// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net), Steve Taylor // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_STATISTICs_ABSTRACT_ #ifdef DLIB_STATISTICs_ABSTRACT_ #include <limits> #include <cmath> #include "../matrix/matrix_abstract.h" #include "../svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename alloc > double mean_sign_agreement ( const std::vector<T,alloc>& a, const std::vector<T,alloc>& b ); /*! requires - a.size() == b.size() ensures - returns the number of times a[i] has the same sign as b[i] divided by a.size(). So we return the probability that elements of a and b have the same sign. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename alloc > double correlation ( const std::vector<T,alloc>& a, const std::vector<T,alloc>& b ); /*! requires - a.size() == b.size() - a.size() > 1 ensures - returns the correlation coefficient between all the elements of a and b. (i.e. how correlated is a(i) with b(i)) !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename alloc > double covariance ( const std::vector<T,alloc>& a, const std::vector<T,alloc>& b ); /*! requires - a.size() == b.size() - a.size() > 1 ensures - returns the covariance between all the elements of a and b. (i.e. how does a(i) vary with b(i)) !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename alloc > double r_squared ( const std::vector<T,alloc>& a, const std::vector<T,alloc>& b ); /*! requires - a.size() == b.size() - a.size() > 1 ensures - returns the R^2 coefficient of determination between all the elements of a and b. This value is just the square of correlation(a,b). !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename alloc > double mean_squared_error ( const std::vector<T,alloc>& a, const std::vector<T,alloc>& b ); /*! requires - a.size() == b.size() ensures - returns the mean squared error between all the elements of a and b. (i.e. mean(squared(mat(a)-mat(b)))) !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > class running_stats { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON T - T must be a float, double, or long double type INITIAL VALUE - mean() == 0 - current_n() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents something that can compute the running mean, variance, skewness, and excess kurtosis of a stream of real numbers. !*/ public: running_stats( ); /*! ensures - this object is properly initialized !*/ void clear( ); /*! ensures - this object has its initial value - clears all memory of any previous data points !*/ T current_n ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of points given to this object so far. !*/ void add ( const T& val ); /*! ensures - updates the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis stored in this object so that the new value is factored into them. - #mean() == mean()*current_n()/(current_n()+1) + val/(current_n()+1). (i.e. the updated mean value that takes the new value into account) - #variance() == the updated variance that takes this new value into account. - #skewness() == the updated skewness that takes this new value into account. - #ex_kurtosis() == the updated kurtosis that takes this new value into account. - #current_n() == current_n() + 1 !*/ T mean ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the mean of all the values presented to this object so far. !*/ T variance ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample variance of all the values presented to this object so far. !*/ T stddev ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sampled standard deviation of all the values presented to this object so far. !*/ T skewness ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 2 ensures - returns the unbiased sample skewness of all the values presented to this object so far. !*/ T ex_kurtosis( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 3 ensures - returns the unbiased sample kurtosis of all the values presented to this object so far. !*/ T max ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the largest value presented to this object so far. !*/ T min ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the smallest value presented to this object so far. !*/ T scale ( const T& val ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - return (val-mean())/stddev(); !*/ running_stats operator+ ( const running_stats& rhs ) const; /*! ensures - returns a new running_stats object that represents the combination of all the values given to *this and rhs. That is, this function returns a running_stats object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if all calls to this->add() and rhs.add() had instead been done to R. !*/ }; template <typename T> void serialize ( const running_stats<T>& item, std::ostream& out ); /*! provides serialization support !*/ template <typename T> void deserialize ( running_stats<T>& item, std::istream& in ); /*! provides serialization support !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > class running_scalar_covariance { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON T - T must be a float, double, or long double type INITIAL VALUE - mean_x() == 0 - mean_y() == 0 - current_n() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents something that can compute the running covariance of a stream of real number pairs. !*/ public: running_scalar_covariance( ); /*! ensures - this object is properly initialized !*/ void clear( ); /*! ensures - this object has its initial value - clears all memory of any previous data points !*/ void add ( const T& x, const T& y ); /*! ensures - updates the statistics stored in this object so that the new pair (x,y) is factored into them. - #current_n() == current_n() + 1 !*/ T current_n ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of points given to this object so far. !*/ T mean_x ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the mean value of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T mean_y ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the mean value of all y samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T covariance ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the covariance between all the x and y samples presented to this object via add() !*/ T correlation ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the correlation coefficient between all the x and y samples presented to this object via add() !