import ApplicationController from "satis/controllers/application_controller" import { createPopper } from "@popperjs/core" import { debounce } from "satis/utils" export default class DateTimePickerComponentController extends ApplicationController { static targets = [ "input", "hiddenInput", "clearButton", "hours", "minutes", "month", "year", "days", "weekDays", "calendarView", "weekDayTemplate", "emtpyTemplate", "dayTemplate", ] static values = { locale: String, // Which locale should be used, if nothing entered, browser locale is used weekStart: Number, // On which day do we start the week, sunday - saturday : 0 - 6 format: Object, // JSON date-format - clearable: Boolean, // Whether it is allowed to clear the value inline: Boolean, // Whether the calendar should be shown inline timePicker: Boolean, // Whether to show the timePicker range: Boolean, // whether we allow to select a range of dates multiple: Boolean, // whether we allow to select multiple dates // visibleMonths: Number, // TODO: whether we show more than one calendar view } connect() { super.connect() if (!this.localeValue) { this.localeValue = navigator.language } if (!this.clearableValue) { this.clearButtonTarget.classList.add("hidden") } if (this.timePickerValue) { this.rangeValue = false this.multipleValue = false } this.prepareSelection() if (!this.inlineValue) { this.popperInstance = createPopper(this.element, this.calendarViewTarget, { offset: [-20, 2], placement: "bottom-start", modifiers: [ { name: "flip", enabled: true, options: { boundary: this.element.closest(".sts-card"), }, }, { name: "preventOverflow", enabled: true, }, ], }) this.popperInstance.state.elements.popper.popperInstance = () => this.popperInstance } this.boundClickedOutside = this.clickedOutside.bind(this) if (!this.inlineValue) { window.addEventListener("click", this.boundClickedOutside) } this.boundKeyUp = this.keyUp.bind(this) window.addEventListener("keyup", this.boundKeyUp) let input = this.inputTarget this.hiddenInputTarget.addEventListener("focus", function (event) { input.focus() }) // we set the calendar data and update the visual layout if (this.hiddenInputTarget.value) { // flag true indicates we are also updating/refreshing the input field data this.refreshCalendar(true) } else { this.refreshCalendar(false) } } prepareSelection() { this.selectedValue = [] let startDate = new Date() if (this.hiddenInputTarget.value) { this.hiddenInputTarget.value.split(/;| - |\s/).forEach((value) => { this.selectedValue.push(new Date(Date.parse(value))) }) } if (this.selectedValue.length == 0) { this.selectedValue.push( new Date( startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate(), startDate.getHours(), startDate.getMinutes(), 0 ) ) } this.displayValue = new Date(this.selectedValue[0].getFullYear(), this.selectedValue[0].getMonth(), 1) this.currentSelectNr = this.selectedValue.length } disconnect() { window.removeEventListener("click", this.boundClickedOutside) window.removeEventListener("keyup", this.boundKeyUp) } /************** * ACTIONS * **************/ clear(event) { if (this.clearableValue) { this.selectedValue = [] this.currentSelectNr = 1 let today = new Date() this.displayValue = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), 1) this.hiddenInputTarget.value = "" this.inputTarget.value = "" this.hiddenInputTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change",{ detail: { src: "satis-date-time-picker" } })) } event.preventDefault() } showCalendar(event) { this.calendarViewTarget.classList.remove("hidden") this.calendarViewTarget.setAttribute("data-show", "") if (!this.inlineValue) { this.popperInstance.update() } } hideCalendar(event) { this.calendarViewTarget.classList.add("hidden") this.calendarViewTarget.removeAttribute("data-show") } previousMonth(event) { this.displayValue = new Date(new Date(this.displayValue).setMonth(this.displayValue.getMonth() - 1)) this.refreshCalendar(false) } nextMonth(event) { this.displayValue = new Date(new Date(this.displayValue).setMonth(this.displayValue.getMonth() + 1)) this.refreshCalendar(false) } clickedOutside(event) { if ( == "svg" || == "path") { return } let isInside = false