":4,\"ii\":\"dos\",\"iii\":3,\"i\":\"uno\"},\"b\":[\"deux\",3,\"IV\"],\"a\":1,\"g\":[{\"none\":[]}],\"f\":[\"x\",\"y\",\"z\"]}}"
puts my_jsonable.to_tidy_json(indent: 4, sort: true, space_before: 2, ascii_only: true)
# {
# "a" : {
# "a" : "uno",
# "b" : "dos",
# "c" : {},
# "e" : [
# []
# ],
# "f" : [
# "I",
# "II",
# "III",
# [
# "i.",
# "ii.",
# "iii.",
# {
# "ichi" : "\u4e00",
# "ni" : "\u4e8c",
# "san" : "\u4e09",
# "yon" : "\u56db"
# }
# ]
# ]
# },
# "b" : {
# "a" : 1,
# "b" : [
# "deux",
# 3,
# "IV"
# ],
# "f" : [
# "x",
# "y",
# "z"
# ],
# "g" : [
# {
# "none" : []
# }
# ],
# "z" : {
# "i" : "uno",
# "ii" : "dos",
# "iii" : 3,
# "iv" : 4
# }
# },
# "class" : "Jsonable"
# }
# => nil
### Command Line Usage
After [installing the gem][], pass the name of a file containing JSON to `jtidy`
(with or without a file extension). Run `jtidy -h` for a complete list of
formatting options:
jtidy FILE[.json] [-d out[.json]] [-i [2,4,6,8,10,12]] [-p [1..8]] [-v [1..8]] [-o D] [-a D] [-m N] [-e] [-A] [-N] [-s] [-f] [-P]
-d, --dest out[.json] Name of output file
-i, --indent [2,4,6,8,10,12] The number of spaces to indent each object member [2]
-p, --prop-name-space [1..8] The number of spaces to put after property names [0]
-v, --value-space [1..8] The number of spaces to put before property values [1]
-o, --object-delim D A string of whitespace to delimit object members [\n]
-a, --array-delim D A string of whitespace to delimit array elements [\n]
-m, --max-nesting N The maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON; 0 == "no depth checking" [100]
-e, --escape Escape /'s [false]
-A, --ascii Generate ASCII characters only [false]
-N, --nan Allow NaN, Infinity and -Infinity [false]
-s, --sort Sort property names [false]
-f, --force Overwrite source file [false]
-P, --preview Show preview of output [false]
-V, --version Show version
-h, --help Show this help message
### Notice
The `jtidy` executable bundled with this gem is in no way affiliated with, nor based on,
the HTML parser and pretty printer [of the same name](https://github.com/jtidy/jtidy).
The JTidy source code and binaries are licensed under the terms of the Zlib-Libpng License.
More information is available [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jtidy/jtidy/master/LICENSE.txt).
### License
Distributed under the terms of the [MIT License][].
[travis_build_status]: https://app.travis-ci.com/github/rdipardo/tidy_json
[travis_build_status_badge]: https://app.travis-ci.com/rdipardo/tidy_json.svg?branch=master
[codecov_status]: https://codecov.io/gh/rdipardo/tidy_json/branch/master
[codecov_badge]: https://codecov.io/gh/rdipardo/tidy_json/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
[gem_version_badge]: https://img.shields.io/gem/v/tidy_json?color=%234ec820&label=gem%20version&logo=ruby&logoColor=%23e9573f
[gem_downloads]: https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/tidy_json?logo=ruby&logoColor=%23e9573f
[MIT License]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rdipardo/tidy_json/master/LICENSE
[installing the gem]: https://github.com/rdipardo/tidy_json#installation
[`JSON.generate`]: https://github.com/flori/json/blob/d49c5de49e54a5ad3f6fcf587f98d63266ef9439/lib/json/pure/generator.rb#L111
[the docs]: https://rubydoc.org/github/rdipardo/tidy_json/TidyJson/Formatter#initialize-instance_method
[0.3.0]: https://github.com/rdipardo/tidy_json/releases/tag/v0.3.0