*/ T variance_x ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample variance value of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T variance_y ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample variance value of all y samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T stddev_x ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample standard deviation of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T stddev_y ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample standard deviation of all y samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ running_scalar_covariance operator+ ( const running_covariance& rhs ) const; /*! ensures - returns a new running_scalar_covariance object that represents the combination of all the values given to *this and rhs. That is, this function returns a running_scalar_covariance object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if all calls to this->add() and rhs.add() had instead been done to R. !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > class running_scalar_covariance_decayed { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON T - T must be a float, double, or long double type INITIAL VALUE - mean_x() == 0 - mean_y() == 0 - current_n() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents something that can compute the running covariance of a stream of real number pairs. It is essentially the same as running_scalar_covariance except that it forgets about data it has seen after a certain period of time. It does this by exponentially decaying old statistics. !*/ public: running_scalar_covariance_decayed( T decay_halflife = 1000 ); /*! requires - decay_halflife > 0 ensures - #forget_factor() == std::pow(0.5, 1/decay_halflife); (i.e. after decay_halflife calls to add() the data given to the first add will be down weighted by 0.5 in the statistics stored in this object). !*/ T forget_factor ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the exponential forget factor used to forget old statistics when add() is called. !*/ void add ( const T& x, const T& y ); /*! ensures - updates the statistics stored in this object so that the new pair (x,y) is factored into them. - #current_n() == current_n()*forget_factor() + forget_factor() - Down weights old statistics by a factor of forget_factor(). !*/ T current_n ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the effective number of points given to this object. As add() is called this value will converge to a constant, the value of which is based on the decay_halflife supplied to the constructor. !*/ T mean_x ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the mean value of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T mean_y ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the mean value of all y samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T covariance ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the covariance between all the x and y samples presented to this object via add() !*/ T correlation ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the correlation coefficient between all the x and y samples presented to this object via add() !*/ T variance_x ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the sample variance value of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T variance_y ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the sample variance value of all y samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T stddev_x ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the sample standard deviation of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T stddev_y ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the sample standard deviation of all y samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > class running_stats_decayed { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON T - T must be a float, double, or long double type INITIAL VALUE - mean() == 0 - current_n() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents something that can compute the running mean and variance of a stream of real numbers. It is similar to running_stats except that it forgets about data it has seen after a certain period of time. It does this by exponentially decaying old statistics. !*/ public: running_stats_decayed( T decay_halflife = 1000 ); /*! requires - decay_halflife > 0 ensures - #forget_factor() == std::pow(0.5, 1/decay_halflife); (i.e. after decay_halflife calls to add() the data given to the first add will be down weighted by 0.5 in the statistics stored in this object). !*/ T forget_factor ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the exponential forget factor used to forget old statistics when add() is called. !*/ void add ( const T& x ); /*! ensures - updates the statistics stored in this object so that x is factored into them. - #current_n() == current_n()*forget_factor() + forget_factor() - Down weights old statistics by a factor of forget_factor(). !*/ T current_n ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the effective number of points given to this object. As add() is called this value will converge to a constant, the value of which is based on the decay_halflife supplied to the constructor. !*/ T mean ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the mean value of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T variance ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the sample variance value of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ T stddev ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 0 ensures - returns the sample standard deviation of all x samples presented to this object via add(). !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename matrix_type > class running_covariance { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type Must be some type of dlib::matrix. INITIAL VALUE - in_vector_size() == 0 - current_n() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object is a simple tool for computing the mean and covariance of a sequence of vectors. !*/ public: typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type; typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type; typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix; typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix; running_covariance( ); /*! ensures - this object is properly initialized !*/ void clear( ); /*! ensures - this object has its initial value - clears all memory of any previous data points !*/ long current_n ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of samples that have been presented to this object !*/ long in_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors or set_dimension() has been called) then - returns the dimension of the column vectors used with this object - else - returns 0 !*/ void set_dimension ( long size ); /*! requires - size > 0 ensures - #in_vector_size() == size - #current_n() == 0 !