require 'rbkb/cli' require 'rbkb/plug' require 'eventmachine' # Copyright 2009 emonti at # See README.rdoc for license information # module Rbkb::Cli # Rbkb::Cli::Executable is an abstract class for creating command line # executables using the Ruby Black Bag framework. class PlugCli < Executable RX_HOST_AND_PORT = /^([\w\._-]+):(\d+)$/ RX_PORT_OPT_ADDR = /^(?:([\w\._-]+):)?(\d+)$/ attr_accessor :blit_addr, :blit_port, :blit_proto, :local_addr, :local_port, :transport, :target_addr, :target_port, :plug_opts def initialize(*args) super(*args) do |this| this.blit_addr ||= Plug::Blit::DEFAULT_IPADDR this.blit_port ||= Plug::Blit::DEFAULT_PORT this.transport ||= :TCP this.plug_opts ||= {} yield this if block_given? end # TODO Plug::UI obviously need fixing. # TODO It shouldn't be driven by constants for configuration Plug::UI::LOGCFG[:verbose] = true Plug::UI::LOGCFG[:dump] = :hex Plug::UI::LOGCFG[:out] = @stderr end def make_parser() arg = super() arg.banner << " host:port" arg.on("-o", "--output=FILE", "Output to file") do |o| Plug::UI::LOGCFG[:out] =, "w") # XXX end arg.on("-q", "--quiet", "Turn off verbose logging") do Plug::UI::LOGCFG[:verbose] = false # XXX end arg.on("-d", "--dump-format=hex/raw", "Output conversations in hexdump or raw") do |d| if m=/^(hex|raw)$/i.match(d) Plug::UI::LOGCFG[:dump] = m[1].downcase.to_sym # XXX else bail "Invalid dump format: #{d.inspect}" end end arg.on("-b", "--blit=ADDR:PORT", "Where to listen for blit") do |b| unless m=RX_PORT_OPT_ADDR.match(b) bail("Invalid blit address/port") end @blit_port = m[2].to_i @blit_addr = m[1] if m[1] end arg.on("-u", "--udp", "UDP mode") { @transport=:UDP } arg.on("-S", "--start-tls", "Initiate TLS") {|s| @plug_opts[:tls]=true } return arg end def parse_target_argument() unless (m = RX_HOST_AND_PORT.match(tgt=@argv.shift)) bail "Invalid target: #{tgt}\n Hint: use -h" end @target_addr = m[1] @target_port = m[2].to_i return m end end end