let controllerEl ='[data-controller="satis-date-time-picker"]') if (controllerEl) { isInside = controllerEl["satis-date-time-picker"] == this } if (!isInside) { this.hideCalendar(event) } event.cancelBubble = true } keyUp(event) { if (event.key == "Tab") { let controllerEl = document.activeElement.closest('[data-controller="satis-date-time-picker"]') if (controllerEl) { if (controllerEl["satis-date-time-picker"] != this) { this.hideCalendar(event) } } else { this.hideCalendar(event) } event.cancelBubble = true } } changeHours(event) { this.selectedValue[0] = new Date(new Date(this.selectedValue[0]).setHours( this.refreshInputs() event.preventDefault() } changeMinutes(event) { this.selectedValue[0] = new Date(new Date(this.selectedValue[0]).setMinutes( this.refreshInputs() event.preventDefault() } keyPress(event) { switch (event.key) { case "Escape": this.hideCalendar(event) break case "Enter": event.preventDefault() event.cancelBubble = true break default: break } } hiddenInputChanged(event) { this.prepareSelection() this.refreshCalendar(false) if(event?.detail?.src !== "satis-date-time-picker") { this.refreshInputs(false) } } dateTimeEntered(event) { // FIXME: This doesn't work properly yet // let newValue // try { // newValue = new Date(this.inputTarget.value) // } catch (error) {} // if (!isNaN(newValue.getTime())) { // this.selectedValue = [newValue] // this.refreshCalendar() // } } selectDay(event) { let oldCurrentValue = this.selectedValue[0] if (!this.rangeValue && !this.multipleValue) { this.selectedValue[0] = new Date(new Date(this.displayValue).setDate( if (this.timePickerValue && oldCurrentValue) { this.selectedValue[0].setHours(oldCurrentValue.getHours()) this.selectedValue[0].setMinutes(oldCurrentValue.getMinutes()) } this.currentSelectNr = 1 } else if (this.rangeValue) { if (this.currentSelectNr == 1) { this.selectedValue = [] } this.selectedValue[this.currentSelectNr - 1] = new Date( new Date(this.displayValue).setDate( ) this.currentSelectNr += 1 if (this.currentSelectNr > 2) { this.currentSelectNr = 1 } } else if (this.multipleValue) { this.selectedValue[this.currentSelectNr - 1] = new Date( new Date(this.displayValue).setDate( ) this.currentSelectNr += 1 } this.refreshCalendar() if (!this.rangeValue || this.selectedValue.length == 2) { this.hideCalendar() } event.cancelBubble = true } /*********** * HELPERS * ***********/ get maxSelectNr() { let result = 1 if (this.rangeValue) { result = 2 } else if (this.multipleValue) { result = 0 } return result } // Refreshes the hidden and visible input values refreshInputs(dispatchEvent = true) { let joinChar = ";" if (this.rangeValue) { joinChar = " - " } else if (this.multipleValue) { joinChar = ";" } let inputValue = this.selectedValue .map((val) => { return this.iso8601(val) }) .join(joinChar) if (inputValue.split(joinChar).length >= this.maxSelectNr) { this.hiddenInputTarget.value = inputValue if (dispatchEvent) { this.hiddenInputTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")) } } let format = this.formatValue if (!this.timePickerValue) { delete format["hour"] delete format["minute"] } this.inputTarget.value = this.selectedValue .map((val) => { return Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.localeValue, format).format(val) }) .join(joinChar) } // Refreshes the calendar refreshCalendar(refreshInputs) { this.monthTarget.innerHTML = this.monthName this.yearTarget.innerHTML = this.displayValue.getFullYear() this.weekDaysTarget.innerHTML = "" this.getWeekDays(this.localeValue).forEach((dayName) => { this.weekDaysTarget.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", this.weekDayTemplateTarget.innerHTML.replace(/\${name}/g, dayName) ) }) // Deal with AM/PM // new Date().toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', hour12: true }) if (this.hasHoursTarget) { if (this.selectedValue[0]) { this.hoursTarget.value = ("" + this.selectedValue[0].getHours()).padStart(2, "0") } else { this.hoursTarget.value = "0" // FIXME: Should be 0:00 in locale } } if (this.hasMinutesTarget) { if (this.selectedValue[0]) { this.minutesTarget.value = ("" + this.selectedValue[0].getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0") } else { this.minutesTarget.value = "00" // FIXME: Should be 0:00 in locale } } this.daysTarget.innerHTML = "" this.monthDays.forEach((day) => { if (day == " ") { this.daysTarget.