*/ template <typename T> void add ( const T& val ); /*! requires - val must represent a column vector. It can either be a dlib::matrix object or some kind of unsorted sparse vector type. See the top of dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h for a definition of unsorted sparse vector. - val must have a number of dimensions which is compatible with the current setting of in_vector_size(). In particular, this means that the following must hold: - if (val is a dlib::matrix) then - in_vector_size() == 0 || val.size() == val_vector_size() - else - max_index_plus_one(val) <= in_vector_size() - in_vector_size() > 0 (i.e. you must call set_dimension() prior to calling add() if you want to use sparse vectors.) ensures - updates the mean and covariance stored in this object so that the new value is factored into them. - if (val is a dlib::matrix) then - #in_vector_size() == val.size() !*/ const column_matrix mean ( ) const; /*! requires - in_vector_size() != 0 ensures - returns the mean of all the vectors presented to this object so far. !*/ const general_matrix covariance ( ) const; /*! requires - in_vector_size() != 0 - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample covariance matrix for all the vectors presented to this object so far. !*/ const running_covariance operator+ ( const running_covariance& item ) const; /*! requires - in_vector_size() == 0 || item.in_vector_size() == 0 || in_vector_size() == item.in_vector_size() (i.e. the in_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero) ensures - returns a new running_covariance object that represents the combination of all the vectors given to *this and item. That is, this function returns a running_covariance object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if all calls to this->add() and item.add() had instead been done to R. !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename matrix_type > class running_cross_covariance { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type Must be some type of dlib::matrix. INITIAL VALUE - x_vector_size() == 0 - y_vector_size() == 0 - current_n() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object is a simple tool for computing the mean and cross-covariance matrices of a sequence of pairs of vectors. !*/ public: typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type; typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type; typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix; typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix; running_cross_covariance( ); /*! ensures - this object is properly initialized !*/ void clear( ); /*! ensures - This object has its initial value. - Clears all memory of any previous data points. !*/ long x_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors or set_dimensions() has been called) then - returns the dimension of the x vectors given to this object via add(). - else - returns 0 !*/ long y_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors or set_dimensions() has been called) then - returns the dimension of the y vectors given to this object via add(). - else - returns 0 !*/ void set_dimensions ( long x_size, long y_size ); /*! requires - x_size > 0 - y_size > 0 ensures - #x_vector_size() == x_size - #y_vector_size() == y_size - #current_n() == 0 !*/ long current_n ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of samples that have been presented to this object. !*/ template <typename T, typename U> void add ( const T& x, const U& y ); /*! requires - x and y must represent column vectors. They can either be dlib::matrix objects or some kind of unsorted sparse vector type. See the top of dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h for a definition of unsorted sparse vector. - x and y must have a number of dimensions which is compatible with the current setting of x_vector_size() and y_vector_size(). In particular, this means that the following must hold: - if (x or y is a sparse vector type) then - x_vector_size() > 0 && y_vector_size() > 0 (i.e. you must call set_dimensions() prior to calling add() if you want to use sparse vectors.) - if (x is a dlib::matrix) then - x_vector_size() == 0 || x.size() == x_vector_size() - else - max_index_plus_one(x) <= x_vector_size() - if (y is a dlib::matrix) then - y_vector_size() == 0 || y.size() == y_vector_size() - else - max_index_plus_one(y) <= y_vector_size() ensures - updates the mean and cross-covariance matrices stored in this object so that the new (x,y) vector pair is factored into them. - if (x is a dlib::matrix) then - #x_vector_size() == x.size() - if (y is a dlib::matrix) then - #y_vector_size() == y.size() !*/ const column_matrix mean_x ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() != 0 ensures - returns the mean of all the x vectors presented to this object so far. - The returned vector will have x_vector_size() dimensions. !*/ const column_matrix mean_y ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() != 0 ensures - returns the mean of all the y vectors presented to this object so far. - The returned vector will have y_vector_size() dimensions. !*/ const general_matrix covariance_xy ( ) const; /*! requires - current_n() > 1 ensures - returns the unbiased sample cross-covariance matrix for all the vector pairs presented to this object so far. In particular, returns a matrix M such that: - M.nr() == x_vector_size() - M.nc() == y_vector_size() - M == the cross-covariance matrix of the data given to add(). !*/ const running_cross_covariance operator+ ( const running_cross_covariance& item ) const; /*! requires - x_vector_size() == 0 || item.x_vector_size() == 0 || x_vector_size() == item.x_vector_size() (i.e. the x_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero) - y_vector_size() == 0 || item.y_vector_size() == 0 || y_vector_size() == item.y_vector_size() (i.e. the y_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero) ensures - returns a new running_cross_covariance object that represents the combination of all the vectors given to *this and item. That is, this function returns a running_cross_covariance object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if all calls to this->add() and item.add() had instead been done to R. !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename matrix_type > class vector_normalizer { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type - must be a dlib::matrix object capable of representing column vectors INITIAL VALUE - in_vector_size() == 0 - out_vector_size() == 0 - means().size() == 0 - std_devs().size() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents something that can learn to normalize a set of column vectors. In particular, normalized column vectors should have zero mean and a variance of one. Also, if desired, this object can use principal component analysis for the purposes of reducing the number of elements in a vector. THREAD SAFETY Note that this object contains a cached matrix object it uses to store intermediate results for normalization. This avoids needing to reallocate it every time this object performs normalization but also makes it non-thread safe. So make sure you don't share instances of this object between threads. !*/ public: typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type; typedef matrix_type result_type; template <typename vector_type> void train ( const vector_type& samples ); /*! requires - samples.size() > 0 - samples == a column matrix or something convertible to a column matrix via mat(). Also, x should contain matrix_type objects that represent nonempty column vectors. - samples does not contain any infinite or NaN values ensures - #in_vector_size() == samples(0).nr() - #out_vector_size() == samples(0).nr() - This object has learned how to normalize vectors that look like vectors in the given set of samples. - #means() == mean(samples) - #std_devs() == reciprocal(sqrt(variance(samples))); !*/ long in_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of rows that input vectors are required to contain if they are to be normalized by this object. !*/ long out_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of rows in the normalized vectors that come out of this object. !*/ const matrix_type& means ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns a matrix M such that: - M.nc() == 1 - M.nr() == in_vector_size() - M(i) == the mean of the ith input feature shown to train() !*/ const matrix_type& std_devs ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns a matrix SD such that: - SD.nc() == 1 - SD.nr() == in_vector_size() - SD(i) == the reciprocal of the standard deviation of the ith input feature shown to train() !*/ const result_type& operator() ( const matrix_type& x ) const; /*! requires - x.nr() == in_vector_size() - x.nc() == 1 ensures - returns a normalized version of x, call it Z, that has the following properties: - Z.nr() == out_vector_size() - Z.nc() == 1 - the mean of each element of Z is 0 - the variance of each element of Z is 1 - Z == pointwise_multiply(x-means(), std_devs()); !*/ void swap ( vector_normalizer& item ); /*! ensures - swaps *this and item !*/ }; template < typename matrix_type > inline void swap ( vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& a, vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& b ) { a.swap(b); } /*! provides a global swap function !*/ template < typename matrix_type, > void deserialize ( vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& item, std::istream& in ); /*! provides deserialization support !*/ template < typename matrix_type, > void serialize ( const vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& item, std::ostream& out ); /*! provides serialization support !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename matrix_type > class vector_normalizer_pca { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type - must be a dlib::matrix object capable of representing column vectors INITIAL VALUE - in_vector_size() == 0 - out_vector_size() == 0 - means().size() == 0 - std_devs().size() == 0 - pca_matrix().size() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents something that can learn to normalize a set of column vectors. In particular, normalized column vectors should have zero mean and a variance of one. Also, this object uses principal component analysis for the purposes of reducing the number of elements in a vector. THREAD SAFETY Note that this object contains a cached matrix object it uses to store intermediate results for normalization. This avoids needing to reallocate it every time this object performs normalization but also makes it non-thread safe. So make sure you don't share instances of this object between threads. !*/ public: typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type; typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> result_type; template <typename vector_type> void train ( const vector_type& samples, const double eps = 0.99 ); /*! requires - 0 < eps <= 1 - samples.size() > 0 - samples == a column matrix or something convertible to a column matrix via mat(). Also, x should contain matrix_type objects that represent nonempty column vectors. - samples does not contain any infinite or NaN values ensures - This object has learned how to normalize vectors that look like vectors in the given set of samples. - Principal component analysis is performed to find a transform that might reduce the number of output features. - #in_vector_size() == samples(0).nr() - 0 < #out_vector_size() <= samples(0).nr() - eps is a number that controls how "lossy" the pca transform will be. Large values of eps result in #out_vector_size() being larger and smaller values of eps result in #out_vector_size() being smaller. - #means() == mean(samples) - #std_devs() == reciprocal(sqrt(variance(samples))); - #pca_matrix() == the PCA transform matrix that is out_vector_size() rows by in_vector_size() columns. !*/ long in_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of rows that input vectors are required to contain if they are to be normalized by this object. !*/ long out_vector_size ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of rows in the normalized vectors that come out of this object. !*/ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& means ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns a matrix M such that: - M.nc() == 1 - M.nr() == in_vector_size() - M(i) == the mean of the ith input feature shown to train() !*/ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& std_devs ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns a matrix SD such that: - SD.nc() == 1 - SD.nr() == in_vector_size() - SD(i) == the reciprocal of the standard deviation of the ith input feature shown to train() !*/ const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& pca_matrix ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns a matrix PCA such that: - PCA.nr() == out_vector_size() - PCA.nc() == in_vector_size() - PCA == the principal component analysis transformation matrix !*/ const result_type& operator() ( const matrix_type& x ) const; /*! requires - x.nr() == in_vector_size() - x.nc() == 1 ensures - returns a normalized version of x, call it Z, that has the following properties: - Z.nr() == out_vector_size() - Z.nc() == 1 - the mean of each element of Z is 0 - the variance of each element of Z is 1 - Z == pca_matrix()*pointwise_multiply(x-means(), std_devs()); !*/ void swap ( vector_normalizer_pca& item ); /*! ensures - swaps *this and item !*/ }; template < typename matrix_type > inline void swap ( vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& a, vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& b ) { a.swap(b); } /*! provides a global swap function !*/ template < typename matrix_type, > void deserialize ( vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& item, std::istream& in ); /*! provides deserialization support !*/ template < typename matrix_type, > void serialize ( const vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& item, std::ostream& out ); /*! provides serialization support !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_STATISTICs_ABSTRACT_