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", this.emtpyTemplateTarget.innerHTML) } else { let date = new Date(new Date(this.displayValue).setDate(day)) let tmpDiv = document.createElement("div") tmpDiv.innerHTML = this.dayTemplateTarget.innerHTML.replace(/\${day}/g, day) if (this.isToday(date)) { let div = tmpDiv.querySelector(".text-center") div.classList.add("border-red-500", "border") } let div = tmpDiv.querySelector(".text-center") if (this.isSelected(date)) { if (this.rangeValue && this.selectedValue.length == 2) { if (this.isDate(this.selectedValue[0], date)) { div.classList.add("bg-primary-500", "text-white", "dark:text-gray-200") div.classList.remove("rounded-r-full") } else if (this.isDate(this.selectedValue[1], date)) { div.classList.add("bg-primary-500", "text-white", "dark:text-gray-200") div.classList.remove("rounded-l-full") } else if (this.isSelected(date)) { div.classList.remove("rounded-r-full") div.classList.remove("rounded-l-full") div.classList.add("bg-primary-200", "text-white", "dark:text-gray-200") } } else { div.classList.add("bg-primary-500", "text-white", "dark:text-gray-200") } } else { div.classList.add("text-gray-700", "dark:text-gray-300") } this.daysTarget.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", tmpDiv.innerHTML) tmpDiv.remove() } }) if (refreshInputs != false) { if (this.rangeValue && this.selectedValue.length == 2) { this.refreshInputs() } else { this.refreshInputs(false) } } } // Format the given Date into an ISO8601 string whilst preserving the given timezone iso8601(date) { let tzo = -date.getTimezoneOffset(), dif = tzo >= 0 ? "+" : "-", pad = function (num) { let norm = Math.floor(Math.abs(num)) return (norm < 10 ? "0" : "") + norm } return ( date.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + pad(date.getDate()) + "T" + pad(date.getHours()) + ":" + pad(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad(date.getSeconds()) + dif + pad(tzo / 60) + ":" + pad(tzo % 60) ) } // Is date today? isToday(date) { const today = new Date() return ( date.getDate() === today.getDate() && date.getMonth() === today.getMonth() && date.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear() ) } isDate(today, date) { return ( date.getDate() === today.getDate() && date.getMonth() === today.getMonth() && date.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear() ) } // Is date the currently selected value isSelected(date) { if (this.rangeValue && this.selectedValue.length == 2) { return date >= this.selectedValue[0] && date <= this.selectedValue[1] } else { return this.selectedValue.some((selDate) => { return ( date.getDate() === selDate.getDate() && date.getMonth() === selDate.getMonth() && date.getFullYear() === selDate.getFullYear() ) }) } } // Get name of month for current value get monthName() { let result = new Date(this.displayValue).toLocaleString(this.localeValue, { month: "long" }) result = result[0].toUpperCase() + result.substring(1) return result } // Gets the names of week days getWeekDays(locale) { const baseDate = new Date(2021, 1, this.weekStartValue) // 1 Feb 2021 is a monday let weekDays = [] for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { let weekDay = baseDate.toLocaleDateString(locale, { weekday: "short" }) weekDays.push(weekDay) baseDate.setDate(baseDate.getDate() + 1) } return weekDays } // Gets the list of days to display get monthDays() { let results = [] // Sun: 0, Mon: 1, Tue: 2, Wed: 3, Thu: 4, Fri: 5, Sat: 6 let dayOfFirstOfMonth = new Date(new Date(this.displayValue).setDate(0)).getDay() + 1 - this.weekStartValue let monthStart = dayOfFirstOfMonth if (dayOfFirstOfMonth < 0) { monthStart += 7 } let monthEnd = new Date( new Date(new Date(this.displayValue).setMonth(this.displayValue.getMonth() + 1)).setDate(0) ).getDate() for (let index = 0; index < monthStart; index++) { results.push(" ") } for (let index = 1; index <= monthEnd; index++) { results.push(index) } return results } }